
(updated) Free and almost free electronics

Mar 22, 2016 09:03 by

Giving away and selling at low price the following electronics in good working condition:

1. Rice cooker
Model: National (Panasonic) SR-CJ05
Volume: 3 cups (3合) – ideal for 1-2 persons
Price: 700 Yen
Condition and comments: works fine. The express mode allows for expedited cooking in just 20-25 minutes. Works great in cooking the whole steamed dishes, e.g. adding fish/chicken and vegetables to the raw price and cooking it all together – very convenient, fast and healthy.

2. Hair straightener
Model: Zepeal DS-C810BE
Price: FREE
Condition and comments: works fine.

3. Dehumidifier
Model: TU-400
Power: 23.4 W
Price: FREE
Condition: works fine

Pictures of the items:

Pick up in Nishijin.

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