Orapan Uchida

Oct 24, 2011 18:56 댓글 없음
In Japan: 24 years
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
Identity: Classical Thai Dancer

Early birds may already be familiar with Orapan’s voice, as the hostess of the 30-minute weekly Thai language radio show on Love FM 76.1 since 1997. On the show, which airs every Friday from 06:30, Orapan comments on recent events in Thailand between a mix of popular Thai music. But performing and teaching classical Thai dance is her real love and specialty. Dressed in elaborate costumes, she has performed countless times around Kyushu. She offers private and group dance lessons too. After many years of introducing Thai culture to Japan, Orapan is somewhat surprised to see herself increasingly in demand as a teacher of Thai language, translator, interpreter and guide for tourists from Thailand. Catch Orapan as she performs live and in full costume at “Fukuoka Now’s Full Moon Party” on Oct. 17, 2008. Or contact her directly at: thfu-ora@docomo.ne.jp






日本滞在歴: 24年
出身: バンコク タイ王国
職業: タイ伝統舞踊家

1997年からLove FMで30分のタイ語番組のパーソナリティーを務めるオラパンさん。毎週金曜日の朝6:30から始まるこのラジオ番組は、最近のタイでの話題を取り上げながら、タイで流行中のポップミュージックと共に進行される。彼女の優しい口調で語られる”タイの今”は10年以上続く人気番組だが、タイ伝統舞踊のダンサー、そして講師としても人気の彼女は、九州各地で豪華な伝統衣裳と優雅な身のこなしのタイ伝統舞踊を数多く披露してきている。このように長年に渡って日本にタイの情報や文化を紹介してきたオラパンさん。最近ではタイ語のレッスンや通訳、そしてタイからの観光客向けツアーガイドとしての依頼も増えてきているのだそう。来る10月17日に行われる“フクオカ・ナウ主催フルムーンパーティ”では、そんなマルチなオラパンさんによるエキゾティックなタイ伝統舞踊が披露される予定だ。彼女は個人やグループ向けのレッスンも行っているので、タイ伝統舞踊に興味がある人はオラパンさんにメールで問い合わせてみて。thfu-ora@docomo.ne.jp





In Japan: 24 years
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
Identity: Classical Thai Dancer

Early birds may already be familiar with Orapan’s voice, as the hostess of the 30-minute weekly Thai language radio show on Love FM 76.1 since 1997. On the show, which airs every Friday from 06:30, Orapan comments on recent events in Thailand between a mix of popular Thai music. But performing and teaching classical Thai dance is her real love and specialty. Dressed in elaborate costumes, she has performed countless times around Kyushu. She offers private and group dance lessons too. After many years of introducing Thai culture to Japan, Orapan is somewhat surprised to see herself increasingly in demand as a teacher of Thai language, translator, interpreter and guide for tourists from Thailand. Catch Orapan as she performs live and in full costume at “Fukuoka Now’s Full Moon Party” on Oct. 17, 2008. Or contact her directly at: thfu-ora@docomo.ne.jp





In Japan: 24 years
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
Identity: Classical Thai Dancer

Early birds may already be familiar with Orapan’s voice, as the hostess of the 30-minute weekly Thai language radio show on Love FM 76.1 since 1997. On the show, which airs every Friday from 06:30, Orapan comments on recent events in Thailand between a mix of popular Thai music. But performing and teaching classical Thai dance is her real love and specialty. Dressed in elaborate costumes, she has performed countless times around Kyushu. She offers private and group dance lessons too. After many years of introducing Thai culture to Japan, Orapan is somewhat surprised to see herself increasingly in demand as a teacher of Thai language, translator, interpreter and guide for tourists from Thailand. Catch Orapan as she performs live and in full costume at “Fukuoka Now’s Full Moon Party” on Oct. 17, 2008. Or contact her directly at: thfu-ora@docomo.ne.jp


In Japan: 24 years
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
Identity: Classical Thai Dancer

Early birds may already be familiar with Orapan’s voice, as the hostess of the 30-minute weekly Thai language radio show on Love FM 76.1 since 1997. On the show, which airs every Friday from 06:30, Orapan comments on recent events in Thailand between a mix of popular Thai music. But performing and teaching classical Thai dance is her real love and specialty. Dressed in elaborate costumes, she has performed countless times around Kyushu. She offers private and group dance lessons too. After many years of introducing Thai culture to Japan, Orapan is somewhat surprised to see herself increasingly in demand as a teacher of Thai language, translator, interpreter and guide for tourists from Thailand. Catch Orapan as she performs live and in full costume at “Fukuoka Now’s Full Moon Party” on Oct. 17, 2008. Or contact her directly at: thfu-ora@docomo.ne.jp






日本滞在歴: 24年
出身: バンコク タイ王国
職業: タイ伝統舞踊家

1997年からLove FMで30分のタイ語番組のパーソナリティーを務めるオラパンさん。毎週金曜日の朝6:30から始まるこのラジオ番組は、最近のタイでの話題を取り上げながら、タイで流行中のポップミュージックと共に進行される。彼女の優しい口調で語られる”タイの今”は10年以上続く人気番組だが、タイ伝統舞踊のダンサー、そして講師としても人気の彼女は、九州各地で豪華な伝統衣裳と優雅な身のこなしのタイ伝統舞踊を数多く披露してきている。このように長年に渡って日本にタイの情報や文化を紹介してきたオラパンさん。最近ではタイ語のレッスンや通訳、そしてタイからの観光客向けツアーガイドとしての依頼も増えてきているのだそう。来る10月17日に行われる“フクオカ・ナウ主催フルムーンパーティ”では、そんなマルチなオラパンさんによるエキゾティックなタイ伝統舞踊が披露される予定だ。彼女は個人やグループ向けのレッスンも行っているので、タイ伝統舞踊に興味がある人はオラパンさんにメールで問い合わせてみて。thfu-ora@docomo.ne.jp





In Japan: 24 years
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
Identity: Classical Thai Dancer

Early birds may already be familiar with Orapan’s voice, as the hostess of the 30-minute weekly Thai language radio show on Love FM 76.1 since 1997. On the show, which airs every Friday from 06:30, Orapan comments on recent events in Thailand between a mix of popular Thai music. But performing and teaching classical Thai dance is her real love and specialty. Dressed in elaborate costumes, she has performed countless times around Kyushu. She offers private and group dance lessons too. After many years of introducing Thai culture to Japan, Orapan is somewhat surprised to see herself increasingly in demand as a teacher of Thai language, translator, interpreter and guide for tourists from Thailand. Catch Orapan as she performs live and in full costume at “Fukuoka Now’s Full Moon Party” on Oct. 17, 2008. Or contact her directly at: thfu-ora@docomo.ne.jp





In Japan: 24 years
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
Identity: Classical Thai Dancer

Early birds may already be familiar with Orapan’s voice, as the hostess of the 30-minute weekly Thai language radio show on Love FM 76.1 since 1997. On the show, which airs every Friday from 06:30, Orapan comments on recent events in Thailand between a mix of popular Thai music. But performing and teaching classical Thai dance is her real love and specialty. Dressed in elaborate costumes, she has performed countless times around Kyushu. She offers private and group dance lessons too. After many years of introducing Thai culture to Japan, Orapan is somewhat surprised to see herself increasingly in demand as a teacher of Thai language, translator, interpreter and guide for tourists from Thailand. Catch Orapan as she performs live and in full costume at “Fukuoka Now’s Full Moon Party” on Oct. 17, 2008. Or contact her directly at: thfu-ora@docomo.ne.jp


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