해산물 덮밥 히노데

Oct 24, 2011 17:51 댓글 없음

Fukuoka may be known for its delicious seafood, but it’s still rare to find a restaurant serving the freshest fish at bargain prices. Kaisendon Hinode, happily, is just such a restaurant, offering fish dishes sure to please your taste buds and your wallet. The seafood rice bowls start at ¥880 (or ¥700 for the mini size) with around 12 varieties to choose from. The luxurious “sunrise special” rice bowl (¥1,400) contains more than 10 different types of seafood. Add a dash of soy sauce or sesame soy sauce and eat the raw fish and rice together for a delicious mellow flavor. The fish are bought fresh every morning at Nagahama Market. Manager Mr. Araki trained at the popular Japanese restaurant Hakata Tanakada, and is uncompromising about the quality of seafood he allows to be served in his restaurant, sampling each purchase and discarding any that he judges unworthy. He also makes every effort to offer the best possible service to his customers. The rice bowls and set meals come with unlimited pickles and a choice of side dish, and you can get a larger helping of rice for no extra charge. Alcohol is also cheap, with draught beer only ¥380 and sake from just ¥290, which makes this a perfect place to enjoy an early-evening drink before tucking into some tasty seafood.
Hakata Rice Bowl (blue-skinned fish, sea bream, salted cod roe, squid) ¥900,
Finest Quality Yam and Tuna Rice Bowl ¥880,
North Sea Rice Bowl (salmon roe, salmon, scallops) ¥900,
Breaded Bluefin Tuna Cutlet Set Meal ¥890,
Mackerel Rice Bowl seasoned with sesame ¥880


Kaisendon Hinode

Address: 1F Liens Yakuin Bldg., 2-1-8 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
TEL: 092-791-7971
Open: 11:30 ~ 22:30 Close: Wed.

2-1-8 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka




「自分が納得できないものは絶対に出しません」と語る荒木店長の父親は寿司職人。幼い頃からその仕事ぶりを見てきた。人気和食店「博多 田中田」でも修業した店長の魚を見る目は厳しく、決して妥協はしない。値段の張るウニも、持ち帰り味見をして客に出すレベルではないと判断すれば、捨ててしまう。また、鯛などは、寝かせてうまみを出すなど、下ごしらえも抜かりはない。


海鮮丼 日の出

Address: 福岡市中央区薬院2-1-8 リアン薬院ビル1F

福岡市中央区薬院2-1-8 リアン薬院ビル1F




해산물이 맛있기로 소문난 후쿠오카. 하지만 신선한 해산물을 저렴한 가격에 맛볼 수 있는 가게는 그리 많지 않다. 그러나 히노데는 맛과 양은 물론 가격까지 모든 면에서 만족스러운 해산물 덮밥과 정식을 판매한다. 해산물 덮밥은 880엔(미니 사이즈는 700엔~)부터 시작하며 12종류 정도를 판매 중. 생선은 매일 아침 나가하마 시장에서 구입해 온다. 인기 있는 일식집 ‘하카타 다나카다’에서 일한 경험도 있는 아라키 점장은 생선을 고르는데 있어서는 매우 까다롭다. 가격이 꽤 나가는 성게도 사가지고 와서 맛을 본 뒤 손님들께 내놓을 만한 품질이 못 된다고 판단하면 가차없이 버린다. 도미 같은 생선은 더 맛있게 먹을 수 있도록 숙성과정을 거치는 등 꼼꼼하게 손질한다. 히노데 스페셜 덮밥(1,400엔)은 10종류 이상의 해산물이 들어가는 호화로운 덮밥. 취향에 따라 간장, 혹은 참깨 간장을 뿌린 후 회와 밥을 한번에 떠먹으면 바다의 향긋함이 입안에 퍼진다. 덮밥과 정식에 딸려 나오는 일품요리는 간단한 반찬, 달걀말이, 달걀찜, 중에서 선택할 수 있으며 밥 곱빼기는 공짜, 절임 반찬은 마음껏 먹을 수 있다. 이윤보다는 고객의 입장에서 요리와 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 생맥주는 380엔, 일본 사케는 290엔~으로 주류도 매우 저렴하다. 일품 요리를 안주 삼아 즐거운 술자리를 가진 후에 해산물 덮밥으로 마무리 하는 것도 좋다.
하카타 덮밥(등푸른 생선, 참돔, 명란젓, 오징어) 900엔,
극상 참마 참치 덮밥 880엔,
홋카이 오야코 덮밥(연어알, 연어, 가리비) 900엔,
도미찜 정식 780엔,
참치까스 정식 890엔,
참깨와 간장으로 맛을 낸 전갱이 덮밥 880엔


해산물 덮밥 히노데

Address: 주소: 후쿠오카시 추오구 야쿠인 2-1-8 리안야쿠인빌딩 1층
Tel: 092-791-7971
영업시간: 11:30~22:30
정기휴일: 수요일

후쿠오카시 추오구 야쿠인 2-1-8 리안야쿠인빌딩 1층




Fukuoka may be known for its delicious seafood, but it’s still rare to find a restaurant serving the freshest fish at bargain prices. Kaisendon Hinode, happily, is just such a restaurant, offering fish dishes sure to please your taste buds and your wallet. The seafood rice bowls start at ¥880 (or ¥700 for the mini size) with around 12 varieties to choose from. The luxurious “sunrise special” rice bowl (¥1,400) contains more than 10 different types of seafood. Add a dash of soy sauce or sesame soy sauce and eat the raw fish and rice together for a delicious mellow flavor. The fish are bought fresh every morning at Nagahama Market. Manager Mr. Araki trained at the popular Japanese restaurant Hakata Tanakada, and is uncompromising about the quality of seafood he allows to be served in his restaurant, sampling each purchase and discarding any that he judges unworthy. He also makes every effort to offer the best possible service to his customers. The rice bowls and set meals come with unlimited pickles and a choice of side dish, and you can get a larger helping of rice for no extra charge. Alcohol is also cheap, with draught beer only ¥380 and sake from just ¥290, which makes this a perfect place to enjoy an early-evening drink before tucking into some tasty seafood.
Hakata Rice Bowl (blue-skinned fish, sea bream, salted cod roe, squid) ¥900,
Finest Quality Yam and Tuna Rice Bowl ¥880,
North Sea Rice Bowl (salmon roe, salmon, scallops) ¥900,
Breaded Bluefin Tuna Cutlet Set Meal ¥890,
Mackerel Rice Bowl seasoned with sesame ¥880


Kaisendon Hinode

Address: 1F Liens Yakuin Bldg., 2-1-8 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
TEL: 092-791-7971
Open: 11:30 ~ 22:30 Close: Wed.

2-1-8 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka




Fukuoka may be known for its delicious seafood, but it’s still rare to find a restaurant serving the freshest fish at bargain prices. Kaisendon Hinode, happily, is just such a restaurant, offering fish dishes sure to please your taste buds and your wallet. The seafood rice bowls start at ¥880 (or ¥700 for the mini size) with around 12 varieties to choose from. The luxurious “sunrise special” rice bowl (¥1,400) contains more than 10 different types of seafood. Add a dash of soy sauce or sesame soy sauce and eat the raw fish and rice together for a delicious mellow flavor. The fish are bought fresh every morning at Nagahama Market. Manager Mr. Araki trained at the popular Japanese restaurant Hakata Tanakada, and is uncompromising about the quality of seafood he allows to be served in his restaurant, sampling each purchase and discarding any that he judges unworthy. He also makes every effort to offer the best possible service to his customers. The rice bowls and set meals come with unlimited pickles and a choice of side dish, and you can get a larger helping of rice for no extra charge. Alcohol is also cheap, with draught beer only ¥380 and sake from just ¥290, which makes this a perfect place to enjoy an early-evening drink before tucking into some tasty seafood.
Hakata Rice Bowl (blue-skinned fish, sea bream, salted cod roe, squid) ¥900,
Finest Quality Yam and Tuna Rice Bowl ¥880,
North Sea Rice Bowl (salmon roe, salmon, scallops) ¥900,
Breaded Bluefin Tuna Cutlet Set Meal ¥890,
Mackerel Rice Bowl seasoned with sesame ¥880


Kaisendon Hinode

Address: 1F Liens Yakuin Bldg., 2-1-8 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
TEL: 092-791-7971
Open: 11:30 ~ 22:30 Close: Wed.

2-1-8 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka




「自分が納得できないものは絶対に出しません」と語る荒木店長の父親は寿司職人。幼い頃からその仕事ぶりを見てきた。人気和食店「博多 田中田」でも修業した店長の魚を見る目は厳しく、決して妥協はしない。値段の張るウニも、持ち帰り味見をして客に出すレベルではないと判断すれば、捨ててしまう。また、鯛などは、寝かせてうまみを出すなど、下ごしらえも抜かりはない。


海鮮丼 日の出

Address: 福岡市中央区薬院2-1-8 リアン薬院ビル1F

福岡市中央区薬院2-1-8 リアン薬院ビル1F




해산물이 맛있기로 소문난 후쿠오카. 하지만 신선한 해산물을 저렴한 가격에 맛볼 수 있는 가게는 그리 많지 않다. 그러나 히노데는 맛과 양은 물론 가격까지 모든 면에서 만족스러운 해산물 덮밥과 정식을 판매한다. 해산물 덮밥은 880엔(미니 사이즈는 700엔~)부터 시작하며 12종류 정도를 판매 중. 생선은 매일 아침 나가하마 시장에서 구입해 온다. 인기 있는 일식집 ‘하카타 다나카다’에서 일한 경험도 있는 아라키 점장은 생선을 고르는데 있어서는 매우 까다롭다. 가격이 꽤 나가는 성게도 사가지고 와서 맛을 본 뒤 손님들께 내놓을 만한 품질이 못 된다고 판단하면 가차없이 버린다. 도미 같은 생선은 더 맛있게 먹을 수 있도록 숙성과정을 거치는 등 꼼꼼하게 손질한다. 히노데 스페셜 덮밥(1,400엔)은 10종류 이상의 해산물이 들어가는 호화로운 덮밥. 취향에 따라 간장, 혹은 참깨 간장을 뿌린 후 회와 밥을 한번에 떠먹으면 바다의 향긋함이 입안에 퍼진다. 덮밥과 정식에 딸려 나오는 일품요리는 간단한 반찬, 달걀말이, 달걀찜, 중에서 선택할 수 있으며 밥 곱빼기는 공짜, 절임 반찬은 마음껏 먹을 수 있다. 이윤보다는 고객의 입장에서 요리와 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 생맥주는 380엔, 일본 사케는 290엔~으로 주류도 매우 저렴하다. 일품 요리를 안주 삼아 즐거운 술자리를 가진 후에 해산물 덮밥으로 마무리 하는 것도 좋다.
하카타 덮밥(등푸른 생선, 참돔, 명란젓, 오징어) 900엔,
극상 참마 참치 덮밥 880엔,
홋카이 오야코 덮밥(연어알, 연어, 가리비) 900엔,
도미찜 정식 780엔,
참치까스 정식 890엔,
참깨와 간장으로 맛을 낸 전갱이 덮밥 880엔


해산물 덮밥 히노데

Address: 주소: 후쿠오카시 추오구 야쿠인 2-1-8 리안야쿠인빌딩 1층
Tel: 092-791-7971
영업시간: 11:30~22:30
정기휴일: 수요일

후쿠오카시 추오구 야쿠인 2-1-8 리안야쿠인빌딩 1층




Fukuoka may be known for its delicious seafood, but it’s still rare to find a restaurant serving the freshest fish at bargain prices. Kaisendon Hinode, happily, is just such a restaurant, offering fish dishes sure to please your taste buds and your wallet. The seafood rice bowls start at ¥880 (or ¥700 for the mini size) with around 12 varieties to choose from. The luxurious “sunrise special” rice bowl (¥1,400) contains more than 10 different types of seafood. Add a dash of soy sauce or sesame soy sauce and eat the raw fish and rice together for a delicious mellow flavor. The fish are bought fresh every morning at Nagahama Market. Manager Mr. Araki trained at the popular Japanese restaurant Hakata Tanakada, and is uncompromising about the quality of seafood he allows to be served in his restaurant, sampling each purchase and discarding any that he judges unworthy. He also makes every effort to offer the best possible service to his customers. The rice bowls and set meals come with unlimited pickles and a choice of side dish, and you can get a larger helping of rice for no extra charge. Alcohol is also cheap, with draught beer only ¥380 and sake from just ¥290, which makes this a perfect place to enjoy an early-evening drink before tucking into some tasty seafood.
Hakata Rice Bowl (blue-skinned fish, sea bream, salted cod roe, squid) ¥900,
Finest Quality Yam and Tuna Rice Bowl ¥880,
North Sea Rice Bowl (salmon roe, salmon, scallops) ¥900,
Breaded Bluefin Tuna Cutlet Set Meal ¥890,
Mackerel Rice Bowl seasoned with sesame ¥880


Kaisendon Hinode

Address: 1F Liens Yakuin Bldg., 2-1-8 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
TEL: 092-791-7971
Open: 11:30 ~ 22:30 Close: Wed.

2-1-8 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka



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