In anticipation of a recovery in the number of foreign travelers, the number of international flights at Fukuoka Airport in November has expanded to four times the number of flights in September before the relaxation. Following the relaxation of waterfront measures by the government on October 11, including lifting the ban on individual travel by foreign tourists, Fukuoka Airport has seen a series of resumed and increased international flights. The number of flights during November will increase to 969, four times as many as before the relaxation. The number of flights to South Korea will increase from 71 to 631, nearly nine times as many as before the easing of the international measures. The number of flights to Thailand will more than quadruple, from 17 to 75. However, the number of flights is only about half the number before the Corona disaster. This is mainly due to the continued suspension of flights to and from cities in China, where strict travel restrictions remain in place. Source: NHK
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