
Looking to make new REAL friends

Sep 2, 2019 09:44 by Jojomojo

I’m not so good at posting this kind of stuff, I’ve done it a couple of times before with little success…but I thought I should give it one last try.
Basically I’m looking for like-minded people to develop a deeper and meaningful friendship with.

In short some important things you should know about me:
-I HATE prejudice, racism and discrimination of any kind.
– I don’t care about your race, ethnicity, skintone etc. to me everyone is equal.
– My hobbies: I like watching movies, (I specially love comic book movies)so if you are MARVEL fan or DC fan that’s a big +
I like art, drawing, music, occasionally having some drinks at a pub, enjoying good food.
– My Japanese Language level is still very basic (ごめんなさい!), so if you wanna exchange languages that’ll be great, we can help each other out.

That’s about it from me in a nutshell, hope to hear from anyone interested soon.


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