Local News

Fukuoka Elementary Schools Score Well

Results from the national academic achievement test revealed that the average score for elementary schools in Fukuoka Prefecture is the highest its been since the survey first started. The nationwide exams were held in April, with elementary and junior high school students tested in the Japanese language and mathematics. Elementary schools in Fukuoka Prefecture as a whole experienced a notable improvement, climbing from 23rd in last year’s rankings to 16th this time around. Junior high schools in the prefecture ranked 39th, which was below the national average. However, scores across the two subjects rose for the second consecutive year, indicating a slight rise in academic achievement. There was a disparity in the scores between the prefecture’s seven districts with Chikuho scoring the lowest out of the subjects that were tested. Aware of this trend, the prefecture has been making efforts to help the area improve its academic results over the last few years. The prefectural board of education plan to further analyze the results to find out how to improve teaching and learning standards. Source: TNC and Tenjin Keizai Shimbun, 8/28/2017

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Sep 8, 2017 / Last Updated: Sep 8, 2017

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