Local News

Green Office Tower Planned for Downtown Fukuoka

A new redevelopment project is set to kick off in the heart of Fukuoka City. Kyushu Electric Power and Fukuoka Financial Group have joined forces to construct a large office building on Watanabe-dori in Chuo Ward. According to the announcement, the new office complex will replace the existing “Juhachi Fukuoka Building.” One of the key objectives of the new building is to achieve net-zero carbon emissions through the use of renewable energy. Additional features will include a natural grass plaza and a cafe. The project is currently under detailed review, with construction aimed to begin in the fiscal year of 2025. The redevelopment site is located along the Nanakuma Line of the Fukuoka City Subway, which was recently extended to Hakata Station in March, enhancing its accessibility and boosting demand for residential and commercial spaces. Both Kyushu Electric Power and Fukuoka Financial Group aim to revitalize the city and elevate its appeal through this project. Source: Kyushu Electric Power

Green Office Tower Planned for Downtown Fukuoka

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Published: Sep 27, 2023 / Last Updated: Sep 27, 2023

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