Soraya Jayne Matsuda

Oct 24, 2011 18:47 댓글 없음

Suffolk, U.K.
19 years
Ballet School Principal

Soraya Jayne studied in a Russian ballet school between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. She then performed with the Israel Ballet for five years. Initially, she came to Fukuoka to visit a fellow dancer but she soon found herself in great demand due to her popularity as a foreign instructor. In 1996 she opened her own school and six years ago she moved into her current spacious and beautiful studio near Ohori Park. “Ballet requires discipline, but it should also be enjoyable,” she says commenting on how her school has a more relaxed approach towards instructing children. It’s also the only ballet school to use live piano accompaniment in all the classes. With over 150 students, Soraya’s self-made success as a foreigner is a truly inspiring story. For more information: or Tel: 092-725-2274







3歳から母国イギリスでバレエをはじめ、13歳から18歳まではロシアンバレエスクールで、そしてイスラエルバレエ団に5年ほど所属した後、友人のダンサーを訪ねて福岡にやってきたソレイヤ。来福後はたちまち外国人インストラクターとして人気を博した彼女。1996年には自分のバレエ学校を開校し、2004年に大濠公園近くの美しい現在のスタジオを開設した。「バレエは規律を重んじますが、それは楽しみでもあるのよ。」そう語る彼女の学校では、子供たちがのびのびと楽しみながらも背筋を伸ばして学んでいるし、全てのクラスはライブのピアノ演奏で行われる素晴らしい環境が用意されている。150名を超える生徒に、バレエを通じて様々な指導を行う彼女の成功は輝かしい。彼女のレッスンに興味がある方はをチェックして。ソレイヤ・ジェインズ・インターナショナル・バレエスクール Tel: 092-725-2274






Suffolk, U.K.
19 years
Ballet School Principal

Soraya Jayne studied in a Russian ballet school between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. She then performed with the Israel Ballet for five years. Initially, she came to Fukuoka to visit a fellow dancer but she soon found herself in great demand due to her popularity as a foreign instructor. In 1996 she opened her own school and six years ago she moved into her current spacious and beautiful studio near Ohori Park. “Ballet requires discipline, but it should also be enjoyable,” she says commenting on how her school has a more relaxed approach towards instructing children. It’s also the only ballet school to use live piano accompaniment in all the classes. With over 150 students, Soraya’s self-made success as a foreigner is a truly inspiring story. For more information: or Tel: 092-725-2274






Suffolk, U.K.
19 years
Ballet School Principal

Soraya Jayne studied in a Russian ballet school between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. She then performed with the Israel Ballet for five years. Initially, she came to Fukuoka to visit a fellow dancer but she soon found herself in great demand due to her popularity as a foreign instructor. In 1996 she opened her own school and six years ago she moved into her current spacious and beautiful studio near Ohori Park. “Ballet requires discipline, but it should also be enjoyable,” she says commenting on how her school has a more relaxed approach towards instructing children. It’s also the only ballet school to use live piano accompaniment in all the classes. With over 150 students, Soraya’s self-made success as a foreigner is a truly inspiring story. For more information: or Tel: 092-725-2274






Suffolk, U.K.
19 years
Ballet School Principal

Soraya Jayne studied in a Russian ballet school between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. She then performed with the Israel Ballet for five years. Initially, she came to Fukuoka to visit a fellow dancer but she soon found herself in great demand due to her popularity as a foreign instructor. In 1996 she opened her own school and six years ago she moved into her current spacious and beautiful studio near Ohori Park. “Ballet requires discipline, but it should also be enjoyable,” she says commenting on how her school has a more relaxed approach towards instructing children. It’s also the only ballet school to use live piano accompaniment in all the classes. With over 150 students, Soraya’s self-made success as a foreigner is a truly inspiring story. For more information: or Tel: 092-725-2274







3歳から母国イギリスでバレエをはじめ、13歳から18歳まではロシアンバレエスクールで、そしてイスラエルバレエ団に5年ほど所属した後、友人のダンサーを訪ねて福岡にやってきたソレイヤ。来福後はたちまち外国人インストラクターとして人気を博した彼女。1996年には自分のバレエ学校を開校し、2004年に大濠公園近くの美しい現在のスタジオを開設した。「バレエは規律を重んじますが、それは楽しみでもあるのよ。」そう語る彼女の学校では、子供たちがのびのびと楽しみながらも背筋を伸ばして学んでいるし、全てのクラスはライブのピアノ演奏で行われる素晴らしい環境が用意されている。150名を超える生徒に、バレエを通じて様々な指導を行う彼女の成功は輝かしい。彼女のレッスンに興味がある方はをチェックして。ソレイヤ・ジェインズ・インターナショナル・バレエスクール Tel: 092-725-2274






Suffolk, U.K.
19 years
Ballet School Principal

Soraya Jayne studied in a Russian ballet school between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. She then performed with the Israel Ballet for five years. Initially, she came to Fukuoka to visit a fellow dancer but she soon found herself in great demand due to her popularity as a foreign instructor. In 1996 she opened her own school and six years ago she moved into her current spacious and beautiful studio near Ohori Park. “Ballet requires discipline, but it should also be enjoyable,” she says commenting on how her school has a more relaxed approach towards instructing children. It’s also the only ballet school to use live piano accompaniment in all the classes. With over 150 students, Soraya’s self-made success as a foreigner is a truly inspiring story. For more information: or Tel: 092-725-2274






Suffolk, U.K.
19 years
Ballet School Principal

Soraya Jayne studied in a Russian ballet school between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. She then performed with the Israel Ballet for five years. Initially, she came to Fukuoka to visit a fellow dancer but she soon found herself in great demand due to her popularity as a foreign instructor. In 1996 she opened her own school and six years ago she moved into her current spacious and beautiful studio near Ohori Park. “Ballet requires discipline, but it should also be enjoyable,” she says commenting on how her school has a more relaxed approach towards instructing children. It’s also the only ballet school to use live piano accompaniment in all the classes. With over 150 students, Soraya’s self-made success as a foreigner is a truly inspiring story. For more information: or Tel: 092-725-2274





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