This month we launch a new series of reports from the world’s first Elle Café located inside Hakata Hankyu. The interior is decorated with chic, contemporary furniture and fittings and there are iPads for customers to use freely. In addition, issues of Elle magazine are available in a staggering 43 different languages.

We visited Elle Café with Effie Liang, who recently returned to the city after spending two years studying in Paris. Effie was born and raised in China and choose to attend university here in Fukuoka to broaden her horizons. During her time as a student, she had a part-time job at a radio station and it was through this that she became interested in media. After graduation, she travelled to France to study French at the Sorbonne University in Paris, where she loved the Parisian lifestyle. Now, back in Fukuoka, she works for Love FM and is responsible for a wide range of duties, from production to sales.
Effie is familiar with the obstacles faced by those living in foreign countries and has made it her mission through her work to create a social environment where foreigners and Japanese alike can communicate with each other openly. Her favorite hobby is cooking and she has a good eye for fine food and drinks. She immediately picked out the rather fashionable Theodor tea from the menu. You can choose from 11 varieties and each has a unique, delicate aroma and taste. A set option is available which allows you to pair your drink with three items from a selection of 12 types of petit fours or 16 flavors of macaroon (¥1,239).
So, what is Effie’s philosophy in life? “Don’t get stressed out when you have a lot to do or are in trouble. Believe in yourself and remember all of the good things you have in your life.” An uplifting message shared over a warm cup of tea.


Fried eggplant with salted pork, tomato sauce and baby leaf pasta. (soup included) ¥966, Three French sweets & beverage ¥1,239

ELLE CAFÉ Fukuoka Hakata
4F Hakata Hankyu, 1-1 Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-419-5832
Open: 10:00 ~ 21:00


世界で初めてエルがプロデュースするカフェが今年3月にオープンした。今注目のデザイナーによる家具や照明が随所に散りばめられたスタイリッシュな店内には、インターネットに接続されたiPadや、世界43地域のELLEファミリー誌が揃い、エルが提案するライフスタイル雑貨や食品など、カフェを楽しみながら感度の高い情報収集が可能。食べることも、オシャレすることも楽しみたいし、仕事も自分のライフスタイルの一部として興味をもって取り組むことが、業務や人としてのスキルアップに繋がるような時間の使い方もしたい!こんなポジティブな欲張りライフをすごすゲストを迎え、一緒にELLE CAFÉを楽しむ企画がスタートします。第一回目はパリでの生活を終えて福岡へ帰って来たばかりのエフィ・リャンさん。

中国で生まれ育ったエフィは、慣れ親しんだ故郷の外にある未知の可能性を試すべく大学は福岡への留学を選んだ。大学で英語と異文化コミュニケーションを学び、ラジオ放送局でのアルバイトがきっかけで、メディアに興味をもつようになったという。卒業後は東京の広告代理店に就職するものの、更なるチャレンジを求めてフランスへと飛び立ち、ソルボンヌ大学にて2年間フランス語を学びながら、パリでの生活も謳歌した。多様な文化の中を、自分の居場所を見つけながらチャレンジを続けるエフィは今、縁あってLOVE FM(www.lovefm.co.jp)にて企画からセールスにいたるまで、番組を形にする仕事に携わっている。



魅惑のフランス菓子3つセット ドリンクセット¥1,239

福岡市博多区博多駅中央街1番1号 博多阪急4階


엘르가 처음으로 프로듀스한 스타일리시한 카페가 올해 3월에 오픈했다.

이곳에는 아이패드와 세계 43개 지역에서 발간 중인 잡지 엘르가 비치되어있어 엘르가 제안하는 라이프 스타일 잡화 등을 손쉽게 접할 수 있다.
긍정적이며 진취적인 게스트를 엘르 카페로 초대해 이야기를 나누는 새로운 기획. 파리 생활을 끝내고 후쿠오카로 막 돌아온 ‘에피 랸’씨가 스타트를 끊었다.

중국 출신인 에피는 미지의 가능성을 시험해 보고자 후쿠오카 유학을 결심했다. 대학에서는 영어와 이문화 커뮤니케이션을 공부했고 라디오 방송국 아르바이트를 계기로 미디어에도 관심을 가지게 되었다. 졸업 후에는 도쿄의 광고회사에 취직했지만 또 다른 가능성을 찾아 프랑스로 떠났다. 소르본 대학에서 2년간 프랑스어를 배우면서 파리 생활을 만끽. 다양한 문화 속에서 자기만의 장소를 찾아가며 끊임없이 도전하는 에피는 현재 LOVE FM 에서 기획부터 세일즈까지, 프로그램을 완성하는 일을 맡고있다.
타향살이가 결코 만만하지 않단 것을 알게 된 에피는 외국인과도 의사소통이 가능한 미디어를 통한 환경 구축에 힘쓰고 있다.
에피의 취미는 요리. 먹거리에도 관심이 많아 카페에서 판매하는 패셔너블한 THEODOR 홍차에도 흥미를 보였다. 자연의 따스함이 느껴지는 향기의 홍차를 11종류 중에서 고를 수 있다. 프티 푸르 12개와와 마카롱에서 16개 중 3개를 고를 수 있는 과자 세트&드링크 세트는 대화를 더욱 즐겁게 해준다.
에피의 라이프 스타일을 상징하는 것이 무엇인지 묻자 즐겨 쓰는 향수병을 꺼내 보이며 ‘향기에 추억이 남기 때문에 향수는 조금 남겨두었다가 때때로 추억을 회상하며 향기를 맡는다’고 대답했다. 후각에 따라 자신만의 무대를 만들어가는 에피. ‘망설여질때는 조바심 내지 말고 자신을 믿고 나아갈 것. 항상 감사하는 마음도 잊지 말자.’며 좋아하는 마카롱을 들고 웃는 에피의 모습이 굉장히 매력적이다.


어린잎을 곁들인 튀긴 가지와 돼지고기의 토마토 소스 파스타(스프 포함) 966엔, 매혹적인 프랑스 과자 3개 세트 드링크 세트 1,239엔

ELLE CAFÉ 후쿠오카 하카타점
후쿠오카시 하카타구 하카타역 추오마치 1-1 하카타 한큐 4층
전화: 092-419-5832
영업시간: 10:00~21:00


This month we launch a new series of reports from the world’s first Elle Café located inside Hakata Hankyu. The interior is decorated with chic, contemporary furniture and fittings and there are iPads for customers to use freely. In addition, issues of Elle magazine are available in a staggering 43 different languages.

We visited Elle Café with Effie Liang, who recently returned to the city after spending two years studying in Paris. Effie was born and raised in China and choose to attend university here in Fukuoka to broaden her horizons. During her time as a student, she had a part-time job at a radio station and it was through this that she became interested in media. After graduation, she travelled to France to study French at the Sorbonne University in Paris, where she loved the Parisian lifestyle. Now, back in Fukuoka, she works for Love FM and is responsible for a wide range of duties, from production to sales.
Effie is familiar with the obstacles faced by those living in foreign countries and has made it her mission through her work to create a social environment where foreigners and Japanese alike can communicate with each other openly. Her favorite hobby is cooking and she has a good eye for fine food and drinks. She immediately picked out the rather fashionable Theodor tea from the menu. You can choose from 11 varieties and each has a unique, delicate aroma and taste. A set option is available which allows you to pair your drink with three items from a selection of 12 types of petit fours or 16 flavors of macaroon (¥1,239).
So, what is Effie’s philosophy in life? “Don’t get stressed out when you have a lot to do or are in trouble. Believe in yourself and remember all of the good things you have in your life.” An uplifting message shared over a warm cup of tea.


Fried eggplant with salted pork, tomato sauce and baby leaf pasta. (soup included) ¥966, Three French sweets & beverage ¥1,239

ELLE CAFÉ Fukuoka Hakata
4F Hakata Hankyu, 1-1 Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-419-5832
Open: 10:00 ~ 21:00


This month we launch a new series of reports from the world’s first Elle Café located inside Hakata Hankyu. The interior is decorated with chic, contemporary furniture and fittings and there are iPads for customers to use freely. In addition, issues of Elle magazine are available in a staggering 43 different languages.

We visited Elle Café with Effie Liang, who recently returned to the city after spending two years studying in Paris. Effie was born and raised in China and choose to attend university here in Fukuoka to broaden her horizons. During her time as a student, she had a part-time job at a radio station and it was through this that she became interested in media. After graduation, she travelled to France to study French at the Sorbonne University in Paris, where she loved the Parisian lifestyle. Now, back in Fukuoka, she works for Love FM and is responsible for a wide range of duties, from production to sales.
Effie is familiar with the obstacles faced by those living in foreign countries and has made it her mission through her work to create a social environment where foreigners and Japanese alike can communicate with each other openly. Her favorite hobby is cooking and she has a good eye for fine food and drinks. She immediately picked out the rather fashionable Theodor tea from the menu. You can choose from 11 varieties and each has a unique, delicate aroma and taste. A set option is available which allows you to pair your drink with three items from a selection of 12 types of petit fours or 16 flavors of macaroon (¥1,239).
So, what is Effie’s philosophy in life? “Don’t get stressed out when you have a lot to do or are in trouble. Believe in yourself and remember all of the good things you have in your life.” An uplifting message shared over a warm cup of tea.

Fried eggplant with salted pork, tomato sauce and baby leaf pasta. (soup included) ¥966, Three French sweets & beverage ¥1,239

ELLE CAFÉ Fukuoka Hakata
4F Hakata Hankyu, 1-1 Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-419-5832
Open: 10:00 ~ 21:00

This month we launch a new series of reports from the world’s first Elle Café located inside Hakata Hankyu. The interior is decorated with chic, contemporary furniture and fittings and there are iPads for customers to use freely. In addition, issues of Elle magazine are available in a staggering 43 different languages.

We visited Elle Café with Effie Liang, who recently returned to the city after spending two years studying in Paris. Effie was born and raised in China and choose to attend university here in Fukuoka to broaden her horizons. During her time as a student, she had a part-time job at a radio station and it was through this that she became interested in media. After graduation, she travelled to France to study French at the Sorbonne University in Paris, where she loved the Parisian lifestyle. Now, back in Fukuoka, she works for Love FM and is responsible for a wide range of duties, from production to sales.
Effie is familiar with the obstacles faced by those living in foreign countries and has made it her mission through her work to create a social environment where foreigners and Japanese alike can communicate with each other openly. Her favorite hobby is cooking and she has a good eye for fine food and drinks. She immediately picked out the rather fashionable Theodor tea from the menu. You can choose from 11 varieties and each has a unique, delicate aroma and taste. A set option is available which allows you to pair your drink with three items from a selection of 12 types of petit fours or 16 flavors of macaroon (¥1,239).
So, what is Effie’s philosophy in life? “Don’t get stressed out when you have a lot to do or are in trouble. Believe in yourself and remember all of the good things you have in your life.” An uplifting message shared over a warm cup of tea.


Fried eggplant with salted pork, tomato sauce and baby leaf pasta. (soup included) ¥966, Three French sweets & beverage ¥1,239

ELLE CAFÉ Fukuoka Hakata
4F Hakata Hankyu, 1-1 Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-419-5832
Open: 10:00 ~ 21:00


世界で初めてエルがプロデュースするカフェが今年3月にオープンした。今注目のデザイナーによる家具や照明が随所に散りばめられたスタイリッシュな店内には、インターネットに接続されたiPadや、世界43地域のELLEファミリー誌が揃い、エルが提案するライフスタイル雑貨や食品など、カフェを楽しみながら感度の高い情報収集が可能。食べることも、オシャレすることも楽しみたいし、仕事も自分のライフスタイルの一部として興味をもって取り組むことが、業務や人としてのスキルアップに繋がるような時間の使い方もしたい!こんなポジティブな欲張りライフをすごすゲストを迎え、一緒にELLE CAFÉを楽しむ企画がスタートします。第一回目はパリでの生活を終えて福岡へ帰って来たばかりのエフィ・リャンさん。

中国で生まれ育ったエフィは、慣れ親しんだ故郷の外にある未知の可能性を試すべく大学は福岡への留学を選んだ。大学で英語と異文化コミュニケーションを学び、ラジオ放送局でのアルバイトがきっかけで、メディアに興味をもつようになったという。卒業後は東京の広告代理店に就職するものの、更なるチャレンジを求めてフランスへと飛び立ち、ソルボンヌ大学にて2年間フランス語を学びながら、パリでの生活も謳歌した。多様な文化の中を、自分の居場所を見つけながらチャレンジを続けるエフィは今、縁あってLOVE FM(www.lovefm.co.jp)にて企画からセールスにいたるまで、番組を形にする仕事に携わっている。



魅惑のフランス菓子3つセット ドリンクセット¥1,239

福岡市博多区博多駅中央街1番1号 博多阪急4階


엘르가 처음으로 프로듀스한 스타일리시한 카페가 올해 3월에 오픈했다.

이곳에는 아이패드와 세계 43개 지역에서 발간 중인 잡지 엘르가 비치되어있어 엘르가 제안하는 라이프 스타일 잡화 등을 손쉽게 접할 수 있다.
긍정적이며 진취적인 게스트를 엘르 카페로 초대해 이야기를 나누는 새로운 기획. 파리 생활을 끝내고 후쿠오카로 막 돌아온 ‘에피 랸’씨가 스타트를 끊었다.

중국 출신인 에피는 미지의 가능성을 시험해 보고자 후쿠오카 유학을 결심했다. 대학에서는 영어와 이문화 커뮤니케이션을 공부했고 라디오 방송국 아르바이트를 계기로 미디어에도 관심을 가지게 되었다. 졸업 후에는 도쿄의 광고회사에 취직했지만 또 다른 가능성을 찾아 프랑스로 떠났다. 소르본 대학에서 2년간 프랑스어를 배우면서 파리 생활을 만끽. 다양한 문화 속에서 자기만의 장소를 찾아가며 끊임없이 도전하는 에피는 현재 LOVE FM 에서 기획부터 세일즈까지, 프로그램을 완성하는 일을 맡고있다.
타향살이가 결코 만만하지 않단 것을 알게 된 에피는 외국인과도 의사소통이 가능한 미디어를 통한 환경 구축에 힘쓰고 있다.
에피의 취미는 요리. 먹거리에도 관심이 많아 카페에서 판매하는 패셔너블한 THEODOR 홍차에도 흥미를 보였다. 자연의 따스함이 느껴지는 향기의 홍차를 11종류 중에서 고를 수 있다. 프티 푸르 12개와와 마카롱에서 16개 중 3개를 고를 수 있는 과자 세트&드링크 세트는 대화를 더욱 즐겁게 해준다.
에피의 라이프 스타일을 상징하는 것이 무엇인지 묻자 즐겨 쓰는 향수병을 꺼내 보이며 ‘향기에 추억이 남기 때문에 향수는 조금 남겨두었다가 때때로 추억을 회상하며 향기를 맡는다’고 대답했다. 후각에 따라 자신만의 무대를 만들어가는 에피. ‘망설여질때는 조바심 내지 말고 자신을 믿고 나아갈 것. 항상 감사하는 마음도 잊지 말자.’며 좋아하는 마카롱을 들고 웃는 에피의 모습이 굉장히 매력적이다.


어린잎을 곁들인 튀긴 가지와 돼지고기의 토마토 소스 파스타(스프 포함) 966엔, 매혹적인 프랑스 과자 3개 세트 드링크 세트 1,239엔

ELLE CAFÉ 후쿠오카 하카타점
후쿠오카시 하카타구 하카타역 추오마치 1-1 하카타 한큐 4층
전화: 092-419-5832
영업시간: 10:00~21:00


This month we launch a new series of reports from the world’s first Elle Café located inside Hakata Hankyu. The interior is decorated with chic, contemporary furniture and fittings and there are iPads for customers to use freely. In addition, issues of Elle magazine are available in a staggering 43 different languages.

We visited Elle Café with Effie Liang, who recently returned to the city after spending two years studying in Paris. Effie was born and raised in China and choose to attend university here in Fukuoka to broaden her horizons. During her time as a student, she had a part-time job at a radio station and it was through this that she became interested in media. After graduation, she travelled to France to study French at the Sorbonne University in Paris, where she loved the Parisian lifestyle. Now, back in Fukuoka, she works for Love FM and is responsible for a wide range of duties, from production to sales.
Effie is familiar with the obstacles faced by those living in foreign countries and has made it her mission through her work to create a social environment where foreigners and Japanese alike can communicate with each other openly. Her favorite hobby is cooking and she has a good eye for fine food and drinks. She immediately picked out the rather fashionable Theodor tea from the menu. You can choose from 11 varieties and each has a unique, delicate aroma and taste. A set option is available which allows you to pair your drink with three items from a selection of 12 types of petit fours or 16 flavors of macaroon (¥1,239).
So, what is Effie’s philosophy in life? “Don’t get stressed out when you have a lot to do or are in trouble. Believe in yourself and remember all of the good things you have in your life.” An uplifting message shared over a warm cup of tea.


Fried eggplant with salted pork, tomato sauce and baby leaf pasta. (soup included) ¥966, Three French sweets & beverage ¥1,239

ELLE CAFÉ Fukuoka Hakata
4F Hakata Hankyu, 1-1 Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-419-5832
Open: 10:00 ~ 21:00


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