Simon Oxley

Oct 24, 2011 18:48 댓글 없음

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Home town: Kingsclere, United Kingdom
In Japan: 7 years
Identity: Illustrator

That’s not just any old bird on Simon’s hand, that’s the original and world-famous illustration you see on Twitter’s home page. You’d think that would have been a lucrative deal for him, but in fact Twitter purchased it off for less than the price of a hire-katsu teishoku, or $15.00. Simon’s not bitter about that as it has generated much attention towards his other work. Originally from Britain, Simon has lived in Fukuoka since 2002 with his wife and two sons. Working from his home, he creates cute and humorous illustrations using vector software and sells them on the above mentioned site, and also works on custom jobs for clients ranging from small businesses to international corporations. Always open to exploring new frontiers, Simon is collaborating with an American fashion designer on a line of men’s fashion accessories, which go on sale early next year. Visit Simon’s website at – and possibly meet him at the “Now Lounge” event on Oct. 24.







サイモンの手に乗る鳥に見覚えがある人はいるかな?この鳥、単なる鳥どころか、今話題のTwitterのwebサイトで誰もが目にする世界的にも有名な鳥のイラストなのだ。だったらスゴく良い取引が出来たんじゃ?なんて下世話なことを勝手に想像しちゃうのが凡人の脳みそなんだけど、自分で作ったイラストや写真を掲載・販売できるwebサイトでの取引だったそうで、ヒレカツ定食が食べられる程度の金額を受け取った、っていうのが現実だ。でもサイモン、そんなことは全く気にかける様子もなくマイペースに自分の制作を続けている。2002年に奥さんとふたりの息子の4人で福岡に住むようになって以来、デジタルソフトを使って可愛くて個性的なイラストたちを自宅で作り、前述のwebサイトで販売したり中小企業や国際的大企業の依頼で制作活動を続けている。常に新境地を開拓する彼が現在手がけているのは男性向けアクセサリー。アメリカ人ファッションデザイナーとのコラボで、来年早々売り出される予定だとか。彼のwebサイト(や、10月24日ナウ主催パーティ “Now Lounge” でサイモンをチェックしてね!






Home town: Kingsclere, United Kingdom
In Japan: 7 years
Identity: Illustrator

That’s not just any old bird on Simon’s hand, that’s the original and world-famous illustration you see on Twitter’s home page. You’d think that would have been a lucrative deal for him, but in fact Twitter purchased it off for less than the price of a hire-katsu teishoku, or $15.00. Simon’s not bitter about that as it has generated much attention towards his other work. Originally from Britain, Simon has lived in Fukuoka since 2002 with his wife and two sons. Working from his home, he creates cute and humorous illustrations using vector software and sells them on the above mentioned site, and also works on custom jobs for clients ranging from small businesses to international corporations. Always open to exploring new frontiers, Simon is collaborating with an American fashion designer on a line of men’s fashion accessories, which go on sale early next year. Visit Simon’s website at – and possibly meet him at the “Now Lounge” event on Oct. 24.






Home town: Kingsclere, United Kingdom
In Japan: 7 years
Identity: Illustrator

That’s not just any old bird on Simon’s hand, that’s the original and world-famous illustration you see on Twitter’s home page. You’d think that would have been a lucrative deal for him, but in fact Twitter purchased it off for less than the price of a hire-katsu teishoku, or $15.00. Simon’s not bitter about that as it has generated much attention towards his other work. Originally from Britain, Simon has lived in Fukuoka since 2002 with his wife and two sons. Working from his home, he creates cute and humorous illustrations using vector software and sells them on the above mentioned site, and also works on custom jobs for clients ranging from small businesses to international corporations. Always open to exploring new frontiers, Simon is collaborating with an American fashion designer on a line of men’s fashion accessories, which go on sale early next year. Visit Simon’s website at – and possibly meet him at the “Now Lounge” event on Oct. 24.






Home town: Kingsclere, United Kingdom
In Japan: 7 years
Identity: Illustrator

That’s not just any old bird on Simon’s hand, that’s the original and world-famous illustration you see on Twitter’s home page. You’d think that would have been a lucrative deal for him, but in fact Twitter purchased it off for less than the price of a hire-katsu teishoku, or $15.00. Simon’s not bitter about that as it has generated much attention towards his other work. Originally from Britain, Simon has lived in Fukuoka since 2002 with his wife and two sons. Working from his home, he creates cute and humorous illustrations using vector software and sells them on the above mentioned site, and also works on custom jobs for clients ranging from small businesses to international corporations. Always open to exploring new frontiers, Simon is collaborating with an American fashion designer on a line of men’s fashion accessories, which go on sale early next year. Visit Simon’s website at – and possibly meet him at the “Now Lounge” event on Oct. 24.





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