Leslie Bellack

Oct 24, 2011 19:05 댓글 없음

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Hometown: Toronto, Canada
In Japan: 1.5 years
Identity: Running Coach

He’s been running for over 20 years and has participated in over 200 races including the Boston, Toronto, and Detroit marathons. Prior to coming to Fukuoka, Leslie worked as a professional coach for runners and a massage therapist in Toronto. “It’s never to late to become what you want,” he says, and generously offers free advice and assistance to both serious and newbie runners. His training focuses on whole body strength, flexibility, and endurance – not just endless laps. Leslie can often be found whizzing through Ohori or Kasuga parks. Feel free to wave him down; it’s not to late to join him in the upcoming Fukuoka City Marathon. makemesmile@docomo.ne.jp






Hometown: Toronto, Canada
In Japan: 1.5 years
Identity: Running Coach

He’s been running for over 20 years and has participated in over 200 races including the Boston, Toronto, and Detroit marathons. Prior to coming to Fukuoka, Leslie worked as a professional coach for runners and a massage therapist in Toronto. “It’s never to late to become what you want,” he says, and generously offers free advice and assistance to both serious and newbie runners. His training focuses on whole body strength, flexibility, and endurance – not just endless laps. Leslie can often be found whizzing through Ohori or Kasuga parks. Feel free to wave him down; it’s not to late to join him in the upcoming Fukuoka City Marathon. makemesmile@docomo.ne.jp












Hometown: Toronto, Canada
In Japan: 1.5 years
Identity: Running Coach

He’s been running for over 20 years and has participated in over 200 races including the Boston, Toronto, and Detroit marathons. Prior to coming to Fukuoka, Leslie worked as a professional coach for runners and a massage therapist in Toronto. “It’s never to late to become what you want,” he says, and generously offers free advice and assistance to both serious and newbie runners. His training focuses on whole body strength, flexibility, and endurance – not just endless laps. Leslie can often be found whizzing through Ohori or Kasuga parks. Feel free to wave him down; it’s not to late to join him in the upcoming Fukuoka City Marathon. makemesmile@docomo.ne.jp






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