
Brand New Corsair Strafe MX Silent and Repeater

Mar 16, 2017 09:21 by nikodian

Hai everyone !!

I am selling my brand new Corsair Strafe MX silent with Japanese keyboard layout and repeater Elecom WTC-300HWH.

The price is:
Corsair MX strafe mx silent: 15000 yen
Elecom WTC-300HWH: 2000 yen

The retail price for the keyboard is around 17.000 yen, and I just use it once for the test, then I never use it again until now. I bought it in December. For the repeater, the retail price was 3500 yen. I sell it because I bought a wrong one. I thought it was a router but because of my poor knowledge in Japanese.

If you are interesting, please send an email to or message. My place is in Dormitory 1 near Ito Campus (Kyushu University).

Have a look at it in the gallery in the link:

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