The past few months have been very busy at the Fukuoka Now offices. We launched a renewal of both our magazine and our website. Then this month’s Dodesho topic was on naps. So we were all more than ready to share our ideal dozing locations!
This month’s Fukuoka Now staff question: Where would you like to nap?
Nick Szasz サーズ・ニック
“Singapore Airline’s 1st Class cabin”
General Manager
Emiko Szasz サーズ 恵美子
“on The Dead Sea”
Media Team
Ellery Herbert エレリ・ハーバート
“At the aquarium!”
Media Team
Ruri Hirashima 平嶋 瑠璃
“On Waikiki Beach (^_-)zzz”
Media Team
Kasumi Wada 和田 佳寿巳
“In a bathroom”
Stay tuned for more from our staff on the Fukuoka Now blog!
P.s. Where would you like to nap?