Located on a quiet street connecting Keyaki-dori and Kego-hondori, Zelliges’ bright yellow building stands out noticably. And it deserves to because this little place is a gem! The owner and chef Mizuta has combined years of experience cooking both French and Vietnamese cuisine with his latest passion, for Moroccan food. Elegant curry dishes are the center pieces of his menu. Deft use of spices results in savory flavors that are smooth on the palate. The Chicken and Vegetable Curry is a tomato-based soup with roasted chicken. Our favorite, however, is the Lamb Spinach Curry. Add a dash of fresh lemon to the thick curry paste served in a sizzling hot iron pot and savor the aroma! Also recommended is the Vietnamese green papaya salad, home-made sausages and Moroccan beer. The restaurant’s blend of chai (middle-eastern royal milk tea) is a delicious way to finish off your meal. Zelliges is perfect as either your daily diner or a special retreat to share with good friends. The attention to detail in both the food, interior and service is wonderful. Like the curries themselves, Zelligies serves up simple sophistication.
Chicken and Vegetable Curry ¥890,
Charred Spiced Curry with Pork and Beans ¥940,
Charred Spiced Curry with Ground Meat and Vegetables ¥920,
Lamb and Spinach Curry ¥950,
Green Papaya and Dill Salad ¥750,
Grounded Lamb Sausage with Fried Potato ¥1,100,
Moroccan Beer ¥650, Chai ¥500
Address: 1F 3-10-44 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-715-7116
Open: 11:30~15:00 (last order) / 17:30~21:30 (last order)
Closed: Tue.
URL: http://zelliges.net/
1F 3-10-44 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Address: 福岡市中央区赤坂3-10-44-1F
URL: http://zelliges.net/
게야키도오리와 게고혼도오리를 잇는 한적한 길 옆에 유럽풍의 에스닉하며 패셔너블한 카레 전문점이 있다. 프렌치 비스트로에서 일했던 주인이 여행 중에 맛본 모로코 요리에 한 눈에 반해 이전부터 좋아했던 카레와 모로코 요리를 접목해 보았고 그 결과 제리쥬의 메뉴가 탄생했다. 향신료를 절묘하게 사용한 깊은 맛의 눌은 향신료는 묽은 카레와 매콤함, 달콤함이 환상적인 조화를 이루고 있으며 야채의 단맛과 토마토의 산미를 잘 살린 토마토 베이스 스프 카레에 잘 구워낸 닭다리를 얹은 ‘닭&야채 카레’는 모로코 명물 쿠스쿠스 스프와 비슷한 맛이다. 찾는 사람은 이것만 찾는다는 ‘램&시금치 카레’는 어린 양 특유의 향기가 식욕을 돋우는 녹색 페스트 카레. 레몬즙을 짜며 유러피안 에스닉을 만끽해보자. 밤에는 베트남풍 파파야 샐러드와 홈메이드 소시지를 모로코 맥주와 함께 즐긴 후 메인으로는 카레. 그리고 산뜻한 향신료를 듬뿍 사용한 중동풍 로얄 밀크티, 짜이로 코스를 마무리 할 수도 있다. 데이트에도, 식사에도 제격인 카레 레스토랑.
닭&야채 카레 890엔,
눌은 향신료와 돼지고기&콩 카레 940엔,
눌은 향신료와 다진 고기&야채 카레 920엔,
램&시금치 카레 950엔,
파파야&딜 새콤달콤 샐러드 750엔,
후렌치 후라이를 곁들인 매콤한 홈메이드 다진 양고기 소시지 1,100엔,
모로코 맥주 ‘카사블랑카’ 650엔, 짜이 500엔
Address: 후쿠오카시 추오구 아카사카 3-10-44 1층
Tel: 092-715-7116
영업시간: 11:30~15:00(라스트 오더)/17:30~21:30(라스트 오더)
정기휴일: 화요일
URL: http://zelliges.net/
후쿠오카시 추오구 아카사카 3-10-44 1층
Located on a quiet street connecting Keyaki-dori and Kego-hondori, Zelliges’ bright yellow building stands out noticably. And it deserves to because this little place is a gem! The owner and chef Mizuta has combined years of experience cooking both French and Vietnamese cuisine with his latest passion, for Moroccan food. Elegant curry dishes are the center pieces of his menu. Deft use of spices results in savory flavors that are smooth on the palate. The Chicken and Vegetable Curry is a tomato-based soup with roasted chicken. Our favorite, however, is the Lamb Spinach Curry. Add a dash of fresh lemon to the thick curry paste served in a sizzling hot iron pot and savor the aroma! Also recommended is the Vietnamese green papaya salad, home-made sausages and Moroccan beer. The restaurant’s blend of chai (middle-eastern royal milk tea) is a delicious way to finish off your meal. Zelliges is perfect as either your daily diner or a special retreat to share with good friends. The attention to detail in both the food, interior and service is wonderful. Like the curries themselves, Zelligies serves up simple sophistication.
Chicken and Vegetable Curry ¥890,
Charred Spiced Curry with Pork and Beans ¥940,
Charred Spiced Curry with Ground Meat and Vegetables ¥920,
Lamb and Spinach Curry ¥950,
Green Papaya and Dill Salad ¥750,
Grounded Lamb Sausage with Fried Potato ¥1,100,
Moroccan Beer ¥650, Chai ¥500
Address: 1F 3-10-44 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-715-7116
Open: 11:30~15:00 (last order) / 17:30~21:30 (last order)
Closed: Tue.
URL: http://zelliges.net/
1F 3-10-44 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Located on a quiet street connecting Keyaki-dori and Kego-hondori, Zelliges’ bright yellow building stands out noticably. And it deserves to because this little place is a gem! The owner and chef Mizuta has combined years of experience cooking both French and Vietnamese cuisine with his latest passion, for Moroccan food. Elegant curry dishes are the center pieces of his menu. Deft use of spices results in savory flavors that are smooth on the palate. The Chicken and Vegetable Curry is a tomato-based soup with roasted chicken. Our favorite, however, is the Lamb Spinach Curry. Add a dash of fresh lemon to the thick curry paste served in a sizzling hot iron pot and savor the aroma! Also recommended is the Vietnamese green papaya salad, home-made sausages and Moroccan beer. The restaurant’s blend of chai (middle-eastern royal milk tea) is a delicious way to finish off your meal. Zelliges is perfect as either your daily diner or a special retreat to share with good friends. The attention to detail in both the food, interior and service is wonderful. Like the curries themselves, Zelligies serves up simple sophistication.
Chicken and Vegetable Curry ¥890,
Charred Spiced Curry with Pork and Beans ¥940,
Charred Spiced Curry with Ground Meat and Vegetables ¥920,
Lamb and Spinach Curry ¥950,
Green Papaya and Dill Salad ¥750,
Grounded Lamb Sausage with Fried Potato ¥1,100,
Moroccan Beer ¥650, Chai ¥500
Address: 1F 3-10-44 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-715-7116
Open: 11:30~15:00 (last order) / 17:30~21:30 (last order)
Closed: Tue.
URL: http://zelliges.net/
1F 3-10-44 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Address: 福岡市中央区赤坂3-10-44-1F
URL: http://zelliges.net/
게야키도오리와 게고혼도오리를 잇는 한적한 길 옆에 유럽풍의 에스닉하며 패셔너블한 카레 전문점이 있다. 프렌치 비스트로에서 일했던 주인이 여행 중에 맛본 모로코 요리에 한 눈에 반해 이전부터 좋아했던 카레와 모로코 요리를 접목해 보았고 그 결과 제리쥬의 메뉴가 탄생했다. 향신료를 절묘하게 사용한 깊은 맛의 눌은 향신료는 묽은 카레와 매콤함, 달콤함이 환상적인 조화를 이루고 있으며 야채의 단맛과 토마토의 산미를 잘 살린 토마토 베이스 스프 카레에 잘 구워낸 닭다리를 얹은 ‘닭&야채 카레’는 모로코 명물 쿠스쿠스 스프와 비슷한 맛이다. 찾는 사람은 이것만 찾는다는 ‘램&시금치 카레’는 어린 양 특유의 향기가 식욕을 돋우는 녹색 페스트 카레. 레몬즙을 짜며 유러피안 에스닉을 만끽해보자. 밤에는 베트남풍 파파야 샐러드와 홈메이드 소시지를 모로코 맥주와 함께 즐긴 후 메인으로는 카레. 그리고 산뜻한 향신료를 듬뿍 사용한 중동풍 로얄 밀크티, 짜이로 코스를 마무리 할 수도 있다. 데이트에도, 식사에도 제격인 카레 레스토랑.
닭&야채 카레 890엔,
눌은 향신료와 돼지고기&콩 카레 940엔,
눌은 향신료와 다진 고기&야채 카레 920엔,
램&시금치 카레 950엔,
파파야&딜 새콤달콤 샐러드 750엔,
후렌치 후라이를 곁들인 매콤한 홈메이드 다진 양고기 소시지 1,100엔,
모로코 맥주 ‘카사블랑카’ 650엔, 짜이 500엔
Address: 후쿠오카시 추오구 아카사카 3-10-44 1층
Tel: 092-715-7116
영업시간: 11:30~15:00(라스트 오더)/17:30~21:30(라스트 오더)
정기휴일: 화요일
URL: http://zelliges.net/
후쿠오카시 추오구 아카사카 3-10-44 1층
Located on a quiet street connecting Keyaki-dori and Kego-hondori, Zelliges’ bright yellow building stands out noticably. And it deserves to because this little place is a gem! The owner and chef Mizuta has combined years of experience cooking both French and Vietnamese cuisine with his latest passion, for Moroccan food. Elegant curry dishes are the center pieces of his menu. Deft use of spices results in savory flavors that are smooth on the palate. The Chicken and Vegetable Curry is a tomato-based soup with roasted chicken. Our favorite, however, is the Lamb Spinach Curry. Add a dash of fresh lemon to the thick curry paste served in a sizzling hot iron pot and savor the aroma! Also recommended is the Vietnamese green papaya salad, home-made sausages and Moroccan beer. The restaurant’s blend of chai (middle-eastern royal milk tea) is a delicious way to finish off your meal. Zelliges is perfect as either your daily diner or a special retreat to share with good friends. The attention to detail in both the food, interior and service is wonderful. Like the curries themselves, Zelligies serves up simple sophistication.
Chicken and Vegetable Curry ¥890,
Charred Spiced Curry with Pork and Beans ¥940,
Charred Spiced Curry with Ground Meat and Vegetables ¥920,
Lamb and Spinach Curry ¥950,
Green Papaya and Dill Salad ¥750,
Grounded Lamb Sausage with Fried Potato ¥1,100,
Moroccan Beer ¥650, Chai ¥500
Address: 1F 3-10-44 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-715-7116
Open: 11:30~15:00 (last order) / 17:30~21:30 (last order)
Closed: Tue.
URL: http://zelliges.net/
1F 3-10-44 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka