An event themed on frogs (kaeru), a globally popular symbol of good luck, will be held at Fukuoka Parco. More than 20 species of frogs from around the world, including horned frogs, frogfish and other frogs, will be on display, as well as annexes of Nyoirinji Temple (commonly known as Kaeru Temple) in Ogori City and Shohoji Temple (commonly known as Kogaeru Temple) in Iizuka City, which attract frog fans from all over Japan. There will also be a corner where visitors can simulate the popular “Kaeru kuguri” experience at Kaeru Temple, and frog fortune, wind chimes, and other frog goods collected from all over Japan will be on sale.
• 7/22 (Fri.) ~ 8/29 (Mon.)
• 10:00~20:30 (8/29: ~ 18:00, last admission 30 min before closing)
• Door: over JHS ¥800, under ES ¥600, free for under 3 y.o.
• 2-11-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka