Almost 69 years have passed since the Fukuoka Air Raid of 1945. During the Air Raid, 211 B-29 Bombers dropped over 1500 tonnes of incendiary bombs on Hakata and Tenjin, covering an area from Gofukumachi and Hakata Station to Ohori Park and the shores of Hakata Bay. The flames destroyed one third of the city and killed an estimated 902 people (244 reported missing). An exhibition is currently being held at the Fukuoka City Museum of Literature (Red Brick Culture Centre) in remembrance of this event. English explanations will be provided by local junior high “English club” students on Saturday, June 14 from 10:00~12:00. Fukuoka City Museum of Literature is an old red brick building located on Showa dori, near the Naka River.

Fukuoka City Akarenga (Red Brick) Culture Center
• 6/13 (Fri.) ~15 (Sun.) 10:00~19:00 *Last day until 17:00
• Fukuoka City Akarenga (Red Brick) Culture Center
• Free
• 092-722-4666
• 1-15-30 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka