
Oct 24, 2011 18:42 댓글 없음


Oktoberfest is a traditional German festival, originating in Munich but now also celebrated in many other places, including Japan. The people of Fukuoka never miss the chance for a good festival, and sure enough Fukuoka Oktoberfest is now a regular fixture on the calendar and will be held this year from the 22nd to 31st October in Reizen Park. German sausages, bread and wine will be on sale in German-made garden cottage-style tents, and of course no Oktoberfest would be complete without a selection of German beers (¥900, ¥1300) too. A German folk band has even been flown over specially to perform!

Entrance is Free!

■ Reizen Park (Kamikawabata, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka)
■17:00 ~ 21:00, Sat. & Sun. 11:00 ~ 21:00
■092-986-3572 (Forsa)
■Web site:forcasweb.com/oktoberfest/

※Pick up a printed copy of the October issue of Fukuoka Now for a ¥100 coupon off beer! (100 coupon limit per day)

Bayern Fukuoka Oktoberfest

Sports bar Bayern Fukuoka celebrations for Oktoberfest include all-you-can-eat-and-drink specials on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. For just ¥4,000 for men or ¥3,000 for women (plus a refundable ¥1,000 glass deposit), you can enjoy a German buffet and drink your fill of 4 different German beers and 35 varieties of cocktails for a maximum of 6 hours!

■Bayern Fukuoka, 2-14-3, Imagawa, Chuo-ku,
■10 / 2 (Sat.) ~ 24 (Sun.) 18:00 ~ 24:00, Sun. ~ Wed. 18:00 ~ 22:00
■ Men: ¥4,000, Women ¥3,000 (plus a refundable glass deposit ¥1,000)
■ 092-791-7344


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