Fukuoka City Ranked 12th Best City in the world!
Wow-wow-wow! …the world is finally getting it. Fukuoka ranked yet even higher this year’s prestigious Monocle Magazine’s “Quality of Life” rankings for major cities. A full report is coming up in the magazine’s next issue. Meanwhile, here’s the announcement of the winners in a column inside the Financial Times by Monocle’s Editor-in-Chief, Tyler Brûlé.
“This weekend the July/August issue of Monocle hits newsstands with our annual quality of life rankings for the world’s major cities. As ever, the cities out on top are not surprising as they nail everything from transport and education to public health and sound urban planning with relative… (continues)
In case you were wondering, the city ranking is:
1) Zürich
2) Helsinki
3) Copenhagen
4) Vienna
5) Munich
6) Melbourne
7) Tokyo
8 ) Sydney
9) Auckland
10) Stockholm
11) Kyoto
13) Hong Kong
14) Paris
15) Singapore
16) Hamburg
17) Honolulu
18) Berlin
19) Vancouver
20) Madrid
21) Barcelona
22) Portland
23) San Francisco
24) Montréal
25) Geneva
Source: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/bac56fbe-b617-11e1-a511-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1xwnyivTb
So – what do you think? Does Fukuoka deserve such high praise? Your comments please!