Jeff Jackson

Oct 24, 2011 19:08 没有评论

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Hometown: Mojave Desert, USA
In Japan: Nine months
Identity: General Manager, Yasugoken Country Club

Trying to summarize who Jeff is, where he’s been and what he’s done in his action-packed life is a daunting task; maybe akin to shooting out of a sand trap with only a putter? Anyway, he’s been an FM and AM radio DJ, national political campaigner, golf club manager, driving range operator, golf pro, and inventor. Oh, and he’s a surfer, singer, and guitarist too. The Yasugoken Country Club, home to one of Kyushu’s top five courses, has brought him over to make the club one of the nation’s top five. “It’s a beautiful and challenging course with huge greens; golfers from anywhere in the world would love it. I’m here to Westernize it just a bit and add some fun!” Jeff is a great golfing instructor, and his English is pera-pera, so give him a call at the Yasukogen C.C. on (0946) 42-2211.






Hometown: Mojave Desert, USA
In Japan: Nine months
Identity: General Manager, Yasugoken Country Club

Trying to summarize who Jeff is, where he’s been and what he’s done in his action-packed life is a daunting task; maybe akin to shooting out of a sand trap with only a putter? Anyway, he’s been an FM and AM radio DJ, national political campaigner, golf club manager, driving range operator, golf pro, and inventor. Oh, and he’s a surfer, singer, and guitarist too. The Yasugoken Country Club, home to one of Kyushu’s top five courses, has brought him over to make the club one of the nation’s top five. “It’s a beautiful and challenging course with huge greens; golfers from anywhere in the world would love it. I’m here to Westernize it just a bit and add some fun!” Jeff is a great golfing instructor, and his English is pera-pera, so give him a call at the Yasukogen C.C. on (0946) 42-2211.





職業:夜須高原カントリークラブ ゼネラルマネージャー

優しさ溢れる笑顔が魅力のジェフ・ジャクソンさん。ラジオDJ、政治家後援者、ゴルフクラブのマネージャー、サーファー、そして、ギターを片手に音楽活動…と、ジャクソンさんの人生は冒険たっぷり。そんな彼は、九州でトップ5と評される夜須高原カントリークラブを、”全国”!でトップ5に入るゴルフコースに押し上げるべく奮闘中。「ここの景色は美しいだろう?ちょっとウエスタンな雰囲気を出してみたいんだ。世界中のゴルファーにここを楽しんでいもらいたいね。」と語るジャクソンさん。陽気なゴルフインストラクターと話して英語も上達させてみるのもいいかもしれない?夜須高原C.C. (0946) 42-2211






Hometown: Mojave Desert, USA
In Japan: Nine months
Identity: General Manager, Yasugoken Country Club

Trying to summarize who Jeff is, where he’s been and what he’s done in his action-packed life is a daunting task; maybe akin to shooting out of a sand trap with only a putter? Anyway, he’s been an FM and AM radio DJ, national political campaigner, golf club manager, driving range operator, golf pro, and inventor. Oh, and he’s a surfer, singer, and guitarist too. The Yasugoken Country Club, home to one of Kyushu’s top five courses, has brought him over to make the club one of the nation’s top five. “It’s a beautiful and challenging course with huge greens; golfers from anywhere in the world would love it. I’m here to Westernize it just a bit and add some fun!” Jeff is a great golfing instructor, and his English is pera-pera, so give him a call at the Yasukogen C.C. on (0946) 42-2211.






