
Some items for sale

Feb 21, 2019 18:27 by Media

Hi all. We are leaving Fukuoka soon so we have some items to sell. Items are in good condition, some been used for only a year.
I am in Hakata-ku Morooka.

Sharp TV 20 inch (model: Sharp-VNotebook-LCDTV-AQUOS-LC–20ex1)5000 yen
Modern and stylish cofee table disassemblable used for a year: 2500yen
Simple Cuppboard 4shelved: 1000
Comfortable office chair: 1000
Study table:500
Adjustable Light weight Baby bed disassemblable only used for a year 120×60: 2000
Baby carriage 1000
Carousel aladdin stove + 18 litre oil tank 3000
Gas cooker (2outlet heads and small owen) 1000
pick up only, now available.
Mail for photos please

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