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Located one block over from Keyaki-dori, the exterior of this café and bakery resembles that of a traditional Japanese house. The interior has been beautifully renovated with airy high ceilings, concrete walls and floors that contrast marvelously with wooden beams, pillars and handmade wooden furniture. Large windows looking out onto the beautiful garden are also a nice touch. In August, they are only open in the evenings, serving a set meal of hors d’oeuvres, soup, bread, main course, dessert and drink (¥3,500, reservation required). During the rest of the year, they also have a popular lunch menu, which includes homemade bread and lots of fresh vegetables. The owner is careful to select only the best ingredients, and is particularly selective about the coffee that he serves. If you choose coffee to accompany your dinner, you will be served their “Summer Blend”, which is made from a mixture of Ethiopian, Brazilian and Rwandan beans. With a citrus aftertaste, it is perfect for warm summer nights. Packaged coffee beans are also on sale and make great presents for a coffee-loving friend… or for yourself!
Cake set ¥750
Coffee (Ethiopian, Brazilian, Rwandan, Guatemalan or Mandheling) ¥450
Café au lait ¥550
Iced coffee ¥500
Beer (small bottle) ¥500
Address: 2-2-22 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-406-9361
Opening Hours: 11:30 ~ 20:00
Closed: Tue., 1st Mon.
2-2-22 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
住所: 福岡市中央区赤坂2-2-22
Tel: 092-406-9361
케야키도오리에서 주택지로 들어간 곳에 위치한 카페로, 외관은 옛날 일본식 2층 가옥의 모습 그대로다. 대문을 통과해 현관에서 중문을 열어 먼저 놀라는 것이, 천장의 높이. 가옥 중심 부분의 천장을 제거해 지붕까지 복층 구조를 이루고 있다. 벽이나 마루는 콘크리트. 이 무심한 듯한 느낌이, 두꺼운 들보와 기둥, 손수 제작한 나무 선반, 그리고 커다란 창문 밖으로 펼쳐지는 정원의 푸름과 묘한 대비를 이룬다. 인기메뉴는 손수 만든 빵이나 신선한 야채를 먹을 수 있는 런치이지만, 8월에는 통상영업을 쉬고 디너 코스(3500엔)을 제공한다(부정기, 예약제). 전채, 스프, 빵, 메인메뉴인 야채 플레이트, 디저트와 드링크의 구성. 가게 주인이 직접 엄선한 야채들은 그 맛이 진하고 씹는 맛이 좋다. 코스요리에 포함된 드링크 중 따뜻한 커피를 선택하면 에티오피아, 브라질, 르완다의 커피콩을 사용한 ‘여름 블렌드’가 나온다. 마신 뒤 입 안에 감귤류의 여운이 남는, 그야말로 여름에 추천하는 커피다. 커피는 단품(450엔)도 있으며, 각각의 개성이 살게끔 가게 안쪽의 기계에서 정성껏 볶은 콩을 사용하고 있다. 커피콩도 판매하고 있으니 선물용으로 사가는 것도 좋겠다.
케이크세트 750엔
스페셜티 커피 (에티오피아, 브라질, 르완다, 과테말라, 만데린의 5종류) 450엔
카페오레 (포트 서비스) 550엔
아이스커피 500엔
맥주 (작은 병) 500엔
Address: 후쿠오카시 쥬오구 아카사카 2-2-22
Tel: 092-406-9361
영업시간: 11:30 ~ 20:00
정기휴일: 화, 첫번째 월요일
후쿠오카시 쥬오구 아카사카 2-2-22
Located one block over from Keyaki-dori, the exterior of this café and bakery resembles that of a traditional Japanese house. The interior has been beautifully renovated with airy high ceilings, concrete walls and floors that contrast marvelously with wooden beams, pillars and handmade wooden furniture. Large windows looking out onto the beautiful garden are also a nice touch. In August, they are only open in the evenings, serving a set meal of hors d’oeuvres, soup, bread, main course, dessert and drink (¥3,500, reservation required). During the rest of the year, they also have a popular lunch menu, which includes homemade bread and lots of fresh vegetables. The owner is careful to select only the best ingredients, and is particularly selective about the coffee that he serves. If you choose coffee to accompany your dinner, you will be served their “Summer Blend”, which is made from a mixture of Ethiopian, Brazilian and Rwandan beans. With a citrus aftertaste, it is perfect for warm summer nights. Packaged coffee beans are also on sale and make great presents for a coffee-loving friend… or for yourself!
Cake set ¥750
Coffee (Ethiopian, Brazilian, Rwandan, Guatemalan or Mandheling) ¥450
Café au lait ¥550
Iced coffee ¥500
Beer (small bottle) ¥500
Address: 2-2-22 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-406-9361
Opening Hours: 11:30 ~ 20:00
Closed: Tue., 1st Mon.
2-2-22 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Located one block over from Keyaki-dori, the exterior of this café and bakery resembles that of a traditional Japanese house. The interior has been beautifully renovated with airy high ceilings, concrete walls and floors that contrast marvelously with wooden beams, pillars and handmade wooden furniture. Large windows looking out onto the beautiful garden are also a nice touch. In August, they are only open in the evenings, serving a set meal of hors d’oeuvres, soup, bread, main course, dessert and drink (¥3,500, reservation required). During the rest of the year, they also have a popular lunch menu, which includes homemade bread and lots of fresh vegetables. The owner is careful to select only the best ingredients, and is particularly selective about the coffee that he serves. If you choose coffee to accompany your dinner, you will be served their “Summer Blend”, which is made from a mixture of Ethiopian, Brazilian and Rwandan beans. With a citrus aftertaste, it is perfect for warm summer nights. Packaged coffee beans are also on sale and make great presents for a coffee-loving friend… or for yourself!
Cake set ¥750
Coffee (Ethiopian, Brazilian, Rwandan, Guatemalan or Mandheling) ¥450
Café au lait ¥550
Iced coffee ¥500
Beer (small bottle) ¥500
Address: 2-2-22 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-406-9361
Opening Hours: 11:30 ~ 20:00
Closed: Tue., 1st Mon.
2-2-22 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka