On May 22, ahead of the first redesign in 20 years, Japan’s Fukuoka branch of the Bank of Japan revealed the new banknotes to the media. The revamped notes exhibit three new portraits: industrial sector leader Eiichi Shibusawa on the ¥10,000 note; Tsuda University founder, Tsuda Umeko, on the ¥5,000 note; and modern medicine pioneer, Shibasaburo Kitasato, on the ¥1,000 note.
This signifies the first alteration to the ¥10,000 note’s portrait in 40 years. Other fresh designs include Tokyo Station on the back of the ¥10,000 note, wisteria flowers on the ¥5,000 note, and the renowned Hokusai print on the ¥1,000 note.
New anti-counterfeiting features, including globally-first 3D holograms and tiny intricate letters, have been embedded into the design. Universal design elements such as larger numbers and tactile differentiation are also included. Despite the objective of raising cashless payments to 80% from the current 36%, Fukuoka Branch Manager Hideo Hamada affirms the continual need for physical currency within Japan’s economy. Source: NHK
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