Macrobiotic Cafe Evah Dining

Oct 24, 2011 19:07 没有评论

Mmm, Macrobiotic!

When Megumi Yamamoto became pregnant with her first child she became very conscious of her diet. After researching and experimenting with a wide variety of options, she finally settled on macrobiotics. The history of macrobiotics can be traced back to the work of a Japanese army doctor at the end of the 19th century. It’s basically about balance; foods should be unrefined, whole and natural, grown locally and eaten in season. Yamamoto began by selling boxed-lunches in front of Hakata Station. While she had a loyal following, she wanted to appeal to the young and more fashion-conscious office ladies. Her solution was to open a stylish restaurant / cafe that would make healthy eating fashionable and affordable. The result was Macrobiotic Dining Evah Cafe, located just off Oyafuko-dori (behind Mos Burger). Macrobiotic purists may not be completely satisfied with Yamamoto’s menu, but overall it achieves a great balance of taste, quality, and presentation. There’s a daily lunch for 800 yen and a vegetarian macrobiotic lunch for 1,000 yen. The organic brown rice and most of the vegetables are from a friend’s farm in Saga. Be sure to try the deserts too! You’ll be amazed at how delicious and sweet they can be without sugar, eggs, or butter. Her boxed-lunch service is still popular, too. Orders of three or more (500 yen each) ordered the day before can be delivered to your doorstop in Tenjin and Hakata station areas. The boxed-lunches and all meals in the cafe include a cup of coffee substitute made of rye, barley, malt, chicory, and more. Feeling good starts with eating well and now there’s no excuse for not doing so!

Asahi Plaza Tenjin 1-9-3 Maizuru, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka


Tel: 731-2122 (Evah Dining) / 731-2133 (lunch box orders)
Open: 11:30~15:00 (or until sold out), 18:00~23:00 (last order 22:00)
Closed: Undecided, open most days
Prices: No cover charge, home-made zaru tofu 450 yen, spicy egg plant and tomato pasta 850 yen, soy bean cafe au lait 450 yen




Mmm, Macrobiotic!

When Megumi Yamamoto became pregnant with her first child she became very conscious of her diet. After researching and experimenting with a wide variety of options, she finally settled on macrobiotics. The history of macrobiotics can be traced back to the work of a Japanese army doctor at the end of the 19th century. It’s basically about balance; foods should be unrefined, whole and natural, grown locally and eaten in season. Yamamoto began by selling boxed-lunches in front of Hakata Station. While she had a loyal following, she wanted to appeal to the young and more fashion-conscious office ladies. Her solution was to open a stylish restaurant / cafe that would make healthy eating fashionable and affordable. The result was Macrobiotic Dining Evah Cafe, located just off Oyafuko-dori (behind Mos Burger). Macrobiotic purists may not be completely satisfied with Yamamoto’s menu, but overall it achieves a great balance of taste, quality, and presentation. There’s a daily lunch for 800 yen and a vegetarian macrobiotic lunch for 1,000 yen. The organic brown rice and most of the vegetables are from a friend’s farm in Saga. Be sure to try the deserts too! You’ll be amazed at how delicious and sweet they can be without sugar, eggs, or butter. Her boxed-lunch service is still popular, too. Orders of three or more (500 yen each) ordered the day before can be delivered to your doorstop in Tenjin and Hakata station areas. The boxed-lunches and all meals in the cafe include a cup of coffee substitute made of rye, barley, malt, chicory, and more. Feeling good starts with eating well and now there’s no excuse for not doing so!

Asahi Plaza Tenjin 1-9-3 Maizuru, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka


Tel: 731-2122 (Evah Dining) / 731-2133 (lunch box orders)
Open: 11:30~15:00 (or until sold out), 18:00~23:00 (last order 22:00)
Closed: Undecided, open most days
Prices: No cover charge, home-made zaru tofu 450 yen, spicy egg plant and tomato pasta 850 yen, soy bean cafe au lait 450 yen





ここ最近注目のマクロビオティック(健康食)の考えに基づき、野菜と穀物を中心とした安心で美味しい食事を提供するダイニングカフェが2005年10月にオープン。もともとは博多駅周辺でマクロビオティックのお弁当を販売していたことから、口コミで噂が広がり、店をオープンするに到ったとか。信頼のおける農家から仕入れる野菜をはじめ、佐賀県の特定生産者がつくる無農薬玄米、無添加のなたね油、天然塩など、こだわりの食材を使ったバランスの取れた食事が楽しめる。「自然食と聞くと少々物足りなさを感じてしまうでしょう? そのイメージをなくしてもらいたくて」と、オーナーの山本恵さん。豆腐で作ったマヨネーズや、卵やバターや砂糖を使わずともちゃんと甘みのあるデザートなど、工夫もあり、しっかりとした味わいも魅力。

福岡市中央区舞鶴1-9-3 朝日プラザ天神102


Tel: 092-731-2133(マクロビおむすび工房〈宅配弁当〉
営業: 11:30~15:00(※ランチがなくなり次第終了)、18:00~23:00(OS22:00)
休み: 不定休
料金: 自家製ざる豆腐450円、茄子とトマトの辛味スパゲティ850円、豆乳カフェオレ450円、チャージなし



Mmm, Macrobiotic!

When Megumi Yamamoto became pregnant with her first child she became very conscious of her diet. After researching and experimenting with a wide variety of options, she finally settled on macrobiotics. The history of macrobiotics can be traced back to the work of a Japanese army doctor at the end of the 19th century. It’s basically about balance; foods should be unrefined, whole and natural, grown locally and eaten in season. Yamamoto began by selling boxed-lunches in front of Hakata Station. While she had a loyal following, she wanted to appeal to the young and more fashion-conscious office ladies. Her solution was to open a stylish restaurant / cafe that would make healthy eating fashionable and affordable. The result was Macrobiotic Dining Evah Cafe, located just off Oyafuko-dori (behind Mos Burger). Macrobiotic purists may not be completely satisfied with Yamamoto’s menu, but overall it achieves a great balance of taste, quality, and presentation. There’s a daily lunch for 800 yen and a vegetarian macrobiotic lunch for 1,000 yen. The organic brown rice and most of the vegetables are from a friend’s farm in Saga. Be sure to try the deserts too! You’ll be amazed at how delicious and sweet they can be without sugar, eggs, or butter. Her boxed-lunch service is still popular, too. Orders of three or more (500 yen each) ordered the day before can be delivered to your doorstop in Tenjin and Hakata station areas. The boxed-lunches and all meals in the cafe include a cup of coffee substitute made of rye, barley, malt, chicory, and more. Feeling good starts with eating well and now there’s no excuse for not doing so!

Asahi Plaza Tenjin 1-9-3 Maizuru, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka


Tel: 731-2122 (Evah Dining) / 731-2133 (lunch box orders)
Open: 11:30~15:00 (or until sold out), 18:00~23:00 (last order 22:00)
Closed: Undecided, open most days
Prices: No cover charge, home-made zaru tofu 450 yen, spicy egg plant and tomato pasta 850 yen, soy bean cafe au lait 450 yen




