
Girl Big Band is Now Seeking New Members!

Jun 1, 2012 09:33 by Ayame Uzuki

福岡を拠点に活躍する新生ビッグバンド、“Funky Panty”は、新メンバーを募集しています!

Funky Panty(ファンキー パンティー)は、サックスプレイヤー・菅原彰司がプロデュースする女性ビッグバンドです。ジャズ、ラテン、J-pop、懐かしの歌謡曲まで、幅広いジャンルをこなす彼女たちは、これまでBillborad Live Fukuoka、Gate’s 7そして九州内のハイクラスホテル等でパフォーマンスを披露して来ました。今年は、9月開催の中洲ジャズに出演が決定しています。また、10月にはGate’s 7にて2 days ライブを予定しています☆




We are trying to revive the Big Band sound in Fukuoka!
Our girl band, “Funky Panty,” produced by local Saxophone professional Shoji Sugawara, is seeking new members!!

Funky Panty’s repertoire ranges from standard jazz numbers to Latin, and even trendy and classical Japanese pops. We have done live performances at Billboard Live Fukuoka, Gate’s 7 and various top-notch hotels in the Kyushu area. We’ll be performing at the Nakasu Jazz Festival this coming September and also at Gate’s 7 for a 2-day live event in October.

Everyone from beginners to experts is very much welcomed. Private lessons can be arranged for those interested. But if you pass the audition, you will be one of the first-string members right away.

Also, non-Japanese music-lovers, regardless of your country of origin, can apply as well! Though all lessons are conducted in Japanese, we do not set a certain level of Japanese proficiency as prerequisite for the application. We are welcoming those who are highly motivated to improve their skill as musicians and their Japanese language ability at the same time.

We are recruiting female members for the horn section (saxophone, trumpet, trombone), solo vocal, chorus team and piano. The bass and drum sections are accepting applications from both men and women.
We’ll be looking forward to your application!!

Here’s a video that includes messages from members in each section and also their practice sessions.

Funky Panty Official Website

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