One Fukuoka’s most stylish streets, Josui-dori has a more laid-back, sophisticated feel than busier areas such as Daimyo or Tenjin. The trees lining the road are also a welcome touch, making it a great spot for an early summer stroll.
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After turning into Josui-dori from Yakuin-odori, you will soon see on your left the Kyushu Energy Science Center and Kyuden Memorial Gymnasium. A walk along Josui-dori will eventually lead us to the Fukuoka City Zoological Garden and Minami Park, but before that there are lots of shops to explore. Among the many furniture stores, flower shops and restaurants some of the most eye-catching are the confectioneries, where all manner of sweet delights can be found. Rest for a while at chocolate specialty shop Cacao Romance or tart and quiche shop Le Cercle, which are both also cafes. Down a small side street is French-style confectionery 16-ku, whose authentic almond-flavored baked biscuits are a specialty of owner-chef Mr. Mishima.
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It’s also fun just to walk around and admire the unique architecture, like the rusk shop Only One, with its distinctive big red door, or the wide open space created by the large windows at custom kitchen showroom Kitchen House. The flower shop Marji Orchids won an urban design award for its architecture, which makes use of curved stone surfaces. In complete contrast, Japanese confectionery Muraoka Sohonpo is built in a traditional Japanese style. Trees line the path from the gate to the entrance, and the low-key mood brings to mind a Japanese teahouse. Kimono shop Tamaya, meanwhile, has a surprisingly modern interior.
If you can drag yourself away from the shops, moving a little further up the hill leads to a dramatic change of scenery as Minami Park appears on the left-hand side like a green oasis in the heart of the city. As well as the zoological garden and botanical garden, there is also a viewing platform offering 360゜ views of Fukuoka. A fitting way to end an interesting and enjoyable walk.
Wow! Imagine a restaurant that specializes in natto dishes! Heaven for many, Hell for others> Well if you love this healthy bean you’ll love this restaurant that offers 80 varieties of dished made with natto from main dishes to desserts. Take out natto-sweets too!
Authentic Italian restaurant produced by chef Ishibashi the former executive chef of Japanese Embassy in Switzerland and Italy. One of the highlights is the Rome-style pizza baked in wood-burning oven.
Tel: 092-404-7030
This chocolatier using traditional Swiss recipes has been a landmark on the street for years. Rest your legs after strolling around Josui-dori in this lovely cafe with a garden view.
Tel: 092-524-1288
A recently opened shop from Nagasaki speciallizing in “rusk”. Their rusk is made from homemade breads and offered in over 27 flavors including garlic, cheese, or pudding.
Tel: 092-406-8897
Semi-order hat shop. Order a custom hat from your favorite cloth. Only open Thu., Fri., and Sat.
Tel: 092-522-6521
More Josui-dori
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This shop specializes in imported comfortable chairs made by the Norwegian company Rybo.
Tel: 092-534-1043
Established Japanese confectionary originated in Saga. Ogi-yokan is their specialty.
Tel: 092-526-0757
Varieties of organic vegetables and natural foods. They also provide allergy free foods.
Tel: 092-534-6330
A flower shop with impressive stone arch and big windows.
Tel: 092-524-2498
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薬院大通りから浄水通りに入りしばらく行くと、左手に「九州エネルギー館」と「九電記念体育館」が見えてくる。その先から、なだらかな上り坂が続き、「福岡市動物園」「南公園」へと続く。道の両側にはインテリアショップやフラワーショップ、レストランなどの店舗が並んでいる。そのなかでもひときわ目を引くのが、スイーツのショップだ。ラスクからケーキ、和菓子まで、さまざまな種類の菓子を買うことができる。チョコレート専門店「カカオロマンス」やタルトとキッシュの専門店「る・せるくる」は、カフェもあるので、休憩に利用しよう。全国にその名を轟かす名店「フランス菓子 16区」は、浄水通りから脇道に入った場所にある。アーモンド風味の焼菓子・ダックワーズは、この店のオーナーシェフ三嶋氏が考案したもので、本場フランスでも人気が高い。
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個性的な建築を鑑賞しながら歩くのも楽しい。ラスクショップ「オンリーワン」は、赤い大きなドアが印象的。カスタムキッチンのショールーム「キッチンハウス」は、大きく窓が取られ開放的だ。フラワーショップ「マージオーキッド」は、石造りの曲線を生かした建築で、福岡市の第一回都市景観賞を受賞した。打って変わって、和菓子の「村岡総本舗」は、純和風の造り。門から店の入口まで木が植えられ、茶室を思わせる落ち着いた雰囲気。呉服店「きもの創り 玉屋」は、意外にも黒を基調としたモダンな店構えだ。
Tel: 092-404-7030
More Josui-dori
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Tel: 092-534-6330
Tel: 092-524-2498
후쿠오카 시내에서도 세련되기로 소문난 이 곳. 고급 주택가로도 유명하며 떠들썩한 덴진이나 다이묘와는 다른 분위기이다. 초여름에는 가로수의 녹음이 아름답기로 유명.
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야쿠인 오오도오리에서 조스이 도오리로 들어가 조금 더 걸어가면 왼편에는 ‘규슈 에너지관’과 ‘규슈전력 기념체험관’이 보이며 ‘후쿠오카시 동물원’과 ‘니시코엔’으로 이어지는 완만한 언덕길이 나온다. 도로변의 다양한 가게 중에서도 눈길을 끄는 것이 스위츠 가게다. 초콜릿 전문점 ‘카카오 로망스’와 타르트∙키쉬 전문점 ‘르 세르쿠르’는 카페가 마련되어 있어 쉬어갈 수도 있다. 일본 전국적으로 유명한 ‘프랑스 과자 16구’는 조스이 도오리 골목길에 있다.
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개성 넘치는 건물을 둘러보는 것도 좋을 듯. 러스크 숍 ‘온리원’은 커다란 붉은 문이 인상적. 커스텀 키친 쇼 룸 ‘키친 하우스’는 커다란 창이 나 있어 탁 트인 분위기. 꽃집 ‘마지오킷드’는 곡선을 잘 표현한 건물로 후쿠오카시 제1회 도시경관상을 수상했다. 한편 화과자 전문점인 ‘무라오카 초혼텐’은 세미 일본풍. 가게 입구까지 나무가 심어져 있어 일본 전통 다실을 떠올리게 한다. 기모노 전문점 ‘타마야’는 블랙을 기조로 한 모던한 분위기.
길을 따라 계속 걸어가면 또 다른 풍경이 펼쳐진다. 왼편으로는 니시코엔이 펼쳐지며 새소리가 지저귄다. 동물원, 식물원 외에도 전망대가 있으니 멋진 풍경을 감상하며 산책을 마무리 하는건 어떨까?
전채부터 메인, 디저트까지 낫또를 사용한 요리가 80종류 준비되어 있다. 낫또를 사용한 과자도 판매 중.
이탈리아 일본 대사관에서 총 요리장을 지낸 이시바시 셰프가 정통 이탈리안을 선보인다. 12종류의 피자는 모두 강추 메뉴.
Tel: 092-404-7030
스위스의 전통 제법을 계승한 초콜라티에. 가게 아틀리에에서 직접 만드는 초콜릿은 입안에서 부드럽게 녹는다.
나가사키에 본점이 있는 러스크 전문점. 빵부터 깐깐하게 만드는 러스크는 갈릭, 치즈, 푸딩 등 27가지 맛이 있다.
세미 오더 메이드 모자 숍. 원하는 원단을 가져와 모자를 주문할 수도 있다. 영업은 목, 금, 토요일만.
More Josui-dori
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본점이 사가지역에 있는 1899년 창업한 노점 화과자점. 오기양갱이 유명하다.
Tel: 092-536-0757
유기농야채와 자연식품을 파는 곳. 알레르기 반응이 없는 식품도 준비되어 있다.
Tel: 092-534-6330
석조 아치와 큰 창문이 눈길을 끄는 플라워 숍.
Tel: 092-524-2498
One Fukuoka’s most stylish streets, Josui-dori has a more laid-back, sophisticated feel than busier areas such as Daimyo or Tenjin. The trees lining the road are also a welcome touch, making it a great spot for an early summer stroll.
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After turning into Josui-dori from Yakuin-odori, you will soon see on your left the Kyushu Energy Science Center and Kyuden Memorial Gymnasium. A walk along Josui-dori will eventually lead us to the Fukuoka City Zoological Garden and Minami Park, but before that there are lots of shops to explore. Among the many furniture stores, flower shops and restaurants some of the most eye-catching are the confectioneries, where all manner of sweet delights can be found. Rest for a while at chocolate specialty shop Cacao Romance or tart and quiche shop Le Cercle, which are both also cafes. Down a small side street is French-style confectionery 16-ku, whose authentic almond-flavored baked biscuits are a specialty of owner-chef Mr. Mishima.
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It’s also fun just to walk around and admire the unique architecture, like the rusk shop Only One, with its distinctive big red door, or the wide open space created by the large windows at custom kitchen showroom Kitchen House. The flower shop Marji Orchids won an urban design award for its architecture, which makes use of curved stone surfaces. In complete contrast, Japanese confectionery Muraoka Sohonpo is built in a traditional Japanese style. Trees line the path from the gate to the entrance, and the low-key mood brings to mind a Japanese teahouse. Kimono shop Tamaya, meanwhile, has a surprisingly modern interior.
If you can drag yourself away from the shops, moving a little further up the hill leads to a dramatic change of scenery as Minami Park appears on the left-hand side like a green oasis in the heart of the city. As well as the zoological garden and botanical garden, there is also a viewing platform offering 360゜ views of Fukuoka. A fitting way to end an interesting and enjoyable walk.
Wow! Imagine a restaurant that specializes in natto dishes! Heaven for many, Hell for others> Well if you love this healthy bean you’ll love this restaurant that offers 80 varieties of dished made with natto from main dishes to desserts. Take out natto-sweets too!
Authentic Italian restaurant produced by chef Ishibashi the former executive chef of Japanese Embassy in Switzerland and Italy. One of the highlights is the Rome-style pizza baked in wood-burning oven.
Tel: 092-404-7030
This chocolatier using traditional Swiss recipes has been a landmark on the street for years. Rest your legs after strolling around Josui-dori in this lovely cafe with a garden view.
Tel: 092-524-1288
A recently opened shop from Nagasaki speciallizing in “rusk”. Their rusk is made from homemade breads and offered in over 27 flavors including garlic, cheese, or pudding.
Tel: 092-406-8897
Semi-order hat shop. Order a custom hat from your favorite cloth. Only open Thu., Fri., and Sat.
Tel: 092-522-6521
More Josui-dori
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This shop specializes in imported comfortable chairs made by the Norwegian company Rybo.
Tel: 092-534-1043
Established Japanese confectionary originated in Saga. Ogi-yokan is their specialty.
Tel: 092-526-0757
Varieties of organic vegetables and natural foods. They also provide allergy free foods.
Tel: 092-534-6330
A flower shop with impressive stone arch and big windows.
Tel: 092-524-2498