Chonnakarn came to Fukuoka as General Manager of Thai Airways (TG) South Japan in 2011, after joining TG in 2000 and spending the past years at head offices in Bangkok and Frankfurt. Besides working hard to send Kyushu people to Thailand (and all over the world) as a representative figure of the airline, she also enjoys traveling privately. She strives to visit new places in order to learn their cultures.
“I take photos when I travel. Sights, foods, signs – anything to preserve my memories.”
She shares these “visual memos” with her family and friends over the Internet. Live communication via Skype is an important method of communicating with those most precious to her.
After a pleasant chat, and a fragrant cup of tea of French quality THE ô DOR (¥756), what’s next? Shopping, of course! She loves shopping so much that she has to “keep a hold of” herself at times. You will notice that Chonnakarn has a good taste in fashion.
“Being a woman can be an advantage. If you can manage yourself well, you can put on a good performance. Drive yourself forward!”
Chonnakarn certainly likes making people happy- her first reply when introduced to a Ruca accessory (made by the hands of an Okinawan artist) was “It would make a good present”. When she thinks of other people’s happiness, greater happiness comes to her.
“To live happily is the most important thing.”
Price: Ruca Coral & Pearl Bracelet ¥9,975
4F Hakata Hankyu, 1-1 Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-419-5832
Open: 10:00 ~ 21:00
Chonnakarn Akrapreedee
Price:Ruca 枝珊瑚&パールブレスレッド¥9,975、KUKURU PIERCE HOOP ¥6,090
올해 4월부터 후쿠오카에 체류 중인 그녀는 타이를 대표하는 타이국제항공(이하 TG)의 남(南)일본지역 총지배인이다. 입사 이래 방콕 본사의 감독직, 프랑크푸르트 스타 얼라이언스 본부에서 근무했고 이번엔 규슈지역의 영업활동을 총괄하는 직책을 맡게 되었다. 항공회사의 얼굴로서 규슈와 타이, 그리고 세계 각국을 TG를 이용하는 여행으로 이어나가고자 하는 그녀. 여행을 매우 좋아하며 시간이 날 때마다 새로운 곳을 찾아가 그곳의 문화를 배우는 데에 관심이 있다고 한다.
‘여행할 때는 반드시 사진을 찍어요. 풍경, 먹거리, 표지판… 모든걸 기억에 담아두기 위해서죠.’ 그녀가 촬영한 사진은 인터넷 상에서 가족이나 친구들에게 보여준다고. 세계적으로 활약하는 그녀는 자신의 기록을 소중한 사람들과 공유하면서 스카이프를 통해 적절한 커뮤니케이션을 즐기고 있다.
프랑스 고급 홍차 브랜드 THE O DOR의 향기로운 얼그레이(홍차 756엔)를 마시며 잠시 숨을 돌린 후, 드디어 찾아온 쇼핑 타임! ‘자제할 줄도 알아야 하는데 말이죠.’라며 쓴 웃음을 지어 보이며 쇼퍼홀릭임을 인정한 그녀는 물론 패션에도 관심이 많다. 비즈니스 정장은 물론 과하게 멋 부리지 않은 평소의 패션 센스도 그녀의 또 다른 매력. ‘여성이란 점은 엄청난 강점이에요. 자기자신을 제대로 관리하면 그게 좋은 성과로 이어지죠.’
오키나와에 거주하는 작가가 정성들여 메시지를 담아 만드는 Ruca의 액세서리의 메시지를 본 그녀는 선물로 좋겠다며 당장에 반응을 보였다. ‘행복하게 살아가는게 가장 중요!’하다며 타인의 행복을 자신의 행복으로 받아들이는 그녀의 웃음이 더 큰 행복으로 이어지지 않을까.
가격: Ruca 가지산호&진주 팔찌 9,975엔
Chonnakarn came to Fukuoka as General Manager of Thai Airways (TG) South Japan in 2011, after joining TG in 2000 and spending the past years at head offices in Bangkok and Frankfurt. Besides working hard to send Kyushu people to Thailand (and all over the world) as a representative figure of the airline, she also enjoys traveling privately. She strives to visit new places in order to learn their cultures.
“I take photos when I travel. Sights, foods, signs – anything to preserve my memories.”
She shares these “visual memos” with her family and friends over the Internet. Live communication via Skype is an important method of communicating with those most precious to her.
After a pleasant chat, and a fragrant cup of tea of French quality THE ô DOR (¥756), what’s next? Shopping, of course! She loves shopping so much that she has to “keep a hold of” herself at times. You will notice that Chonnakarn has a good taste in fashion.
“Being a woman can be an advantage. If you can manage yourself well, you can put on a good performance. Drive yourself forward!”
Chonnakarn certainly likes making people happy- her first reply when introduced to a Ruca accessory (made by the hands of an Okinawan artist) was “It would make a good present”. When she thinks of other people’s happiness, greater happiness comes to her.
“To live happily is the most important thing.”
Price: Ruca Coral & Pearl Bracelet ¥9,975
4F Hakata Hankyu, 1-1 Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-419-5832
Open: 10:00 ~ 21:00