
Hello friends, here you can find some house equipment.

Mar 5, 2018 12:56 by Nabi

Moving out sale, multiple items are available.
Washing Machine Toshiba, 5000 yen
Refrigerator Toshiba, 5000 yen
Microwave Toshiba, 5000 yen
TV SHARP, LC20 D10, 5000 yen
Jadoo4 Box, 5000 yen
Vacuum cleaner, 1500
Electric heater, 2000 yen
Fan, 1000 yen
Small Electric water boiler, 1000 yen
Japanese Bread Superman Pinocchio Baby Trojan horse and some more toys, 2000 yen
Some kitchen tools, carpets, and furniture also available
Note: pickup date is anytime up to 20th of March. Please PM me or comment on this post if you are interested.
Address: shimoyamato station, janoharudanchi. 26-401, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka-shi.

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