Cindy Wachowski

Oct 24, 2011 19:07 没有评论

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Hometown: Detroit, USA
Time in Japan: Less than a year
Identity: Boxer

Cindy says she’s always had a reputation as a bit of a “badass”, and was one of the most “aggressive” players on her school’s basketball team. While studying at Michigan State she, on a lark, entered a “tough man” semi-pro women’s boxing match. She won her first fight and enjoyed it enough to be talked into training to become a professional. Currently she’s a graduate student at APU in Oita, but commutes to Fukuoka every weekend to train at the Sugar Ray Gym in Nagahama. She hopes to re-start her boxing career there. There are less than 200 female boxers in all of Japan, and most are much smaller than Cindy, so her first step will be to lose a few kilos so she can qualify as a lightweight. Feel like sparring a round? Sugar Ray Gym, Tel: 761-3096.






Hometown: Detroit, USA
Time in Japan: Less than a year
Identity: Boxer

Cindy says she’s always had a reputation as a bit of a “badass”, and was one of the most “aggressive” players on her school’s basketball team. While studying at Michigan State she, on a lark, entered a “tough man” semi-pro women’s boxing match. She won her first fight and enjoyed it enough to be talked into training to become a professional. Currently she’s a graduate student at APU in Oita, but commutes to Fukuoka every weekend to train at the Sugar Ray Gym in Nagahama. She hopes to re-start her boxing career there. There are less than 200 female boxers in all of Japan, and most are much smaller than Cindy, so her first step will be to lose a few kilos so she can qualify as a lightweight. Feel like sparring a round? Sugar Ray Gym, Tel: 761-3096.






昔から「ちょっとしたワル」だったというシンディ、学生時代に熱中したバスケットでもチーム一番のアグレッシブさを発揮。ミシガン州立大学在学中に、半ば冗談で出場した女子のボクシングマッチで勝ってしまう。この試合でボクシングの楽しさを知った彼女は、プロのボクサーを目指すことに。彼女は現在、別府にある立命館アジア太平洋大学で修士課程に在籍する傍ら、週末には長浜にある「シュガーレイ・ボクシングジム(Tel: 761-3096)」でトレーニングに励む。現在、日本に100人以上いる女子のプロボクサーの仲間入りを果たすため、シンディーはライト級までウェイトダウンして臨むつもりだ。持ち前の負けん気の強さが、またここでも顔を覗かせる。






Hometown: Detroit, USA
Time in Japan: Less than a year
Identity: Boxer

Cindy says she’s always had a reputation as a bit of a “badass”, and was one of the most “aggressive” players on her school’s basketball team. While studying at Michigan State she, on a lark, entered a “tough man” semi-pro women’s boxing match. She won her first fight and enjoyed it enough to be talked into training to become a professional. Currently she’s a graduate student at APU in Oita, but commutes to Fukuoka every weekend to train at the Sugar Ray Gym in Nagahama. She hopes to re-start her boxing career there. There are less than 200 female boxers in all of Japan, and most are much smaller than Cindy, so her first step will be to lose a few kilos so she can qualify as a lightweight. Feel like sparring a round? Sugar Ray Gym, Tel: 761-3096.







