Sam & Dave

Oct 24, 2011 18:50 댓글 없음


Part of a nationwide chain of internationally-minded bars, Sam & Dave came to Fukuoka in 2003, bringing a casual city-pub feel which turns into a lively and spontaneous club space most nights of the week. “We call ourselves “party professionals””, says manager Jean-Charles. “We still care about quality cocktail service, we try to provide a mix of music to please everyone, the decor’s colorful, not cold.” With an emphasis on entertainment at the bar, cocktail specialties include numerous “flaming” numbers including the Flaming Dr. Pepper and Nitro (flaming Drambuie & Galliano, poured over lime & sugar) and Sam & Dave’s own-brew spicy tequila. With a menu of real, quality food available till late, people join at all hours and at some stage regulars usually move the cocktail tables aside to dance. Though it can get a bit wild, there’s always seating, staff happy to chat and extremely professional security. Sam & Dave recently installed a separate bar section of seating, so if you’re eating late you’ll still be able to sit, or order a Red Bull Boat (a bottle of spirits and six cans ¥10,000) or another specialty, the three liter Beer/Cocktail Tower (¥3,000 beer, ¥5,000 any cocktail). With a full calendar of deals, theme nights and especially costume nights, there’s always something going on.

3F Westside Bldg., 2-8-22 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka


Open: Weekdays 19:30 ~, Fri ~ Sat & days before Nat. Hols. 20:00 ~,
Closed: Mon & Tues, Nat. Hols.
Menu: (pictured) Sam & Dave Burger (cheese, bacon, beef) w/fries ¥800, Jerk Chicken Quesadilla ¥600, Fish & Chips ¥500, Martinis ¥700, Vodka Red Bull ¥900


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