
Sayonara Sale (Fukuoka) + Some Free Items

May 16, 2019 18:14 by samuraikitten

For pick-up from May 20th to the 27th in Ropponmatsu/Akasaka
Contact: +817044898212/07044898212 (Japanese Phone Number)
Any doubts please send me an e-mail at:
Or LINE me at: kevinlovesjapan

For pictures of all the items please use the following link:

Nitori Desk: 2700円
Nitori Chair: 2500円
Coffee/TV Table*: 5000円
Muji Acrylic Partition Stand: 400円
Muji Polypropylene Drawer Set: 1500円
Lazer Bicycle Helmet: 1875円
Refrigerator: 10000円
Nitori Stand/Lamp: 2000円
Washing Machine: 5000円

Depending on the item or how many items you buy we can negotiate prices!


*It’s extremely high quality. At least 2 people needed for carrying it. I can help on the way to the car. There are a few scratches but mostly in great condition.

I also have many other items (Like kitchen cutlery, plates and etc) that I can give for free if you come pick something else up!

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