楽しい食事 ニュースマイル

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If you spent your childhood in Japan during the 70’s ~ 90’s, the classic food replicas in New Smile’s front window will bring back memories. Such replicas were once a familiar sight in restaurants, department stores and cafes. Even if you’re not Japanese, the nostalgic atmosphere of this delightful restaurant is hard to miss. Furnished with white walls and warm wooden furniture, New Smile was opened this March. However, the space is rich with history- the rebuild of a 40 year old traditional Japanese house. The owner wishes his customers to eat well , so each hearty dish is made to satisfy your stomach, and you can ask for “okawari”, a free refill. Former training at a famous diner in Fukuoka shines through in the quality of the dishes. The menu brims with familiarity for Japanese – Scotch Egg, Tonkatsu (fried pork coated with bread crumbs), Nami-lunch with fried white fish, salad, rice and soup, Napolitan spaghetti topped with egg, or Rice Omelet. The delicious Garlic dressing and Tartare sauce are also homemade recipes. You can enjoy same menu day and night, so whether you visit alone or with a friend, you are sure to enjoy a hearty meal, full of nostalgia.
Nami-lunch ¥750
Chicken Namban (deep-fried chicken breast covered in tartar sauce) ¥700
Pork Ginger ¥780
Fried Shrimp Luch ¥880
Hamburg Steak Lunch ¥800
Rice Omelet ¥700
Demikatsu (fried pork with demigrace sauce) with rice ¥650
Spaghetti Topped with Two Eggs ¥600

New Smile

Address: 2-19-1 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-713-6058
Open: 11:00 ~ 16:00, 17:30 ~ 23:00 (last call)
Closed on 2nd & 4th Thu.

2-19-1 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka




New Smile

Address: 福岡市中央区薬院2-19-1
営業時間:11:00~16:00、17:30~23:00 (LO)




7,80년대 백화점 레스토랑이나 거리에서 보이던 쇼윈도우 형식의 메뉴샘플이 어린시절을 추억하게 한다. 「옛날 그대로의 레스토랑」 이 가게를 뜻한다. 3월에 오픈, 하얀색으로 칠한 벽, 목재의 결을 살린 내추럴한 테이블과 카운터 등 여성 혼자서도 이용하기 편하게 되어있다. 40년 된 옛날 가정집을 개조하여 만들어 옛날부터 있었던 것처럼 보인다. 셰프의 「배부르게 먹어주시길 바란다」라는 말처럼 밥의 리필도 가능하다. 후쿠오카 시내의 인기 정식가게로써의 맛을 장담한다. 스카치에그(다진 고기에 삶은 계란을 넣은 요리), 돈가스, 생선가스, 샐러드, 밥, 스프가 나오는 나미런치를 시작으로, 오므라이스, 철판에 계란이 두개 올려져 나오는 스파게티 등 친숙한 메뉴가 모여있다. 마늘을 주로한 드레싱과 깔끔한 타르타르소스, 요리의 맛을 더하는 조미료도 핸드메이드! 점심과 저녁의 메뉴가 같기 때문에 혼자 생활 하는 사람에게는 저녁메뉴로도 추천! 향수를 느끼며 즐겁게 식사를 해보는 것은 어떨까.

나미런치 750엔
치킨 난방 700엔
포크진저 780엔
새우 후라이런치 880엔
오므라이스 700엔
데미카츠라이스 650엔
니코다마스파 (계란 두개 올라간 스파게티) 600엔

즐거운 식사 뉴 스마일

Address: 후쿠오카 츄오구 야쿠잉 2-19-1
Tel : 092-713-6058
영업시간 : 11:00~16:00,17:30~23:00(마지막 주문)
정기휴일 : 제2.4째 주 목요일

후쿠오카 츄오구 야쿠잉 2-19-1



If you spent your childhood in Japan during the 70’s ~ 90’s, the classic food replicas in New Smile’s front window will bring back memories. Such replicas were once a familiar sight in restaurants, department stores and cafes. Even if you’re not Japanese, the nostalgic atmosphere of this delightful restaurant is hard to miss. Furnished with white walls and warm wooden furniture, New Smile was opened this March. However, the space is rich with history- the rebuild of a 40 year old traditional Japanese house. The owner wishes his customers to eat well , so each hearty dish is made to satisfy your stomach, and you can ask for “okawari”, a free refill. Former training at a famous diner in Fukuoka shines through in the quality of the dishes. The menu brims with familiarity for Japanese – Scotch Egg, Tonkatsu (fried pork coated with bread crumbs), Nami-lunch with fried white fish, salad, rice and soup, Napolitan spaghetti topped with egg, or Rice Omelet. The delicious Garlic dressing and Tartare sauce are also homemade recipes. You can enjoy same menu day and night, so whether you visit alone or with a friend, you are sure to enjoy a hearty meal, full of nostalgia.
Nami-lunch ¥750
Chicken Namban (deep-fried chicken breast covered in tartar sauce) ¥700
Pork Ginger ¥780
Fried Shrimp Luch ¥880
Hamburg Steak Lunch ¥800
Rice Omelet ¥700
Demikatsu (fried pork with demigrace sauce) with rice ¥650
Spaghetti Topped with Two Eggs ¥600

New Smile

Address: 2-19-1 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-713-6058
Open: 11:00 ~ 16:00, 17:30 ~ 23:00 (last call)
Closed on 2nd & 4th Thu.

2-19-1 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka



If you spent your childhood in Japan during the 70’s ~ 90’s, the classic food replicas in New Smile’s front window will bring back memories. Such replicas were once a familiar sight in restaurants, department stores and cafes. Even if you’re not Japanese, the nostalgic atmosphere of this delightful restaurant is hard to miss. Furnished with white walls and warm wooden furniture, New Smile was opened this March. However, the space is rich with history- the rebuild of a 40 year old traditional Japanese house. The owner wishes his customers to eat well , so each hearty dish is made to satisfy your stomach, and you can ask for “okawari”, a free refill. Former training at a famous diner in Fukuoka shines through in the quality of the dishes. The menu brims with familiarity for Japanese – Scotch Egg, Tonkatsu (fried pork coated with bread crumbs), Nami-lunch with fried white fish, salad, rice and soup, Napolitan spaghetti topped with egg, or Rice Omelet. The delicious Garlic dressing and Tartare sauce are also homemade recipes. You can enjoy same menu day and night, so whether you visit alone or with a friend, you are sure to enjoy a hearty meal, full of nostalgia.
Nami-lunch ¥750
Chicken Namban (deep-fried chicken breast covered in tartar sauce) ¥700
Pork Ginger ¥780
Fried Shrimp Luch ¥880
Hamburg Steak Lunch ¥800
Rice Omelet ¥700
Demikatsu (fried pork with demigrace sauce) with rice ¥650
Spaghetti Topped with Two Eggs ¥600

New Smile

Address: 2-19-1 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-713-6058
Open: 11:00 ~ 16:00, 17:30 ~ 23:00 (last call)
Closed on 2nd & 4th Thu.

2-19-1 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka




New Smile

Address: 福岡市中央区薬院2-19-1
営業時間:11:00~16:00、17:30~23:00 (LO)




7,80년대 백화점 레스토랑이나 거리에서 보이던 쇼윈도우 형식의 메뉴샘플이 어린시절을 추억하게 한다. 「옛날 그대로의 레스토랑」 이 가게를 뜻한다. 3월에 오픈, 하얀색으로 칠한 벽, 목재의 결을 살린 내추럴한 테이블과 카운터 등 여성 혼자서도 이용하기 편하게 되어있다. 40년 된 옛날 가정집을 개조하여 만들어 옛날부터 있었던 것처럼 보인다. 셰프의 「배부르게 먹어주시길 바란다」라는 말처럼 밥의 리필도 가능하다. 후쿠오카 시내의 인기 정식가게로써의 맛을 장담한다. 스카치에그(다진 고기에 삶은 계란을 넣은 요리), 돈가스, 생선가스, 샐러드, 밥, 스프가 나오는 나미런치를 시작으로, 오므라이스, 철판에 계란이 두개 올려져 나오는 스파게티 등 친숙한 메뉴가 모여있다. 마늘을 주로한 드레싱과 깔끔한 타르타르소스, 요리의 맛을 더하는 조미료도 핸드메이드! 점심과 저녁의 메뉴가 같기 때문에 혼자 생활 하는 사람에게는 저녁메뉴로도 추천! 향수를 느끼며 즐겁게 식사를 해보는 것은 어떨까.

나미런치 750엔
치킨 난방 700엔
포크진저 780엔
새우 후라이런치 880엔
오므라이스 700엔
데미카츠라이스 650엔
니코다마스파 (계란 두개 올라간 스파게티) 600엔

즐거운 식사 뉴 스마일

Address: 후쿠오카 츄오구 야쿠잉 2-19-1
Tel : 092-713-6058
영업시간 : 11:00~16:00,17:30~23:00(마지막 주문)
정기휴일 : 제2.4째 주 목요일

후쿠오카 츄오구 야쿠잉 2-19-1



If you spent your childhood in Japan during the 70’s ~ 90’s, the classic food replicas in New Smile’s front window will bring back memories. Such replicas were once a familiar sight in restaurants, department stores and cafes. Even if you’re not Japanese, the nostalgic atmosphere of this delightful restaurant is hard to miss. Furnished with white walls and warm wooden furniture, New Smile was opened this March. However, the space is rich with history- the rebuild of a 40 year old traditional Japanese house. The owner wishes his customers to eat well , so each hearty dish is made to satisfy your stomach, and you can ask for “okawari”, a free refill. Former training at a famous diner in Fukuoka shines through in the quality of the dishes. The menu brims with familiarity for Japanese – Scotch Egg, Tonkatsu (fried pork coated with bread crumbs), Nami-lunch with fried white fish, salad, rice and soup, Napolitan spaghetti topped with egg, or Rice Omelet. The delicious Garlic dressing and Tartare sauce are also homemade recipes. You can enjoy same menu day and night, so whether you visit alone or with a friend, you are sure to enjoy a hearty meal, full of nostalgia.
Nami-lunch ¥750
Chicken Namban (deep-fried chicken breast covered in tartar sauce) ¥700
Pork Ginger ¥780
Fried Shrimp Luch ¥880
Hamburg Steak Lunch ¥800
Rice Omelet ¥700
Demikatsu (fried pork with demigrace sauce) with rice ¥650
Spaghetti Topped with Two Eggs ¥600

New Smile

Address: 2-19-1 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-713-6058
Open: 11:00 ~ 16:00, 17:30 ~ 23:00 (last call)
Closed on 2nd & 4th Thu.

2-19-1 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka



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