ファームフレッシュ 〜旬果を楽しむ〜



Autumn is here, which means it’s harvest time in Japan. Fukuoka Prefecture boasts many areas with beautiful, bountiful fruit orchards. On the following pages we introduce six orchards, each specializing in a different variety of fruit. All of these orchards are open to the public for a “pick-your-own” service.”. Picking your own fruit not only ensures optimum freshness, but it is also a good excuse to get outdoors and enjoy some country fresh-air and exercise. Then, for those who prefer not to get their hands dirty, but wish to enjoy the wholesome taste of country-style cooking, we also introduce two restaurants located in Fukuoka Prefecture’s countryside. Autumn is said to be the season when people’s appetites return, so itadakimasu and enjoy farm fresh produce!


Fukuoka is one of the leading fruit-producing prefectures in all of Japan. In terms of harvest size and production output, Fukuoka is number one in the nation for Fuyu-gaki persimmons, number two for kiwis, and third for Kyoho grapes. The fruit production in Fukuoka is primarily concentrated in the southern Chikugo area. The gently sloping hills, excellent water drainage system and exposure to the sun make the cities of Ukiha, Asakura and Kurume excellent places for producing persimmon fruit. Also, Fukuoka is the first prefecture in Japan to produce the slightly larger and sweeter Kyoho grape, with cultivation centered in Kurume, Tanushimaru, Ukiha and Yame. Moreover, Fukuoka was amongst the first to use a new innovative fruit ripening device, using ethylene gas to ripen kiwi fruit. Before shipping, this system made kiwi sweet, delicious, and ready to export to other countries. Of the areas that produce kiwi using this method, Tachibana-machi in Fukuoka is the top producer in the country. Fukuoka’s fruit farmers are working hard to continually adapt to the harsh conditions and tricky climate while also working to come up with new farming methods and breed superior fruit. Recently, fruits previously found in only tropical regions such as mango and dragon fruit have become possible to grow in Fukuoka. The concept of opening fruit picking to the public began in Fukuoka in the 1950s, and the practice continues today as an enjoyable event for families and individuals. As the summer heat slowly makes way for cooler autumn breezes, consider visiting one of the Fukuoka’s many fruit farms sometime soon.





Ukiha Kajuno Mura Yamandon
Within Ukiha, a fruit-growing town since the Taisho period (early 20th century), is an area that is often called “the origin of the fruit tree”. Fruit is grown throughout the year, including strawberries (Jan. ~ Jun.), blueberries (Jul.), grapes (Aug. ~ Oct.), pears (Aug. ~ Nov.), persimmons (Nov. ~ Dec.), and more. For pears, September is the golden month, when the sunlight is beaming down and spring water is drawn from 90m below the surface of the soil, producing sweet, juicy pears. At Mugoyoka, a quaint café overlooking the plantation, enjoy a taste of the orchard’s ripe fruit in one of their baked goods, such as the cake made from fresh-picked pears.

Address: 2212-7 Yamakita, Ukiha-machi, Ukiha City | Telephone: 0943-77-4174 | Open: Mid-Aug. to early-Nov., 10:00 ~ 17:00 | Closed: No Hol. in Sep., Wed. in Oct. and Nov. | Parking: 30 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥600/kg | URL: www.yamandon.com

Kyoho Grapes



Nakano Housei-en
With its noticeably larger size and sweet taste, Kyoho is the king of grapes. Tanushimaru is well known throughout Japan as the first successful location for a full-blown Kyoho grape cultivation, as well as the town that started grape and persimmon fruit-picking in Japan. The 2,000 m2 orchard grows Kyoho, Aki Queen and Honey Red varieties of grapes, all available for plucking until the end of September. Rather than using chemically-produced fertilizers, all fruit is cultivated organically for a sweet, unforgettable taste. Visit the café, Juran, at the entrance of the plantation to taste the popular homemade custard pie and jam made with Kyoho grapes and figs. This warm-hearted family business will capture your hearts, as well as your stomach!

Address: 482-1 Ishigaki, Tanushimaru-machi, Kurume City | Telephone: 0943-72-4528 | Open: Aug. to late-Sep., 08:00 ~ 18:00 | Closed: Never | Parking: 10 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥900/kg | URL: www.tanushimaru-budougari.com/en_pages/en24_juran.html




Eco Farm Yokomizo-en
With its relatively warm climate and efficient water filtration system, Minosanroku is the perfect environment in which to raise sweet, delicious figs. Preferring organic methods over chemically-produced fertilizers, the resulting fruit has become an instant hit. In this 1,000 m2 orchard, around one hundred trees are raised to cultivate Hakata Hourai and Dauphin, two varieties of figs. Ripe fruit can be picked until October.

Address: 1844 Masuoda, Tanushimaru-machi, Kurume City | Telephone: 0943-73-0808 | Open: Aug. to Oct., 09:00 ~ 17:00 | Closed: Never | Parking: 25 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: Dauphin ¥1,300/kg, Hakata Hourai ¥1,500/kg | URL: www.tanushimaru.com/tokusanhin/itijiku/eko.htm




Asakura Ringo-en
This 5,000 m2 orchard holds around 800 apple trees, from which you can pick a variety of different apples until November. Using rice bran fertilizer to organically cultivate all plants, the trees raised in this Chikugo plain have a high level of sugar content to fit the hot climate. During fruit-picking season, the apple pies and hand-squeezed 100% apple juice are extremely popular.

Address: 1112-1 Hishino, Asakura City | Telephone: 0946-52-0374 | Open: Mid-Aug. to Nov., 09:00 ~ 17:00 | Closed: Never | Parking: 35 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥650/kg




Omichidani no Sato
Tachibana-machi in Yame-gun is a small country-town that boasts one of the top kiwi production outputs in the country. In Shiraki-ku, a section of the city encircling a mountain, kiwi fruit cover giant sections of the sloping plains. Experience a taste of the country-life by spending a night on the farm, which opens for sightseeing and personal fruit-picking in late October. Also, receive a 1kg kiwi omiyage for the ride home!

Address: 4578-1 Shiraki, Tachibana-machi, Yame-gun | Telephone: 0943-35-0760 | Open: Late-Oct. to Nov., (irregular business hours) | Closed: Never | Parking: 10 spaces | Entrance: ¥500 (1kg of kiwi incl.) | Fruit: ¥300/kg | Lodging: One night, morning and evening (2 meals incl.), Adult ¥6,000, Child 4,000 | URL: www.omitidaninosato.com

Dragon Fruit



Anri Farm
Even more surprising than the fact that dragon fruit are harvested in Fukuoka, is that anybody can participate in dragon fruit picking! Many imported dragon fruit are not in a fully ripe state, but here in this 1,000 m2 garden there are around 500 dragon fruit trees, with fruit ripe and ready for plucking. There are two types of dragon fruit: white and red. At the nearby plantation-run shop try a cup of dragon fruit gelato! Advance reservation is required.

Address: 3 Nanatue, Yanagawa City | Telephone: 0944-73-8120 | Open: Sep. to early-Oct., 10:00 ~ 16:00 | Closed: Wed. | Parking: 5 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥1,500/kg | URL: www.anrifarm.com

Countryside Dining


Wholesome Foods, Fresh Ingredients, Quality Dining
If strolling through soggy fields, bending over and stretching up to snatch fruit isn’t your idea of a fun Sunday, but you do enjoy getting out of the city and enjoying wholesome country-style cooking, here are two restaurants worth considering. Who knows? On your way back you might see a fruit orchard and be tempted to pick some.

East of Fukuoka
Kubarahonke Kayanoya


The graceful curves of this thatched-roof restaurant blend in with the mountains and rustic background, and a traditional cloth sign hangs down from the entrance to greet its customers. Healthy soil is essential for raising delicious ingredients, so this restaurant follows the motto of “working from the ground up”, allowing vegetables collected from their exclusively-owned plantation to retain maximum flavor. Soy sauce and miso made from carefully-selected soybeans, freshly-milled rice cooked each morning in an earthenware pot, soup with pork and ten assorted grains, and more, are all delicious ways to energize your body. Next door is an udon shop with noodles made from Kyushu wheat flower, as well as a tea shop with sweets and other various goodies.

Address: 395-1 Kushiya, Hisayama-machi, Kasuya-gun | Tel: 092-976-2112 | Reservation recommended | Open: 11:00 ~15:30, 17:00 ~ 22:00 (Sun. and Hol. 11:00 ~ 22:00) | Closed: Wed. (Thu. after a holiday)

West of Fukuoka


This traditional Japanese house has stood for 112 years, recently renovated as a restaurant serving Japanese cuisine. All food is prepared with a theme of ‘salt’, gathering its fish, meat and vegetables from the surrounding area of Itoshima. Owner Shuichi Hirakawa believes that in order to draw out the inherent flavor of a dish, salt is the essential ingredient, which years ago led him to begin his salt-making practice. Upon discovering the high quality of his salt, he decided to open his own restaurant. The time dedicated to making proper salt improves the quality of all dishes and allows the natural flavor to work its magic. Both full courses (lunch from ¥3,150, dinner from ¥5,250, plus one drink order) feature shiogamayaki (salt-baked fish or meat).

Address: 1454 Hon, Maebaru City | Tel: 092-330-8732 | Reservation required one day in advance | Open: 12:00 ~ 14:00 / 18:00 ~ 20:00 | Closed: Wed.






福岡県は全国でも有数の果物産地だ。とくに甘柿(富有柿)の収穫量では全国1位、キウイでは全国2位、巨峰は全国3位という生産量を誇り、そのどれもが福岡県南部の筑後エリアに集中している。例えば、柿の生産は、うきは市や朝倉市、久留米市などを中心とした筑後川流域で盛んに行われ、日当たりと水はけの良い、なだらかな斜面が、柿栽培に適している。また福岡県は日本で初めて巨峰の生産に成功した歴史あるぶどう生産県。今も久留米市の田主丸やうきは市、八女の黒木町を中心に栽培が盛んに行われている。さらに最近注目すべきはキウイ栽培。熟れていない状態でもバナナなどが発するエチレンガスを浴びると追熟できるという性質を利用し、全国に先がけ大型の追熟設備を導入。 出荷前までに追熟によって糖度を増し、甘くて美味しいキウイを提供できるようになった。しかも追熟をかけたキウイの出荷量では立花町が全国1位なのである。こうした歴史と実績を培ってきた福岡県の果物生産者だが、厳しい環境の変化に順応しながら、新しい農法や品種にもチャレンジし続けている。最近では、 マンゴーやドラゴンフルーツといった、以前は熱帯地域で栽培されていた品種も作られるようになった。昭和30年代、日本で初めてフルーツ狩りというアイデアを生んだ先人達のチャレンジ精神は、今もなお生き続けているようだ。




うきは果樹の村 やまんどん
大分自動車道・杷木ICから車で約10分。筑後平野の中では最も東の端となる浮羽町山北は、5、6軒ほどの果樹園農家が集まった小さな山里。大正時代から果樹栽 培を始め、浮羽の中でも果樹発祥の地と言われている。「やまんどん」とは、この地域の旧地名「山の堂(やまのどう)」が訛った言葉だ。ここでは、いちご(1月~6月)、ブルーベリー(7月)、ぶどう(8月~10月)、梨(8月~11月)、柿(11月上旬~12月)など、一年を通じて旬の果物を収穫できるのが特徴。特に9月は梨が最盛期を向かえ、太陽の光と、山の湧き水をたっぷりと蓄えた、甘くてジューシーな梨が迎えてくれる。農園を見渡す高台には、カフェ・夢語寄家(むごよか)があり、もぎたての梨で作ったケーキなど、果樹園の実りをその場で味わえるのも楽しみのひとつ。

住所:福岡県うきは市浮羽町山北2212-7 | 電話番号:0943-77-4174 | 開園期間:8月中旬〜11月上旬 | 開園時間:10:00〜17:00 | 休園:水曜(8〜9月は無休) | 駐車場:30台 | 入園料:無料 | 持ち帰り:¥600/1kg | URL: www.yamandon.com




果樹園 中野朋正園

住所:福岡県久留米市田主丸町石垣482-1 | 電話番号:0943-72-4528 | 開園期間:8月〜9月下旬頃 | 開園時間:8:00〜18:00 | 休園:なし | 駐車場:10台 | 入園料:無料 | 持ち帰り:¥900/1kg | URL: www.tanushimaru-budougari.com/en_pages/en24_juran.html





住所:福岡県久留米市田主丸町益生田1844 | 電話番号:0943-73-0808 | 開園期間:8月〜10月 | 開園時間:9:00〜17:00 | 休園:なし | 駐車場:25台 | 入園料:無料 | 持ち帰り:ドーフィン¥1,300/1kg 博多ホウライ¥1,500/1kg | URL: www.tanushimaru.com/tokusanhin/itijiku/eko.htm





住所:福岡県朝倉市菱野1112-1 | 電話番号:0946-52-0374 | 開園期間:8月中旬〜11月 | 開園時間:9:00〜17:00 | 休園:なし | 駐車場:35台 | 入園料:無料 | 持ち帰り:¥650/1kg





住所:福岡県八女郡立花町白木4578-1 | 電話番号:0943-35-0760 | 開園期間:10月下旬 11月 | 開園時間:不定 | 休園:なし | 駐車場:10台 | 入園料:¥500 (お土産1kg付き) | 持ち帰り:¥300/1kg | 宿泊:大人¥6,000、子ども¥4,000(1泊朝2食付) | URL: www.omitidaninosato.com





住所:福岡県柳川市七ツ家3番地 | 電話番号:0944-73-8120 | 開園期間:9月〜10月上旬 ※実が熟す周期により収穫できない日もあるので要電話予約 | 開園時間:10:00〜16:00 | 休園:水曜 | 駐車場:5台 | 入園料:無料 | 持ち帰り:¥1,500/1kg | URL: www.anrifarm.com

Countryside Dining



福岡 東部
久原本家 茅乃舎



住所:福岡県粕屋郡久山町猪野櫛屋395-1 | 電話番号:092-976-2112 ※なるべく事前予約を | 営業時間: レストラン 11:00〜15:30/17:00〜22:00(日祝日は11:00〜22:00) | 茶舎 11:00〜22:00 | 麺舎 11:00〜7:00(17:00以降は完全予約制) | 定休:水曜(祝日の場合は翌日)

福岡 西部



住所:福岡県前原市本1454 | 電話番号:092-330-8732 | ※前日までに要予約 | 営業時間:12:00〜14:00/18:00〜20:00 | 定休:水曜




Autumn is here, which means it’s harvest time in Japan. Fukuoka Prefecture boasts many areas with beautiful, bountiful fruit orchards. On the following pages we introduce six orchards, each specializing in a different variety of fruit. All of these orchards are open to the public for a “pick-your-own” service.”. Picking your own fruit not only ensures optimum freshness, but it is also a good excuse to get outdoors and enjoy some country fresh-air and exercise. Then, for those who prefer not to get their hands dirty, but wish to enjoy the wholesome taste of country-style cooking, we also introduce two restaurants located in Fukuoka Prefecture’s countryside. Autumn is said to be the season when people’s appetites return, so itadakimasu and enjoy farm fresh produce!


Fukuoka is one of the leading fruit-producing prefectures in all of Japan. In terms of harvest size and production output, Fukuoka is number one in the nation for Fuyu-gaki persimmons, number two for kiwis, and third for Kyoho grapes. The fruit production in Fukuoka is primarily concentrated in the southern Chikugo area. The gently sloping hills, excellent water drainage system and exposure to the sun make the cities of Ukiha, Asakura and Kurume excellent places for producing persimmon fruit. Also, Fukuoka is the first prefecture in Japan to produce the slightly larger and sweeter Kyoho grape, with cultivation centered in Kurume, Tanushimaru, Ukiha and Yame. Moreover, Fukuoka was amongst the first to use a new innovative fruit ripening device, using ethylene gas to ripen kiwi fruit. Before shipping, this system made kiwi sweet, delicious, and ready to export to other countries. Of the areas that produce kiwi using this method, Tachibana-machi in Fukuoka is the top producer in the country. Fukuoka’s fruit farmers are working hard to continually adapt to the harsh conditions and tricky climate while also working to come up with new farming methods and breed superior fruit. Recently, fruits previously found in only tropical regions such as mango and dragon fruit have become possible to grow in Fukuoka. The concept of opening fruit picking to the public began in Fukuoka in the 1950s, and the practice continues today as an enjoyable event for families and individuals. As the summer heat slowly makes way for cooler autumn breezes, consider visiting one of the Fukuoka’s many fruit farms sometime soon.





Ukiha Kajuno Mura Yamandon
Within Ukiha, a fruit-growing town since the Taisho period (early 20th century), is an area that is often called “the origin of the fruit tree”. Fruit is grown throughout the year, including strawberries (Jan. ~ Jun.), blueberries (Jul.), grapes (Aug. ~ Oct.), pears (Aug. ~ Nov.), persimmons (Nov. ~ Dec.), and more. For pears, September is the golden month, when the sunlight is beaming down and spring water is drawn from 90m below the surface of the soil, producing sweet, juicy pears. At Mugoyoka, a quaint café overlooking the plantation, enjoy a taste of the orchard’s ripe fruit in one of their baked goods, such as the cake made from fresh-picked pears.

Address: 2212-7 Yamakita, Ukiha-machi, Ukiha City | Telephone: 0943-77-4174 | Open: Mid-Aug. to early-Nov., 10:00 ~ 17:00 | Closed: No Hol. in Sep., Wed. in Oct. and Nov. | Parking: 30 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥600/kg | URL: www.yamandon.com

Kyoho Grapes



Nakano Housei-en
With its noticeably larger size and sweet taste, Kyoho is the king of grapes. Tanushimaru is well known throughout Japan as the first successful location for a full-blown Kyoho grape cultivation, as well as the town that started grape and persimmon fruit-picking in Japan. The 2,000 m2 orchard grows Kyoho, Aki Queen and Honey Red varieties of grapes, all available for plucking until the end of September. Rather than using chemically-produced fertilizers, all fruit is cultivated organically for a sweet, unforgettable taste. Visit the café, Juran, at the entrance of the plantation to taste the popular homemade custard pie and jam made with Kyoho grapes and figs. This warm-hearted family business will capture your hearts, as well as your stomach!

Address: 482-1 Ishigaki, Tanushimaru-machi, Kurume City | Telephone: 0943-72-4528 | Open: Aug. to late-Sep., 08:00 ~ 18:00 | Closed: Never | Parking: 10 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥900/kg | URL: www.tanushimaru-budougari.com/en_pages/en24_juran.html




Eco Farm Yokomizo-en
With its relatively warm climate and efficient water filtration system, Minosanroku is the perfect environment in which to raise sweet, delicious figs. Preferring organic methods over chemically-produced fertilizers, the resulting fruit has become an instant hit. In this 1,000 m2 orchard, around one hundred trees are raised to cultivate Hakata Hourai and Dauphin, two varieties of figs. Ripe fruit can be picked until October.

Address: 1844 Masuoda, Tanushimaru-machi, Kurume City | Telephone: 0943-73-0808 | Open: Aug. to Oct., 09:00 ~ 17:00 | Closed: Never | Parking: 25 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: Dauphin ¥1,300/kg, Hakata Hourai ¥1,500/kg | URL: www.tanushimaru.com/tokusanhin/itijiku/eko.htm




Asakura Ringo-en
This 5,000 m2 orchard holds around 800 apple trees, from which you can pick a variety of different apples until November. Using rice bran fertilizer to organically cultivate all plants, the trees raised in this Chikugo plain have a high level of sugar content to fit the hot climate. During fruit-picking season, the apple pies and hand-squeezed 100% apple juice are extremely popular.

Address: 1112-1 Hishino, Asakura City | Telephone: 0946-52-0374 | Open: Mid-Aug. to Nov., 09:00 ~ 17:00 | Closed: Never | Parking: 35 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥650/kg




Omichidani no Sato
Tachibana-machi in Yame-gun is a small country-town that boasts one of the top kiwi production outputs in the country. In Shiraki-ku, a section of the city encircling a mountain, kiwi fruit cover giant sections of the sloping plains. Experience a taste of the country-life by spending a night on the farm, which opens for sightseeing and personal fruit-picking in late October. Also, receive a 1kg kiwi omiyage for the ride home!

Address: 4578-1 Shiraki, Tachibana-machi, Yame-gun | Telephone: 0943-35-0760 | Open: Late-Oct. to Nov., (irregular business hours) | Closed: Never | Parking: 10 spaces | Entrance: ¥500 (1kg of kiwi incl.) | Fruit: ¥300/kg | Lodging: One night, morning and evening (2 meals incl.), Adult ¥6,000, Child 4,000 | URL: www.omitidaninosato.com

Dragon Fruit



Anri Farm
Even more surprising than the fact that dragon fruit are harvested in Fukuoka, is that anybody can participate in dragon fruit picking! Many imported dragon fruit are not in a fully ripe state, but here in this 1,000 m2 garden there are around 500 dragon fruit trees, with fruit ripe and ready for plucking. There are two types of dragon fruit: white and red. At the nearby plantation-run shop try a cup of dragon fruit gelato! Advance reservation is required.

Address: 3 Nanatue, Yanagawa City | Telephone: 0944-73-8120 | Open: Sep. to early-Oct., 10:00 ~ 16:00 | Closed: Wed. | Parking: 5 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥1,500/kg | URL: www.anrifarm.com

Countryside Dining


Wholesome Foods, Fresh Ingredients, Quality Dining
If strolling through soggy fields, bending over and stretching up to snatch fruit isn’t your idea of a fun Sunday, but you do enjoy getting out of the city and enjoying wholesome country-style cooking, here are two restaurants worth considering. Who knows? On your way back you might see a fruit orchard and be tempted to pick some.

East of Fukuoka
Kubarahonke Kayanoya


The graceful curves of this thatched-roof restaurant blend in with the mountains and rustic background, and a traditional cloth sign hangs down from the entrance to greet its customers. Healthy soil is essential for raising delicious ingredients, so this restaurant follows the motto of “working from the ground up”, allowing vegetables collected from their exclusively-owned plantation to retain maximum flavor. Soy sauce and miso made from carefully-selected soybeans, freshly-milled rice cooked each morning in an earthenware pot, soup with pork and ten assorted grains, and more, are all delicious ways to energize your body. Next door is an udon shop with noodles made from Kyushu wheat flower, as well as a tea shop with sweets and other various goodies.

Address: 395-1 Kushiya, Hisayama-machi, Kasuya-gun | Tel: 092-976-2112 | Reservation recommended | Open: 11:00 ~15:30, 17:00 ~ 22:00 (Sun. and Hol. 11:00 ~ 22:00) | Closed: Wed. (Thu. after a holiday)

West of Fukuoka


This traditional Japanese house has stood for 112 years, recently renovated as a restaurant serving Japanese cuisine. All food is prepared with a theme of ‘salt’, gathering its fish, meat and vegetables from the surrounding area of Itoshima. Owner Shuichi Hirakawa believes that in order to draw out the inherent flavor of a dish, salt is the essential ingredient, which years ago led him to begin his salt-making practice. Upon discovering the high quality of his salt, he decided to open his own restaurant. The time dedicated to making proper salt improves the quality of all dishes and allows the natural flavor to work its magic. Both full courses (lunch from ¥3,150, dinner from ¥5,250, plus one drink order) feature shiogamayaki (salt-baked fish or meat).

Address: 1454 Hon, Maebaru City | Tel: 092-330-8732 | Reservation required one day in advance | Open: 12:00 ~ 14:00 / 18:00 ~ 20:00 | Closed: Wed.




Autumn is here, which means it’s harvest time in Japan. Fukuoka Prefecture boasts many areas with beautiful, bountiful fruit orchards. On the following pages we introduce six orchards, each specializing in a different variety of fruit. All of these orchards are open to the public for a “pick-your-own” service.”. Picking your own fruit not only ensures optimum freshness, but it is also a good excuse to get outdoors and enjoy some country fresh-air and exercise. Then, for those who prefer not to get their hands dirty, but wish to enjoy the wholesome taste of country-style cooking, we also introduce two restaurants located in Fukuoka Prefecture’s countryside. Autumn is said to be the season when people’s appetites return, so itadakimasu and enjoy farm fresh produce!


Fukuoka is one of the leading fruit-producing prefectures in all of Japan. In terms of harvest size and production output, Fukuoka is number one in the nation for Fuyu-gaki persimmons, number two for kiwis, and third for Kyoho grapes. The fruit production in Fukuoka is primarily concentrated in the southern Chikugo area. The gently sloping hills, excellent water drainage system and exposure to the sun make the cities of Ukiha, Asakura and Kurume excellent places for producing persimmon fruit. Also, Fukuoka is the first prefecture in Japan to produce the slightly larger and sweeter Kyoho grape, with cultivation centered in Kurume, Tanushimaru, Ukiha and Yame. Moreover, Fukuoka was amongst the first to use a new innovative fruit ripening device, using ethylene gas to ripen kiwi fruit. Before shipping, this system made kiwi sweet, delicious, and ready to export to other countries. Of the areas that produce kiwi using this method, Tachibana-machi in Fukuoka is the top producer in the country. Fukuoka’s fruit farmers are working hard to continually adapt to the harsh conditions and tricky climate while also working to come up with new farming methods and breed superior fruit. Recently, fruits previously found in only tropical regions such as mango and dragon fruit have become possible to grow in Fukuoka. The concept of opening fruit picking to the public began in Fukuoka in the 1950s, and the practice continues today as an enjoyable event for families and individuals. As the summer heat slowly makes way for cooler autumn breezes, consider visiting one of the Fukuoka’s many fruit farms sometime soon.





Ukiha Kajuno Mura Yamandon
Within Ukiha, a fruit-growing town since the Taisho period (early 20th century), is an area that is often called “the origin of the fruit tree”. Fruit is grown throughout the year, including strawberries (Jan. ~ Jun.), blueberries (Jul.), grapes (Aug. ~ Oct.), pears (Aug. ~ Nov.), persimmons (Nov. ~ Dec.), and more. For pears, September is the golden month, when the sunlight is beaming down and spring water is drawn from 90m below the surface of the soil, producing sweet, juicy pears. At Mugoyoka, a quaint café overlooking the plantation, enjoy a taste of the orchard’s ripe fruit in one of their baked goods, such as the cake made from fresh-picked pears.

Address: 2212-7 Yamakita, Ukiha-machi, Ukiha City | Telephone: 0943-77-4174 | Open: Mid-Aug. to early-Nov., 10:00 ~ 17:00 | Closed: No Hol. in Sep., Wed. in Oct. and Nov. | Parking: 30 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥600/kg | URL: www.yamandon.com

Kyoho Grapes



Nakano Housei-en
With its noticeably larger size and sweet taste, Kyoho is the king of grapes. Tanushimaru is well known throughout Japan as the first successful location for a full-blown Kyoho grape cultivation, as well as the town that started grape and persimmon fruit-picking in Japan. The 2,000 m2 orchard grows Kyoho, Aki Queen and Honey Red varieties of grapes, all available for plucking until the end of September. Rather than using chemically-produced fertilizers, all fruit is cultivated organically for a sweet, unforgettable taste. Visit the café, Juran, at the entrance of the plantation to taste the popular homemade custard pie and jam made with Kyoho grapes and figs. This warm-hearted family business will capture your hearts, as well as your stomach!

Address: 482-1 Ishigaki, Tanushimaru-machi, Kurume City | Telephone: 0943-72-4528 | Open: Aug. to late-Sep., 08:00 ~ 18:00 | Closed: Never | Parking: 10 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥900/kg | URL: www.tanushimaru-budougari.com/en_pages/en24_juran.html




Eco Farm Yokomizo-en
With its relatively warm climate and efficient water filtration system, Minosanroku is the perfect environment in which to raise sweet, delicious figs. Preferring organic methods over chemically-produced fertilizers, the resulting fruit has become an instant hit. In this 1,000 m2 orchard, around one hundred trees are raised to cultivate Hakata Hourai and Dauphin, two varieties of figs. Ripe fruit can be picked until October.

Address: 1844 Masuoda, Tanushimaru-machi, Kurume City | Telephone: 0943-73-0808 | Open: Aug. to Oct., 09:00 ~ 17:00 | Closed: Never | Parking: 25 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: Dauphin ¥1,300/kg, Hakata Hourai ¥1,500/kg | URL: www.tanushimaru.com/tokusanhin/itijiku/eko.htm




Asakura Ringo-en
This 5,000 m2 orchard holds around 800 apple trees, from which you can pick a variety of different apples until November. Using rice bran fertilizer to organically cultivate all plants, the trees raised in this Chikugo plain have a high level of sugar content to fit the hot climate. During fruit-picking season, the apple pies and hand-squeezed 100% apple juice are extremely popular.

Address: 1112-1 Hishino, Asakura City | Telephone: 0946-52-0374 | Open: Mid-Aug. to Nov., 09:00 ~ 17:00 | Closed: Never | Parking: 35 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥650/kg




Omichidani no Sato
Tachibana-machi in Yame-gun is a small country-town that boasts one of the top kiwi production outputs in the country. In Shiraki-ku, a section of the city encircling a mountain, kiwi fruit cover giant sections of the sloping plains. Experience a taste of the country-life by spending a night on the farm, which opens for sightseeing and personal fruit-picking in late October. Also, receive a 1kg kiwi omiyage for the ride home!

Address: 4578-1 Shiraki, Tachibana-machi, Yame-gun | Telephone: 0943-35-0760 | Open: Late-Oct. to Nov., (irregular business hours) | Closed: Never | Parking: 10 spaces | Entrance: ¥500 (1kg of kiwi incl.) | Fruit: ¥300/kg | Lodging: One night, morning and evening (2 meals incl.), Adult ¥6,000, Child 4,000 | URL: www.omitidaninosato.com

Dragon Fruit



Anri Farm
Even more surprising than the fact that dragon fruit are harvested in Fukuoka, is that anybody can participate in dragon fruit picking! Many imported dragon fruit are not in a fully ripe state, but here in this 1,000 m2 garden there are around 500 dragon fruit trees, with fruit ripe and ready for plucking. There are two types of dragon fruit: white and red. At the nearby plantation-run shop try a cup of dragon fruit gelato! Advance reservation is required.

Address: 3 Nanatue, Yanagawa City | Telephone: 0944-73-8120 | Open: Sep. to early-Oct., 10:00 ~ 16:00 | Closed: Wed. | Parking: 5 spaces | Entrance: Free | Fruit: ¥1,500/kg | URL: www.anrifarm.com

Countryside Dining


Wholesome Foods, Fresh Ingredients, Quality Dining
If strolling through soggy fields, bending over and stretching up to snatch fruit isn’t your idea of a fun Sunday, but you do enjoy getting out of the city and enjoying wholesome country-style cooking, here are two restaurants worth considering. Who knows? On your way back you might see a fruit orchard and be tempted to pick some.

East of Fukuoka
Kubarahonke Kayanoya


The graceful curves of this thatched-roof restaurant blend in with the mountains and rustic background, and a traditional cloth sign hangs down from the entrance to greet its customers. Healthy soil is essential for raising delicious ingredients, so this restaurant follows the motto of “working from the ground up”, allowing vegetables collected from their exclusively-owned plantation to retain maximum flavor. Soy sauce and miso made from carefully-selected soybeans, freshly-milled rice cooked each morning in an earthenware pot, soup with pork and ten assorted grains, and more, are all delicious ways to energize your body. Next door is an udon shop with noodles made from Kyushu wheat flower, as well as a tea shop with sweets and other various goodies.

Address: 395-1 Kushiya, Hisayama-machi, Kasuya-gun | Tel: 092-976-2112 | Reservation recommended | Open: 11:00 ~15:30, 17:00 ~ 22:00 (Sun. and Hol. 11:00 ~ 22:00) | Closed: Wed. (Thu. after a holiday)

West of Fukuoka


This traditional Japanese house has stood for 112 years, recently renovated as a restaurant serving Japanese cuisine. All food is prepared with a theme of ‘salt’, gathering its fish, meat and vegetables from the surrounding area of Itoshima. Owner Shuichi Hirakawa believes that in order to draw out the inherent flavor of a dish, salt is the essential ingredient, which years ago led him to begin his salt-making practice. Upon discovering the high quality of his salt, he decided to open his own restaurant. The time dedicated to making proper salt improves the quality of all dishes and allows the natural flavor to work its magic. Both full courses (lunch from ¥3,150, dinner from ¥5,250, plus one drink order) feature shiogamayaki (salt-baked fish or meat).

Address: 1454 Hon, Maebaru City | Tel: 092-330-8732 | Reservation required one day in advance | Open: 12:00 ~ 14:00 / 18:00 ~ 20:00 | Closed: Wed.




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