Local News

Oita Police Looking for Ways to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

The Oita Prefectural police are looking at ways to prevent motorcycling accidents. The warm spring weather and numerous national holidays that fall in May will see an increase in the number of motorcyclists out on long distance drives. This tends to result in a rise in motorcycle-related traffic accidents occurring in the months leading up to the summer. Oita police plan to combat the problem by patrolling roads that are popular with bikers, cracking down on speeding, conducting checks at spots that have seen accidents in the past, and distributing leaflets at roadside stations. The Transportation Planning Department revealed that the number of motorcycle deaths that occurred from 2013 to 2017 during the months of April, May, and June was 11. This figure is notably higher than the six deaths recorded from July to September, and the two fatalities that occurred in the last three months of the year across the same time span. Many accidents are believed to have been caused by drivers in their 40s and 50s taking corners at speeds that they could not control. Source: Mainichi Shimbun, 3/15/2018

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Oita Prefecture
Published: Mar 20, 2018 / Last Updated: Mar 20, 2018

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