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Fukuoka City Hosts Second Highest Number of International Conferences in Japan

The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) revealed which cities in Japan hosted the highest number of international conferences during 2016. Tokyo was first with 574 events, Fukuoka City was second with 383, and Kyoto third with 278. Fukuoka has been second on the list for the last four years. Statistics show that the number of events taking place in the city have risen by more than one hundred in less than half a decade. The largest gathering of international visitors at one venue in Japan for 2016 was the 99th Lions Clubs International Convention, which was held in Fukuoka City. As many as 12,000 participants from abroad are said to have attended the five-day convention in June. The total number of overseas participants at international meetings in Japan was approximately 214,000, which equates to a 22.3% increase compared to 2015. The dramatic rise suggests that recent efforts to promote international MICE (meetings, incentive training/travel, conventions, and event/exhibitions) events have been successful. Source: JNTO, 10/31/2017

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Fukuoka City
Published: Nov 14, 2017 / Last Updated: Nov 14, 2017

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