Damien Moquais

Oct 24, 2011 19:07 没有评论

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Hometown: Auvergne, France
In Japan: One year
Identity: Chef

The journey of 26 year old Damien Moquais from his native France to his current position reads like the script from a romantic film. Damien has cooked with a passion since the age of fourteen. It was in Bordeaux where he met his wife Ryoko, a native of Fukuoka, who was also working as a cook. The couple decided to move to Fukuoka to raise a family. Now, Damien is the Chef at Deux Mille Cinq, a recently opened fine French cuisine restaurant on Nishi-dori. Despite his young age, Damien brings a wealth of experience and flair to his cooking. His fusion recipes draw on France’s rich culinary history, and his cooking is very creative. Xavier, an old colleague, is also in the kitchen – another reason to drop by and taste some truly delicious French cooking. Tel: 092-718-1717






Hometown: Auvergne, France
In Japan: One year
Identity: Chef

The journey of 26 year old Damien Moquais from his native France to his current position reads like the script from a romantic film. Damien has cooked with a passion since the age of fourteen. It was in Bordeaux where he met his wife Ryoko, a native of Fukuoka, who was also working as a cook. The couple decided to move to Fukuoka to raise a family. Now, Damien is the Chef at Deux Mille Cinq, a recently opened fine French cuisine restaurant on Nishi-dori. Despite his young age, Damien brings a wealth of experience and flair to his cooking. His fusion recipes draw on France’s rich culinary history, and his cooking is very creative. Xavier, an old colleague, is also in the kitchen – another reason to drop by and taste some truly delicious French cooking. Tel: 092-718-1717






フランス出身のダミアン・モケ氏。14歳から料理を始めたという彼はボルドーにいた頃、料理人だった涼子さんと出会い恋に落ちる。その後、2人は彼女の故郷である福岡へ移り、彼は一家の主に。現在、西通りにフレンチレストラン「Deux Mille Cinq(ドゥー・ミル・サンク)」にシェフとして就任後、忙しい日々を送っている。26歳という若さにも関わらず、彼のセンスの良さは経験の豊かさを物語り、彼のレシピはまさに長いフランス料理の歴史を映し出している。日々新しい味を求めて研究熱心な彼、友人でもあり素晴らしい同僚のグザビエさんと共に、必ず最高のフレンチを提供してくれるはずだ。Tel: 718-1717






Hometown: Auvergne, France
In Japan: One year
Identity: Chef

The journey of 26 year old Damien Moquais from his native France to his current position reads like the script from a romantic film. Damien has cooked with a passion since the age of fourteen. It was in Bordeaux where he met his wife Ryoko, a native of Fukuoka, who was also working as a cook. The couple decided to move to Fukuoka to raise a family. Now, Damien is the Chef at Deux Mille Cinq, a recently opened fine French cuisine restaurant on Nishi-dori. Despite his young age, Damien brings a wealth of experience and flair to his cooking. His fusion recipes draw on France’s rich culinary history, and his cooking is very creative. Xavier, an old colleague, is also in the kitchen – another reason to drop by and taste some truly delicious French cooking. Tel: 092-718-1717







