Local News
- Local News
Jun 20, 2008 Local News
Government to Dispose of 11 Facilities in Kyushu
A Ministry of Finance-affiliated group announced plans to sell government-owned facilities that are infrequently used. Eleven of these sites are in Kyushu, and include a baseball s...
Jun 20, 2008 Local News
GID Group Holds Get-Together
and invited area residents as a way to enhance understanding. A group representative said the objective was to enable people with GID to live normal lives in Kyushu. They plan to h...
Jun 20, 2008 Local News
Saga Prefecture Has Highest Teenage Abortion Rate in Japan
The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare released statistics on the abortion rate for teenagers in 2006 showing that Saga Prefecture has the highest rate in the nation, with 14.2...
Jun 20, 2008 Local News
Kyushu Tourism Seminar Slated for Thailand
The Kyushu District Transport Bureau plans to hold its first tourism seminar in Thailand in Bangkok this September to promote regional tourism in that country. There are fewer Thai...
Jun 5, 2008 Local News
Retired Postal Worker Stars in French Movie
Ken’ichi Morimoto, a retired postal worker from Mashiki-machi, Kumamoto Prefecture, has become the star of a French movie titled Monsieur Morimoto. Morimoto retired from the postal...
Jun 5, 2008 Local News
Decline in Kyushu’s Child Population Accelerates
According to the results of the 2005 national census, the population of Kyushu fell 0.7% from the previous census in 2000 to 13,353,000 people. It was the first decline in regional...
Jun 5, 2008 Local News
Kyushu Electric Increases Purchase Price of Wind Power
Kyushu Electric Power announced that in the current fiscal year, it would increase by 1.5 yen to 11 yen the maximum unit price of wind power it purchases that has been generated by...
Jun 5, 2008 Local News
Nagasaki Student NGO Soliciting Food Relief for African Nation
BOAT, an NGO created by students in Nagasaki Prefecture, is soliciting donors to provide meal money for children in the Central African Republic. The poverty-stricken country has b...
Jun 5, 2008 Local News
Number of Kitakyushu Districts with High Elderly Population Rising
A survey by the University of Kitakyushu found that as of the end of March this year, a total of 20.6% of the city’s districts at the machi or o-aza level had populations in which ...
Jun 5, 2008 Local News
Satsumaimo Leaves and Stems Baked into New Cake
Festivalo, a company producing and selling Western-style confections in Kanyoa, Kagoshima Prefecture, has developed a cake whose ingredients include the edible leaves and stems of ...