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Sapporo Surpasses Fukuoka in Passenger Numbers on ANA’s Haneda Routes

ANA’s 2023 fiscal year data reveals that the Haneda-Sapporo (Shin-Chitose) route has overtaken the Haneda-Fukuoka route in passenger numbers for the first time in four years. The Sapporo route attracted 3.4 million passengers, compared to 3.25 million for Fukuoka. This shift is attributed to the recovery of leisure travel post-COVID-19, making Sapporo the top domestic route. ANA increased the use of larger aircraft and enhanced promotions for the Sapporo route, boosting passenger numbers. Although Japan Airlines (JAL) still sees more passengers on the Haneda-Fukuoka route, the gap has significantly narrowed to around 2,300 passengers in FY2023, down from 82,000 in FY2022. JAL noted that while business travel has not fully recovered to pre-pandemic levels, the demand for leisure travel to Sapporo remains strong. Source: ANA

Sapporo Surpasses Fukuoka in Passenger Numbers on ANA’s Haneda Routes

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Travel & Tourism
Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: May 22, 2024 / Last Updated: May 22, 2024

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