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Apr 25, 2012 Now Reports
May 2012 Fukuoka Now Magazine
This month's cover model Yasu eats 3 kebabs every day - find out why! Inside, we quaff an ale at Ales in Maizuru, meet a professional gelato scooper from Macedonia and chat with Al...
Apr 25, 2012 Now Reports
Identity Parade
“Where are you from?” A sea of little Japanese faces stare up at me expectantly. I pause for a second to gather my thoughts, whilst the genkier kids start to throw guesses at me: “...
Apr 25, 2012 Now Reports
ELLE CAFÉ with Alice Inoue
ELLE Café celebrated the 10th anniversary of ELLE à table magazine this month. For a decade, the Parisian-born publication has showcased delicious recipes by popular chefs. ELLE Ca...
Apr 25, 2012 Now Reports
Yasu eats three kebabs every day!
Meet Yasu! When he’s not working at the kebab shop in Daimyo, he’s working out at the gym.
Apr 24, 2012 Now Reports
쾌적한 버스와 함께하는 후쿠오카 여행
올봄 운행을 시작한 이래 빠르게 인기를 끌고 있는 ‘후쿠오카 오픈 탑 버스’. 시내 주요 관광지를 지나가는 2층짜리 버스로 탁 트인 2층 좌석에서 멋진 풍경을 감상하실 수 있습니다. 현재 운행 중인 버스는 빨강과 파랑 2대로, 텐진∙후쿠오카 시청 앞을 기점으로 총 3개 코스를 운행 중입니다. 시사이드 모모치와 오호리 공원...
Apr 23, 2012 Now Reports