츄우츄우야 푸라비타

Oct 24, 2011 17:47 댓글 없음

When it comes to food, Kyushu is a big place, and although Miyazaki and Fukuoka may be next to each other, the taste of each prefecture’s cooking is completely different! Luckily, you can sample Miyazaki’s characteristically sweet, rich flavor without leaving Fukuoka by heading to Pura Vida in Daimyo. Manager Mr. Masudome is from Miyakonojou in Miyazaki. He regards Miyazaki cuisine as part of his identity, and is keen to share it with a wider audience. After managing an international restaurant in Tokyo for a year, he set off to Central and South America to broaden his horizons – an experience that’s reflected in the originality of the food at Pura Vida. He is particularly proud of the Chicken Namban (¥780, half ¥630) – a deep-fried Miyazaki chicken breast covered in tartar sauce, made using 10 different spices. As well as Miyazaki cuisine, there’s an array of other creative dishes such as Tom Yum Goong Hot Pot (¥1,680, 2 people minimum per order). Fans of microbrews will also be pleased to know that Pura Vida is the only place in Fukuoka serving draught Hideji Beer from Miyazaki. The staff are friendly too, and include English, Korean, German and Spanish speakers.
Chargrilled Miyazaki chicken ¥980
Lightly chargrilled Miyazaki beef with ponzu ¥1,200
Meat-wrapped rice ball ¥480
Cold soup ¥580
Mexican-style pizza ¥980, (half ¥630)
smoked cod roe ¥480, Draft beer ¥530


Chuchuya Pura vida!

Address: Aoi Building 1F, 1-3-23 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-724-4117
Open: 18:00 ~ 01:00 (LO 24:00) Fri, Sat and days before public holidays 18:00 ~ 03:00 (LO 02:00) Sun and public holidays 18:00 ~ 24:00 (23:00)

Aoi Building 1F, 1-3-23 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka






酎厨や プーラヴィータ

Address: 福岡市中央区大名1-3-23 葵ビル1F
営業時間:18:00〜01:00(LO 24:00)、金土・祝前日18:00〜03:00(LO 02:00)、日祝18:00〜24:00(LO 23:00)

福岡市中央区大名1-3-23 葵ビル1F




큐슈는 넓다. 이어져 있지만 미야자키요리는 후쿠오카요리와 미각이 전혀 다르다. 보통 미야자키에서는 후쿠오카보다도 ‘달고 진한’ 양념이 선호된다. 여기 후쿠오카에서 미야자키의 명물요리를 즐길 수 있는 가게가 다이묘의 골목에 있다. 가게 대표인 마스도모씨는 미야자키의 미야코노죠오 출신. 도쿄에서 다국적요리가게를 하다가 중남미를 여행하며 견문을 넓혔다. 그런 경험이 이곳의 요리에 색다른 개성을 불어 넣었다. 마스도모씨가 자신의 아이덴티티라고까지 하는 미야자키요리는 친숙하지 않은 사람도 먹기 쉬운 세련된 양념. 간판메뉴인 치킨난방(780엔, 반 630엔)은, 미야자키산 닭가슴살을 튀겨 10종류의 조미료를 사용한 타르타르소스를 듬뿍 얹었다. 산뜻한 뒷맛의 타르타르소스 덕분에 많은 양에도 불구하고 눈 감추듯 사라진다. 달고 진한 맛뿐만이 아닌 섬세함이 이 곳 요리에는 있다. 미야자키 요리 외에 똠양꿍구이모쯔나베(1인분1,680엔, 주문은 2인 ~) 등, 창작요리도 충실하다. 또, 미야자키의 맥주 ‘히데지 맥주’를 타루나마로 마실 수 있는 곳은 후쿠오카에서 여기뿐! 영어, 한국어, 독일어, 스페인어를 하는 스태프가 있어 외국인도 안심하고 요리를 즐길 수 있다.
지도리의 숯불구이 980엔
미야자키규의 숯불구이오로시폰즈 1,200엔
니쿠마키오니기리 480엔
히야시루 580엔
멕시코풍 피자 980엔(반 630엔)
명란젓의 스모크 480엔
생맥주 (맥주저그) 580엔



Address: 후쿠오카시 쥬오구 다이묘 1-3-23 아오이 빌딩 1층
Tel: 092-724-4117
영업시간 : 18:00 ~ 01:00 (LO 24:00), 금토·공휴일 전날 18:00 ~ 03:00 (LO 02:00), 일·공휴일 18:00 ~ 24:00 (LO 23:00)
정기휴일 : 없음

후쿠오카시 쥬오구 다이묘 1-3-23 아오이 빌딩 1층




When it comes to food, Kyushu is a big place, and although Miyazaki and Fukuoka may be next to each other, the taste of each prefecture’s cooking is completely different! Luckily, you can sample Miyazaki’s characteristically sweet, rich flavor without leaving Fukuoka by heading to Pura Vida in Daimyo. Manager Mr. Masudome is from Miyakonojou in Miyazaki. He regards Miyazaki cuisine as part of his identity, and is keen to share it with a wider audience. After managing an international restaurant in Tokyo for a year, he set off to Central and South America to broaden his horizons – an experience that’s reflected in the originality of the food at Pura Vida. He is particularly proud of the Chicken Namban (¥780, half ¥630) – a deep-fried Miyazaki chicken breast covered in tartar sauce, made using 10 different spices. As well as Miyazaki cuisine, there’s an array of other creative dishes such as Tom Yum Goong Hot Pot (¥1,680, 2 people minimum per order). Fans of microbrews will also be pleased to know that Pura Vida is the only place in Fukuoka serving draught Hideji Beer from Miyazaki. The staff are friendly too, and include English, Korean, German and Spanish speakers.
Chargrilled Miyazaki chicken ¥980
Lightly chargrilled Miyazaki beef with ponzu ¥1,200
Meat-wrapped rice ball ¥480
Cold soup ¥580
Mexican-style pizza ¥980, (half ¥630)
smoked cod roe ¥480, Draft beer ¥530


Chuchuya Pura vida!

Address: Aoi Building 1F, 1-3-23 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-724-4117
Open: 18:00 ~ 01:00 (LO 24:00) Fri, Sat and days before public holidays 18:00 ~ 03:00 (LO 02:00) Sun and public holidays 18:00 ~ 24:00 (23:00)

Aoi Building 1F, 1-3-23 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka




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