
Oct 24, 2011 18:48 没有评论

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The shichi-go-san festival takes place on November 15th and honors the Japanese custom of celebrating a child’s growth at the ages of three, five, and seven. On that day you’ll see formally dressed children with their parents and grandparents at most Shinto shrines throughout the country. The festival began as a custom in samurai families during the Edo period, but it became more widespread after the Meiji period.
Here in the commercial district of Hakata, it is customary to hold the o-zen suwari, during which an auspicious day is chosen for three-year olds to select their own food for the first time. Until that date, the children are served food by their parents. On this day, however, the children use chopsticks and take meals on their own. Traditional trays are called zen, and the smaller trays for children are called poppo zen. These are cute square trays made of unfinished wood, to which legs are attached. They are decorated with propitious designs, such as pine, bamboo, and plum, as well as cranes and tortoises. The word poppo represents the crane, as young children first learning how to speak refer to birds as poppo.
The poppo zen are one of the Hakata magemono, a famous local product made in the Maidashi district of Higashi Ward in Fukuoka City. Thin strips of cedar and cypress are placed in hot water to soften them, and then the wood is shaped and bound with the bark of a cherry tree. This woodworking art is said to have developed to make festival implements formally used at the Hakozaki-miya shrine near Maidashi. It later came to be used to make items for the home, including rice tubs and bento boxes. It is still a popular folk handicraft, though items made in this way are rather expensive.
The foods served in the poppo zen are indispensable for this celebrations, including red beans and rice, namasu (a raw fish, vinegar, and vegetable salad with daikon and carrots) and whole fish. The rice bowls are lacquerware; those for boys are black on the outside and crimson on the inside, while those for girls are crimson inside and out.
This custom is still practiced in some old commercial families today. In the past, parents used the poppo zen to teach their children table manners, how to use chopsticks, and how to remove the bones from fish.
Another shichi-go-san custom is the confection known as chitose ame. The long candy represents the parents’ wish for a long life for their child. Today, the people at Hello Kitty make many different varieties of chitose ame.










일본의 11월 15일은 ‘시치고산(7∙5∙3)’입니다. 바로 3살, 5살, 7살이 되는 어린이의 성장을 축하하는 날인데요 전국 각지에서 정식 복장을 차려 입은 아이들과 엄마, 아빠, 할머니, 할아버지가 신사를 찾는 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. 본래 에도시대(1603~1868)에 무사 집안에서 전해져 오던 풍습이 메이지시대(1868~1912)이후에 전국으로 퍼졌다고 합니다.
상인들의 도시인 하카타에서도 아이가 3살이 되면 길일을 택하여 이제까지 부모가 음식을 먹여주던 것을 아이가 스스로 젓가락을 사용해 식사를 하게합니다. 이때 사용하는 어린이용 밥상이 ‘폿포젠’입니다. 폿포젠은 네모지고 다리가 달렸으며 소나무, 대나무, 매화와 학, 거북 등이 그려진 귀여운 밥상입니다. ‘폿포’는 학을 가리키는 말로 아이들이 새를 부를 때 폿포라고 부르는 데에서 유래했습니다.
폿포젠은 후쿠오카시 히가시구 마이다시에서 만드는 하카타 공예품 ‘하카타 마게모노’로 삼나무와 노송나무의 얇은 판자를 끓는 물에 담가 부드럽게 성형한 후 벚나무의 껍질로 철해 만듭니다. 마이다시 근처의 미야자키구에서 열리는 각종 의식에 사용되며 발전을 거듭해 온 목공예품으로 밥을 담는 통이나 도시락 통 등 생활용품으로도 사용되어 왔습니다. 현재도 민예품으로서 인기를 끌고 있지만 가격이 꽤나 비싸졌습니다.
폿포젠에는 경사스러운 날 빠질 수 없는 팥밥, 무∙당근 초간장 생채, 머리와 꼬리까지 통째로 구워낸 생선이 올라갑니다. 밥그릇은 남자 아이의 경우 겉이 검은색, 안쪽이 주홍색이며 여자아이는 겉과 안이 모두 주홍색인 칠기를 사용했다고 합니다. 지금도 유서 있는 상인 집안에서는 이 의식을 치르고 있을지도 모르겠네요. 아이들은 폿포젠을 앞에 두고 식사 예절과 젓가락질, 생선 뼈 발라내는 법 등을 배우게 됩니다.
시치고산하면 ‘치토세아메’도 빼놓을 수 없습니다. 부모들은 이 기다란 엿가락에 아이의 장수를 기원합니다. 요즘은 헬로 키티 등 캐릭터를 활용한 상품 등도 판매되고 있다고 합니다.





The shichi-go-san festival takes place on November 15th and honors the Japanese custom of celebrating a child’s growth at the ages of three, five, and seven. On that day you’ll see formally dressed children with their parents and grandparents at most Shinto shrines throughout the country. The festival began as a custom in samurai families during the Edo period, but it became more widespread after the Meiji period.
Here in the commercial district of Hakata, it is customary to hold the o-zen suwari, during which an auspicious day is chosen for three-year olds to select their own food for the first time. Until that date, the children are served food by their parents. On this day, however, the children use chopsticks and take meals on their own. Traditional trays are called zen, and the smaller trays for children are called poppo zen. These are cute square trays made of unfinished wood, to which legs are attached. They are decorated with propitious designs, such as pine, bamboo, and plum, as well as cranes and tortoises. The word poppo represents the crane, as young children first learning how to speak refer to birds as poppo.
The poppo zen are one of the Hakata magemono, a famous local product made in the Maidashi district of Higashi Ward in Fukuoka City. Thin strips of cedar and cypress are placed in hot water to soften them, and then the wood is shaped and bound with the bark of a cherry tree. This woodworking art is said to have developed to make festival implements formally used at the Hakozaki-miya shrine near Maidashi. It later came to be used to make items for the home, including rice tubs and bento boxes. It is still a popular folk handicraft, though items made in this way are rather expensive.
The foods served in the poppo zen are indispensable for this celebrations, including red beans and rice, namasu (a raw fish, vinegar, and vegetable salad with daikon and carrots) and whole fish. The rice bowls are lacquerware; those for boys are black on the outside and crimson on the inside, while those for girls are crimson inside and out.
This custom is still practiced in some old commercial families today. In the past, parents used the poppo zen to teach their children table manners, how to use chopsticks, and how to remove the bones from fish.
Another shichi-go-san custom is the confection known as chitose ame. The long candy represents the parents’ wish for a long life for their child. Today, the people at Hello Kitty make many different varieties of chitose ame.










The shichi-go-san festival takes place on November 15th and honors the Japanese custom of celebrating a child’s growth at the ages of three, five, and seven. On that day you’ll see formally dressed children with their parents and grandparents at most Shinto shrines throughout the country. The festival began as a custom in samurai families during the Edo period, but it became more widespread after the Meiji period.
Here in the commercial district of Hakata, it is customary to hold the o-zen suwari, during which an auspicious day is chosen for three-year olds to select their own food for the first time. Until that date, the children are served food by their parents. On this day, however, the children use chopsticks and take meals on their own. Traditional trays are called zen, and the smaller trays for children are called poppo zen. These are cute square trays made of unfinished wood, to which legs are attached. They are decorated with propitious designs, such as pine, bamboo, and plum, as well as cranes and tortoises. The word poppo represents the crane, as young children first learning how to speak refer to birds as poppo.
The poppo zen are one of the Hakata magemono, a famous local product made in the Maidashi district of Higashi Ward in Fukuoka City. Thin strips of cedar and cypress are placed in hot water to soften them, and then the wood is shaped and bound with the bark of a cherry tree. This woodworking art is said to have developed to make festival implements formally used at the Hakozaki-miya shrine near Maidashi. It later came to be used to make items for the home, including rice tubs and bento boxes. It is still a popular folk handicraft, though items made in this way are rather expensive.
The foods served in the poppo zen are indispensable for this celebrations, including red beans and rice, namasu (a raw fish, vinegar, and vegetable salad with daikon and carrots) and whole fish. The rice bowls are lacquerware; those for boys are black on the outside and crimson on the inside, while those for girls are crimson inside and out.
This custom is still practiced in some old commercial families today. In the past, parents used the poppo zen to teach their children table manners, how to use chopsticks, and how to remove the bones from fish.
Another shichi-go-san custom is the confection known as chitose ame. The long candy represents the parents’ wish for a long life for their child. Today, the people at Hello Kitty make many different varieties of chitose ame.










일본의 11월 15일은 ‘시치고산(7∙5∙3)’입니다. 바로 3살, 5살, 7살이 되는 어린이의 성장을 축하하는 날인데요 전국 각지에서 정식 복장을 차려 입은 아이들과 엄마, 아빠, 할머니, 할아버지가 신사를 찾는 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. 본래 에도시대(1603~1868)에 무사 집안에서 전해져 오던 풍습이 메이지시대(1868~1912)이후에 전국으로 퍼졌다고 합니다.
상인들의 도시인 하카타에서도 아이가 3살이 되면 길일을 택하여 이제까지 부모가 음식을 먹여주던 것을 아이가 스스로 젓가락을 사용해 식사를 하게합니다. 이때 사용하는 어린이용 밥상이 ‘폿포젠’입니다. 폿포젠은 네모지고 다리가 달렸으며 소나무, 대나무, 매화와 학, 거북 등이 그려진 귀여운 밥상입니다. ‘폿포’는 학을 가리키는 말로 아이들이 새를 부를 때 폿포라고 부르는 데에서 유래했습니다.
폿포젠은 후쿠오카시 히가시구 마이다시에서 만드는 하카타 공예품 ‘하카타 마게모노’로 삼나무와 노송나무의 얇은 판자를 끓는 물에 담가 부드럽게 성형한 후 벚나무의 껍질로 철해 만듭니다. 마이다시 근처의 미야자키구에서 열리는 각종 의식에 사용되며 발전을 거듭해 온 목공예품으로 밥을 담는 통이나 도시락 통 등 생활용품으로도 사용되어 왔습니다. 현재도 민예품으로서 인기를 끌고 있지만 가격이 꽤나 비싸졌습니다.
폿포젠에는 경사스러운 날 빠질 수 없는 팥밥, 무∙당근 초간장 생채, 머리와 꼬리까지 통째로 구워낸 생선이 올라갑니다. 밥그릇은 남자 아이의 경우 겉이 검은색, 안쪽이 주홍색이며 여자아이는 겉과 안이 모두 주홍색인 칠기를 사용했다고 합니다. 지금도 유서 있는 상인 집안에서는 이 의식을 치르고 있을지도 모르겠네요. 아이들은 폿포젠을 앞에 두고 식사 예절과 젓가락질, 생선 뼈 발라내는 법 등을 배우게 됩니다.
시치고산하면 ‘치토세아메’도 빼놓을 수 없습니다. 부모들은 이 기다란 엿가락에 아이의 장수를 기원합니다. 요즘은 헬로 키티 등 캐릭터를 활용한 상품 등도 판매되고 있다고 합니다.










The shichi-go-san festival takes place on November 15th and honors the Japanese custom of celebrating a child’s growth at the ages of three, five, and seven. On that day you’ll see formally dressed children with their parents and grandparents at most Shinto shrines throughout the country. The festival began as a custom in samurai families during the Edo period, but it became more widespread after the Meiji period.
Here in the commercial district of Hakata, it is customary to hold the o-zen suwari, during which an auspicious day is chosen for three-year olds to select their own food for the first time. Until that date, the children are served food by their parents. On this day, however, the children use chopsticks and take meals on their own. Traditional trays are called zen, and the smaller trays for children are called poppo zen. These are cute square trays made of unfinished wood, to which legs are attached. They are decorated with propitious designs, such as pine, bamboo, and plum, as well as cranes and tortoises. The word poppo represents the crane, as young children first learning how to speak refer to birds as poppo.
The poppo zen are one of the Hakata magemono, a famous local product made in the Maidashi district of Higashi Ward in Fukuoka City. Thin strips of cedar and cypress are placed in hot water to soften them, and then the wood is shaped and bound with the bark of a cherry tree. This woodworking art is said to have developed to make festival implements formally used at the Hakozaki-miya shrine near Maidashi. It later came to be used to make items for the home, including rice tubs and bento boxes. It is still a popular folk handicraft, though items made in this way are rather expensive.
The foods served in the poppo zen are indispensable for this celebrations, including red beans and rice, namasu (a raw fish, vinegar, and vegetable salad with daikon and carrots) and whole fish. The rice bowls are lacquerware; those for boys are black on the outside and crimson on the inside, while those for girls are crimson inside and out.
This custom is still practiced in some old commercial families today. In the past, parents used the poppo zen to teach their children table manners, how to use chopsticks, and how to remove the bones from fish.
Another shichi-go-san custom is the confection known as chitose ame. The long candy represents the parents’ wish for a long life for their child. Today, the people at Hello Kitty make many different varieties of chitose ame.










일본의 11월 15일은 ‘시치고산(7∙5∙3)’입니다. 바로 3살, 5살, 7살이 되는 어린이의 성장을 축하하는 날인데요 전국 각지에서 정식 복장을 차려 입은 아이들과 엄마, 아빠, 할머니, 할아버지가 신사를 찾는 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. 본래 에도시대(1603~1868)에 무사 집안에서 전해져 오던 풍습이 메이지시대(1868~1912)이후에 전국으로 퍼졌다고 합니다.
상인들의 도시인 하카타에서도 아이가 3살이 되면 길일을 택하여 이제까지 부모가 음식을 먹여주던 것을 아이가 스스로 젓가락을 사용해 식사를 하게합니다. 이때 사용하는 어린이용 밥상이 ‘폿포젠’입니다. 폿포젠은 네모지고 다리가 달렸으며 소나무, 대나무, 매화와 학, 거북 등이 그려진 귀여운 밥상입니다. ‘폿포’는 학을 가리키는 말로 아이들이 새를 부를 때 폿포라고 부르는 데에서 유래했습니다.
폿포젠은 후쿠오카시 히가시구 마이다시에서 만드는 하카타 공예품 ‘하카타 마게모노’로 삼나무와 노송나무의 얇은 판자를 끓는 물에 담가 부드럽게 성형한 후 벚나무의 껍질로 철해 만듭니다. 마이다시 근처의 미야자키구에서 열리는 각종 의식에 사용되며 발전을 거듭해 온 목공예품으로 밥을 담는 통이나 도시락 통 등 생활용품으로도 사용되어 왔습니다. 현재도 민예품으로서 인기를 끌고 있지만 가격이 꽤나 비싸졌습니다.
폿포젠에는 경사스러운 날 빠질 수 없는 팥밥, 무∙당근 초간장 생채, 머리와 꼬리까지 통째로 구워낸 생선이 올라갑니다. 밥그릇은 남자 아이의 경우 겉이 검은색, 안쪽이 주홍색이며 여자아이는 겉과 안이 모두 주홍색인 칠기를 사용했다고 합니다. 지금도 유서 있는 상인 집안에서는 이 의식을 치르고 있을지도 모르겠네요. 아이들은 폿포젠을 앞에 두고 식사 예절과 젓가락질, 생선 뼈 발라내는 법 등을 배우게 됩니다.
시치고산하면 ‘치토세아메’도 빼놓을 수 없습니다. 부모들은 이 기다란 엿가락에 아이의 장수를 기원합니다. 요즘은 헬로 키티 등 캐릭터를 활용한 상품 등도 판매되고 있다고 합니다.





