The first public meet-and-greet party of the Fukuoka International Film Festival rolled out its red carpet – literally – on Tuesday night for 397 guests from around the world, including 19 directors, actors and producers of films featured in the festival. The event, at Canoviano in Daimyo, offered two floors of cutting-edge entertainment, with Das Funkt spinning records with dancers and stage performers on the elegant ballroom floor and live act Gond-Tune with djembe, sitar, sax, DJ, and other world instruments mellowing out in the sophisticated, stately setting of the 5th floor.
Throughout the night, tickets for the films were given away by MCs TK & Nita as part of the Fukuoka Now Film Festival Trivia Challenge as guests mingled and nibbled on Italian pasta, panini, tiramisu and an array of cocktails served by Canoviano and SANTERO Pinot Chardonnay sparkling wine.
Photos by Nobu Tanaka for Fukuoka Now.
Video by Dennis Medvevchikov
NEXT PARTY: We’re already planning our next big international party– the third annual “Gaikokujin Star Tanjo” (Discover a Star Contest!) on Nov. 25 at JR Kyushu Hall (above Hakata Station). Eight pre-selected foreign talent acts will perform before a big audience of 700 or more and a panel of judges. 1st prize: ¥100,000 cash! Mark your calendar now and get more details here: