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Fukuoka Prefecture Records Fourth Consecutive Day With over 100 Infections

On August 8, Fukuoka Prefecture announced 150 more cases of the new coronavirus infection. The daily count has topped one hundred for the fourth straight day. Also, the cumulative total for the prefecture has reached 2,903. The prefectural governor, Hiroshi Ogawa, mentioned during an online session that the region would require further actions against the virus infection if the situation worsened. According to a report by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 269 COVID-19 patients are hospitalized in Fukuoka as of August 5. The occupancy rate of the hospital bed (prefectural total: 490) exceeds 50%. Additionally, on August 8, 276, virus infections were reported in all of Kyushu: 84 were found in Okinawa (cumulative total: 968), 13 in Miyazaki (total: 248), and 10 in Nagasaki (total: 159). The cumulative total for Kyushu and Okinawa is 5,132. Sources: NHK / NHK / MHLW

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Aug 9, 2020 / Last Updated: Aug 9, 2020

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