Local News

Kurume’s Roadside Bananas Secure New Home on Farm

Earlier in October, a curious sight emerged in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture: bananas planted, without permission, on a city road. The city had initially requested their removal, but it seems there’s been a development in the banana saga. Upon visiting the site on October 22nd, there appeared to be fewer bananas than before. Whether they’ve been picked or naturally dwindled remains a mystery. The individual responsible for this unexpected greenery has made a decision. Instead of removing them entirely, the bananas will be relocated to a friend’s farm. So, by November, these roadside bananas are set for a quieter life in the countryside. Source: FBS

Kurume’s Roadside Bananas Secure New Home on Farm

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Published: Oct 25, 2023 / Last Updated: Oct 25, 2023

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