
Autumn menus have been introduced at ELLE CAFÉ this month and you are sure to welcome the seasonal shift with the delicious selection on offer. Before we go into any more detail about the food, though, let’s meet this month’s guest.

Though Gina Whittle has a hectic schedule as a company manager, she eagerly invests her spare time in learning more about cooking. Even on her lunch break, her eyes are peeled for new ingredients or recipe ideas that she can use.
Originally from New Zealand, Gina first visited Japan when she was 19 year old. After working as a model and part-time teacher at a university, she established her own company, Gina & Partners, facilitating educational exchanges between New Zealand, Australia and Japan. She strongly believes in the importance of experiencing different cultures holistically, rather than travelling abroad just to learn a foreign language. This is reflected in her own work schedule, which sees her out and about a lot. Seminars and business trips take her all over Japan, and she takes great pleasure in being able to work on the go, especially in a place like ELLE CAFÉ: “It’s simple, and I can relax”.
Today, her order is porcini mushroom gnocchi. She enjoys its chewy texture and the combination of Parma ham and bitter arugula in the sauce. “New Zealanders have hearty meals in cafés, using simple ingredients.” This café culture seems to differ from Europe’s, where drinking is higher on the agenda.
Gina always wants to re-evaluate her goals, rather than have a single, permanent one. “You have only one life to live so why not enjoy it? Maintain a wide perspective and you will always be able to find new opportunities and see yourself anew. Have REAL experiences!” This motto certainly shines through from within.
Menu: Porcini mushroom gnocchi ¥1,050


ELLE CAFÉ Fukuoka Hakata
4F Hakata Hankyu, 1-1 Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-419-5832
Open: 10:00 ~ 21:00



ショッピングにお茶・スイーツ、おしゃべりに情報収集、と、様々なシチュエーションに、季節らしさがエッセンスとして加わった今月のELLE CAFÉでは、秋の味覚が堪能できる新メニューも登場。

「もっと本格的に料理の勉強をしたいの。」 経営者として忙しく全国を飛び回るジーナ・ウィットルは、できるだけ自分で夕食を作るためにも、ランチや出張での外食時は、食べるだけでなく、調理法や素材に興味をもつようにしているのだそう。
19 歳で留学生として初めて日本を訪れた彼女は、モデルや大学の非常勤講師などの職を経て、母国ニュージーランドとオーストラリアに特化した旅行・留学をプロデュースする株式会社 ジーナアンドパートナーズを、ここ福岡で設立した。単なる語学研修を超えた「本物の」体験を日本人にして欲しい、という彼女の想いは、創業から8年経った今でも変わらず、セミナーや営業のためにノートパソコンと一緒に移動することも多い。
Menu:ポルチーニ茸のニョッキ ¥1,050


福岡市博多区博多駅中央街1番1号 博多阪急4階



쇼핑, 카페, 디저트, 수다, 정보수집 등 다양한 활동이 이루어지는 ELLE CAFÉ. 계절마다 조금씩다른 모습을 보여주는데 이번 달에는 가을 신메뉴가 새롭게 추가되었다.

‘본격적으로 요리를 공부하고 싶어요.’ 경영자로써 바쁘게 일본 전역을 오가는 지나 휘틀씨. 저녁식사는 되도록이면 직접 만드려고 하는데 그래서 점심식사나 해외 출장 시 저녁식사를 할 때에는 단지 먹기만 하는게 아니라 조리법과 재료에도 관심을 기울이려 하고 있단다.
유학을 위해 19살 때 처음으로 일본을 찾은 그녀는 모델과 대학 시간강사 등의 일을 해왔고 모국 뉴질랜드와 호주를 중심으로 한 여행 및 유학을 프로듀스하는 법인회사를 후쿠오카에 설립했다. 단순한 어학연수 차원을 뛰어넘어 ‘진짜’ 체험을 제공하고자 하는 그녀의 의지는 회사 설립 8년째를 맞이한 지금도 변함이 없다. 세미나와 영업을 위해 노트북을 들고 다니는 때도 많다.
일할 때 장소에 얽매이지 않으려 하는 그녀는 쾌적한 카페에서 일이 잘 된다고 했는데 ‘ELLE CAFÉ는 심플하며 밝은데다 안정된다’며 웃어보였다.
버섯의 왕이라 불리는 포르치니를 사용한 뇨끼를 주문한 그녀는 쫀득쫀득한 뇨끼와 크림 소스, 그리고 곁들여진 생햄과 쌉싸름한 루꼴라를 맛보았다. ‘재료를 잘 살린 심플한 조리법과 양이 많은 뉴질랜드 요리는 카페에서 먹는 경우도 많아요.’ 카페를 음료를 즐기는 곳이라 생각하는 유럽과는 조금 다른 듯 하다.
목표를 단번에 정해버리기보다는 다양한 경험을 통해 많은 것을 배워가며 그러한 과정을 통해 목표는 항상 업데이트되어야 한다는 지나. ‘인생은 단 한 번뿐이니 즐겨야죠. 시야를 넓혀서 세계를 둘러보면 새로운 자기 자신, 그리고 기회를 찾을 수 있어요. 리얼한 체험을 해야하지 않을까요?’ 그녀가 빛나는 이유는 여기에 있는 듯 하다.
Menu: 포르치니 뇨끼 1,050엔


엘르 카페 후쿠오카 하카타점
후쿠오카시 하카타구 하카타에키 추오가이 1-1 하카타한큐 4층
전화: 092-419-5832
영업시간: 10:00~21:00



Autumn menus have been introduced at ELLE CAFÉ this month and you are sure to welcome the seasonal shift with the delicious selection on offer. Before we go into any more detail about the food, though, let’s meet this month’s guest.

Though Gina Whittle has a hectic schedule as a company manager, she eagerly invests her spare time in learning more about cooking. Even on her lunch break, her eyes are peeled for new ingredients or recipe ideas that she can use.
Originally from New Zealand, Gina first visited Japan when she was 19 year old. After working as a model and part-time teacher at a university, she established her own company, Gina & Partners, facilitating educational exchanges between New Zealand, Australia and Japan. She strongly believes in the importance of experiencing different cultures holistically, rather than travelling abroad just to learn a foreign language. This is reflected in her own work schedule, which sees her out and about a lot. Seminars and business trips take her all over Japan, and she takes great pleasure in being able to work on the go, especially in a place like ELLE CAFÉ: “It’s simple, and I can relax”.
Today, her order is porcini mushroom gnocchi. She enjoys its chewy texture and the combination of Parma ham and bitter arugula in the sauce. “New Zealanders have hearty meals in cafés, using simple ingredients.” This café culture seems to differ from Europe’s, where drinking is higher on the agenda.
Gina always wants to re-evaluate her goals, rather than have a single, permanent one. “You have only one life to live so why not enjoy it? Maintain a wide perspective and you will always be able to find new opportunities and see yourself anew. Have REAL experiences!” This motto certainly shines through from within.
Menu: Porcini mushroom gnocchi ¥1,050


ELLE CAFÉ Fukuoka Hakata
4F Hakata Hankyu, 1-1 Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-419-5832
Open: 10:00 ~ 21:00



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