Ask a local where to go for great soba (buckwheat noodles) in Daimyo, and they’ll most likely point you in the direction of this 60-year-old restaurant. Last July, Yabukin relocated to the ground floor of a grand old building and the traditional courtyard gives you the feeling that you’re stepping back in time. Pass through the gate, slip off your shoes at the entrance and admire the stylish wooden interior. The noodles sold here are handmade every morning by proprietor Mr. Goto. “Because soba is such a simple food, it’s impossible to hide any mistakes. I always take great care when making the noodles,” he says. The quality of the flour used is also of upmost importance, so Mr. Goto tested varieties from all over the country for their taste and fragrance. Currently, he uses two varieties from Kagoshima, which he says are as good as any from Honshu. Savor the well-rounded aroma of the noodles and the slight sweetness after you bite into them. Their à la carte dishes are also popular, particularly the deliciously light dashimaki (rolled Japanese-style omelette, ¥850) that comes topped with a thick kudzu-starch sauce. Be sure to ask about their seasonal specials too!
Soba ¥750
Soba with grated daikon ¥950
Soba with egg ¥850
Soba with tempura ¥1,550
Soba with deep-fried tofu ¥750
Tempura rice bowl ¥1,550
Plum rice ball ¥220
Yakimiso (a grilled mixture of miso, buckwheat grain and vegetables) ¥550
Chicken with wasabi and soy sauce dressing ¥650
Beer ¥630
Address: Shonankyo, 2-1-16 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-761-0207
Opening Hours: 11:30–21:00 (last orders: 20:30)
Closed: Wed.

Address: 福岡市中央区大名2-1-16 松楠居
Tel: 092-761-0207

다이묘에서 소바 가게라고 말하자면 바로 이 곳! 창업 60년, 다이묘에서 35년간의 역사를 지켜온 인기점이 작년 7월, 여기 ‘쇼우난쿄’로 이전했다. 쇼우난쿄는 다이묘에 본점을 둔 죠쿠우간장의 3대 사장이 1936년에 지은 유서 있는 저택이다. 신발을 벗고 가게 안에 들어서면, 실내가 목조로 꾸며져 멋스럽고, 창문 저편으로 보이는 작은 안뜰도 정취가 묻어난다. 소바는 2대째 주인 고토우 씨가 매일 개점 전에 ‘오오다마우치’라 불리는 수법으로 한번에 50인분의 면을 뽑아낸다. “소바는 심플한 요리여서 속임수가 듣지 않습니다. 항상 긴장감을 가지고 만듭니다.” 맛을 좌우하는 소바가루는 일본 방방곡곡에서 주문하여 맛과 향을 테스트했다. 현재 규슈에서 사용하는 것은 카코섬의 후키아게와 키모츠키로부터 가져오고 있다. 소바를 후루룩 넘기면 향기가 코로 올라오고, 씹을수록 입 안에 달콤함이 감돈다. 계절에 따라 기간한정 메뉴도 있으니 점원에게 물어보자. 단품요리도 다양하게 준비되어 있으며, 특히 다시마키(850엔)는 팬이 많다. 잘 구운 계란에 칡으로 끈끈함을 더한 팥소가 더해졌다. 품격있는 달콤함에 자꾸만 생각나게 한다.
세이로 750엔
오로시 950엔
토지 850엔
텐푸라 1550엔
키쓰네 750엔
덴동 1550엔
우메니기리 220엔
야키미소 550엔
토리와사 650엔
맥주(중간 병) 630엔
후쿠오카시 주오구 다이묘 2-1-16 쇼우난쿄
Tel: 092-761-0207
영업시간 : 11:30~21:00 ( L.O. 20:30 )
정기휴일 : 수요일

Ask a local where to go for great soba (buckwheat noodles) in Daimyo, and they’ll most likely point you in the direction of this 60-year-old restaurant. Last July, Yabukin relocated to the ground floor of a grand old building and the traditional courtyard gives you the feeling that you’re stepping back in time. Pass through the gate, slip off your shoes at the entrance and admire the stylish wooden interior. The noodles sold here are handmade every morning by proprietor Mr. Goto. “Because soba is such a simple food, it’s impossible to hide any mistakes. I always take great care when making the noodles,” he says. The quality of the flour used is also of upmost importance, so Mr. Goto tested varieties from all over the country for their taste and fragrance. Currently, he uses two varieties from Kagoshima, which he says are as good as any from Honshu. Savor the well-rounded aroma of the noodles and the slight sweetness after you bite into them. Their à la carte dishes are also popular, particularly the deliciously light dashimaki (rolled Japanese-style omelette, ¥850) that comes topped with a thick kudzu-starch sauce. Be sure to ask about their seasonal specials too!
Soba ¥750
Soba with grated daikon ¥950
Soba with egg ¥850
Soba with tempura ¥1,550
Soba with deep-fried tofu ¥750
Tempura rice bowl ¥1,550
Plum rice ball ¥220
Yakimiso (a grilled mixture of miso, buckwheat grain and vegetables) ¥550
Chicken with wasabi and soy sauce dressing ¥650
Beer ¥630
Address: Shonankyo, 2-1-16 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-761-0207
Opening Hours: 11:30–21:00 (last orders: 20:30)
Closed: Wed.

Ask a local where to go for great soba (buckwheat noodles) in Daimyo, and they’ll most likely point you in the direction of this 60-year-old restaurant. Last July, Yabukin relocated to the ground floor of a grand old building and the traditional courtyard gives you the feeling that you’re stepping back in time. Pass through the gate, slip off your shoes at the entrance and admire the stylish wooden interior. The noodles sold here are handmade every morning by proprietor Mr. Goto. “Because soba is such a simple food, it’s impossible to hide any mistakes. I always take great care when making the noodles,” he says. The quality of the flour used is also of upmost importance, so Mr. Goto tested varieties from all over the country for their taste and fragrance. Currently, he uses two varieties from Kagoshima, which he says are as good as any from Honshu. Savor the well-rounded aroma of the noodles and the slight sweetness after you bite into them. Their à la carte dishes are also popular, particularly the deliciously light dashimaki (rolled Japanese-style omelette, ¥850) that comes topped with a thick kudzu-starch sauce. Be sure to ask about their seasonal specials too!
Soba ¥750
Soba with grated daikon ¥950
Soba with egg ¥850
Soba with tempura ¥1,550
Soba with deep-fried tofu ¥750
Tempura rice bowl ¥1,550
Plum rice ball ¥220
Yakimiso (a grilled mixture of miso, buckwheat grain and vegetables) ¥550
Chicken with wasabi and soy sauce dressing ¥650
Beer ¥630
Address: Shonankyo, 2-1-16 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-761-0207
Opening Hours: 11:30–21:00 (last orders: 20:30)
Closed: Wed.

Address: 福岡市中央区大名2-1-16 松楠居
Tel: 092-761-0207

다이묘에서 소바 가게라고 말하자면 바로 이 곳! 창업 60년, 다이묘에서 35년간의 역사를 지켜온 인기점이 작년 7월, 여기 ‘쇼우난쿄’로 이전했다. 쇼우난쿄는 다이묘에 본점을 둔 죠쿠우간장의 3대 사장이 1936년에 지은 유서 있는 저택이다. 신발을 벗고 가게 안에 들어서면, 실내가 목조로 꾸며져 멋스럽고, 창문 저편으로 보이는 작은 안뜰도 정취가 묻어난다. 소바는 2대째 주인 고토우 씨가 매일 개점 전에 ‘오오다마우치’라 불리는 수법으로 한번에 50인분의 면을 뽑아낸다. “소바는 심플한 요리여서 속임수가 듣지 않습니다. 항상 긴장감을 가지고 만듭니다.” 맛을 좌우하는 소바가루는 일본 방방곡곡에서 주문하여 맛과 향을 테스트했다. 현재 규슈에서 사용하는 것은 카코섬의 후키아게와 키모츠키로부터 가져오고 있다. 소바를 후루룩 넘기면 향기가 코로 올라오고, 씹을수록 입 안에 달콤함이 감돈다. 계절에 따라 기간한정 메뉴도 있으니 점원에게 물어보자. 단품요리도 다양하게 준비되어 있으며, 특히 다시마키(850엔)는 팬이 많다. 잘 구운 계란에 칡으로 끈끈함을 더한 팥소가 더해졌다. 품격있는 달콤함에 자꾸만 생각나게 한다.
세이로 750엔
오로시 950엔
토지 850엔
텐푸라 1550엔
키쓰네 750엔
덴동 1550엔
우메니기리 220엔
야키미소 550엔
토리와사 650엔
맥주(중간 병) 630엔
후쿠오카시 주오구 다이묘 2-1-16 쇼우난쿄
Tel: 092-761-0207
영업시간 : 11:30~21:00 ( L.O. 20:30 )
정기휴일 : 수요일

Ask a local where to go for great soba (buckwheat noodles) in Daimyo, and they’ll most likely point you in the direction of this 60-year-old restaurant. Last July, Yabukin relocated to the ground floor of a grand old building and the traditional courtyard gives you the feeling that you’re stepping back in time. Pass through the gate, slip off your shoes at the entrance and admire the stylish wooden interior. The noodles sold here are handmade every morning by proprietor Mr. Goto. “Because soba is such a simple food, it’s impossible to hide any mistakes. I always take great care when making the noodles,” he says. The quality of the flour used is also of upmost importance, so Mr. Goto tested varieties from all over the country for their taste and fragrance. Currently, he uses two varieties from Kagoshima, which he says are as good as any from Honshu. Savor the well-rounded aroma of the noodles and the slight sweetness after you bite into them. Their à la carte dishes are also popular, particularly the deliciously light dashimaki (rolled Japanese-style omelette, ¥850) that comes topped with a thick kudzu-starch sauce. Be sure to ask about their seasonal specials too!
Soba ¥750
Soba with grated daikon ¥950
Soba with egg ¥850
Soba with tempura ¥1,550
Soba with deep-fried tofu ¥750
Tempura rice bowl ¥1,550
Plum rice ball ¥220
Yakimiso (a grilled mixture of miso, buckwheat grain and vegetables) ¥550
Chicken with wasabi and soy sauce dressing ¥650
Beer ¥630
Address: Shonankyo, 2-1-16 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-761-0207
Opening Hours: 11:30–21:00 (last orders: 20:30)
Closed: Wed.