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Disaster Area Volunteers: 10 Things to Keep in Mind

Many people are considering travelling down to the earthquake-affected areas to offer their assistance. Volunteers are definitely needed, but please read these tips for volunteers before you start out…
1. Above all, stay safe, and be aware of aftershocks.
2. If you feel a task might put you in danger, don’t accept it.
3. Remember to stay hydrated and rest regularly.
4. Keep your nametag visible so as not to look suspicious to the victims/evacuees.
5. Refrain from photographing collapsed houses and/or victims.
6. Remember that some “garbage” or “rubble” might actually be valuable to the earthquake victims.
7. Carry water and a first aid kit with you at all times, and take your garbage away with you.
8. Be considerate and encourage victims to rest, even if they offer you assistance.
9. Start a conversation! (It can help brighten the mood.)
10. Don’t feel frustrated even if you’re not assigned to a task right away. Being patient is an important part of volunteering!

volunteer tips

(Photo Source)

Published: Apr 22, 2016 / Last Updated: Apr 22, 2016

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