Halloween 2008

Oct 24, 2011 18:56 댓글 없음


As the moon rises on October 31, monsters of unimaginable horror will prowl the streets in search of sweet treats and the occasional beer or two. With Halloween falling on a Friday, there will be more parties and more costumed clad revelers at large. For tips on costume shopping see below…

Blue Brain
2-1-44 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-751-3450
Sexy costumes for the style-conscious vampire. If you want to attract the opposite sex, shop here. Dresses and wigs galore.

Pampo Kikaku
5-24-30 Watanabe-dori, Chuo-ku
Tel: 092-713-6944
Wide selection of popular Japanese costumes to rent, from witches to Dracula. Often used by TV stations.

5-7-7 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-716-7774
School uniforms, maids, anime character costumes and more!

Fukuoka-Hawks Town
Hawka Town 1F 2-2-1 Jigyohama, Chuo-ku Tel: 092-844-3545
Costume gear for kiddies and adults including masks, lanterns, and trick-or-treat baskets.

Solaria Stage
Solaria Stage Bldg., M3F~5F 2-11-3 Tenjin, Chuo-ku Tel: 092-713-1092
Hundreds of Halloween-themed items, decorations and goods, as well as exciting costumes for men, women and kids.

IMS B2F 1-7-11 Tenjin, Chuo-ku
Tel: 092-733-2121
Special Halloween section with a good variety of costumes, T-shirts, sweets, marshmallows and more!   

Village Vanguard
Pia Walk Marinoa City
M-101 2-12-30 Odo, Nishi-ku
Tel: 092-892-8619
Unique horror goods on offer: skulls, scary pumpkins and many other spooky trinkets.

100 Yen Shop
Mulitple locations
Locations all around the city – great potential for the budget-conscious ghoul.

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