- Itoshima

May 26, 2012 Now Reports
Blueberry Picking in Itoshima

May 23, 2012 Event
Fukuoka Arts Farm
This year, for the first time, the Itoshima area is host to a seven month long arts event! The Itoshima Arts Farm (Itoshima Geinou) started on May 5, and will run all the way throu...

May 17, 2012 Event
Shiraito Waterfall Opening Festival
Just outside Fukuoka City, you’ll find the natural sanctuary of Shiraito waterfall. The scenic spot is busy throughout Summer, and the start of the season is celebrated with events...

Sep 18, 2011 Gallery
Sunset Live 2011
Fukuoka Now’s cameras were at Sunset Live 2011 covering all the action and scenery. Thanks to a nearby typhoon it was a tad windy and a little wet, but that hardly dampened the fun...

Sep 15, 2010 Gallery
Sunset Live 2010
후쿠오카의 여름, 이 지역 가장 큰 규모의 야외라이브라고 하면 선셋라이브를 들 수 있을 것이다. 선셋라이브는 후쿠오카현 이토시마반도의 아름답고 넓은 해변에서 펼쳐지는 3일 간의 축제이다.

Sep 15, 2009 Gallery
Sunset Live 2009
The weather, music, foods and people were all fantastic this year. Here we present nearly 200 shots taken over the three days.