
Full Time English Contract Instructors Needed

Jun 5, 2017 16:40 by Berlitz

Berlitz Japan, Fukuoka Tenjin Language Center, has openings for Full Time Instructor (FTI) contract position. We are seeking instructors who:

* have a minimum of BA or BS degree
* are native (or native fluent) English speakers
* are dynamic, mature and professional
* are culturally sensitive and have excellent organizational and communication skills
* are looking to work for a minimum of 1 year
* are interested in teaching adults as well as children
* are already residing in the Fukuoka area
*are looking to teach weekdays evenings, Saturdays and Sundays

Full Time Instructor (FTI): Competitive monthly salary, paid commutation costs, paid insurance, etc.

Additional details about contracts can be discussed during the interview.
For more information or to apply, please visit us at

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