Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861) is known for creating numerous striking or even bizarre ukiyo-e artworks during the late Edo to early Meiji periods in Japan. A variety of motives including samurai, the dead, beautiful women and satirical depictions of power were captured by the artist and his apprentices. The exhibition features approximately 150 such works, and tracks the transition and succession of ukiyo-e art.
• 11/16 (Sat.) ~ 12/22 (Sun.)
• 9:30~17:30 (last entry: 17:00)
• Closed: Mon.
• Adv.: adult ¥1,200, HS ¥700, JHS and ES ¥300, Door: adult ¥1,400, HS ¥900, JHS and ES ¥500
• Fukuoka City Museum
• 3-1-1 Momochihama, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka
• 092-845-5011
• http://museum.city.fukuoka.jp
《英名二十八衆句 佐野治郎左エ門》落合芳幾、1867年名古屋市博物館蔵(尾崎久弥コレクション)